
Spelling Quiz - Words beginning with we... (Questions)

Many people use the wrong spelling for weather and whether. Test yourself on KS3 words beginning at we.

"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely." - Pam Brown.

Some words in the English language are strange and mysterious. Take the word "mulch", for instance. The quotation above presents a metaphor for friendship by imagining it to be a plant. Friendship, in Brown's imagery, is a hardy plant, requiring not much more than a thin soil to thrive.


It does, however, need "mulch". In the metaphor, this "mulch" is imagined to be such gestures as small gifts and acts of communication. In gardening terms, "mulch" helps soil to retain moisture, just as acts of kindness keep friendship from shrivelling up and dwindling to nothing.

The word has a less pleasant sense, however, in that "mulch" is made of rotting matter. It's an odd word which relates to various German words meaning "rotten". But there is an older sense in English, melishe, which means good, crumbly, moist soil. Hopefully this is the sense Brown had in mind, rather than the idea of mulch as rotting matter. After all, it really would be rather rotten to treat your friends otherwise!

1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Riches; valuable material possessions
[ ] weallth
[ ] wellth
[ ] waelth
[ ] wealth
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The short term state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place
[ ] weathur
[ ] weather
[ ] wether
[ ] whether
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Marriage ceremony; a ritual officially celebrating the beginning of a marriage
[ ] wedding
[ ] weading
[ ] wearding
[ ] wueding
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The day which follows Tuesday and precedes Thursday
[ ] Wendsday
[ ] Wednersday
[ ] Wensday
[ ] Wednesday
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth
[ ] wait
[ ] weight
[ ] waite
[ ] waight
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Having an unusually strange character or behaviour
[ ] weird
[ ] wierd
[ ] weerd
[ ] weard
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A type of marine mammal
[ ] whail
[ ] wale
[ ] whal
[ ] whale
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
To which place or situation. 'The snowbirds travel w------ it is warm'
[ ] wear
[ ] where
[ ] whear
[ ] ware
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A shrill, high-pitched sound
[ ] wistle
[ ] whistel
[ ] wistel
[ ] whistle
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The plural of an adult female human
[ ] woemen
[ ] wimmen
[ ] wommen
[ ] women

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Spelling Quiz - Words beginning with we... (Answers)
1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Riches; valuable material possessions
[ ] weallth
[ ] wellth
[ ] waelth
[x] wealth
The rhyming words "wealth" and "health" are spelled similarly
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The short term state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place
[ ] weathur
[x] weather
[ ] wether
[ ] whether
Be careful not to confuse "weather" with its homonym, "whether"
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Marriage ceremony; a ritual officially celebrating the beginning of a marriage
[x] wedding
[ ] weading
[ ] wearding
[ ] wueding
"Wed" has a single d, "wedding" has two
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The day which follows Tuesday and precedes Thursday
[ ] Wendsday
[ ] Wednersday
[ ] Wensday
[x] Wednesday
This is a good example of a word where it's useful to divide into parts: Wed-nes-day. "Wednesday" looks as if it has three syllables, but is pronounced with two
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth
[ ] wait
[x] weight
[ ] waite
[ ] waight
Think of the word "eight" and add a w at the beginning
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Having an unusually strange character or behaviour
[x] weird
[ ] wierd
[ ] weerd
[ ] weard
The word "weird" has a weird spelling....
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A type of marine mammal
[ ] whail
[ ] wale
[ ] whal
[x] whale
The rhyming words "whale", "hale" and "shale" are spelled similarly
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
To which place or situation. 'The snowbirds travel w------ it is warm'
[ ] wear
[x] where
[ ] whear
[ ] ware
Be careful not to confuse "where" with "wear", "ware" and "were"
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A shrill, high-pitched sound
[ ] wistle
[ ] whistel
[ ] wistel
[x] whistle
Here the w sound is made with the digraph wh
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The plural of an adult female human
[ ] woemen
[ ] wimmen
[ ] wommen
[x] women
Neither the o nor the e are pronounced as you might expect