
Geography Quiz - Limestone Scenery 02 (Questions)

This KS3 Geography quiz takes a second look at limestone scenery. Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and/or aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Sedimentary rocks are deposited in layers on the beds of oceans, seas, lakes and occasionally on dry land. The breaks between the layers are called bedding planes. They are usually areas of weakness in a mass of rock. Carboniferous limestone is no exception, but not only does it contain bedding planes, it also contains a lot of vertical joints.

Rainwater is slightly acidic and, as you should have learnt in your science lessons, calcium carbonate will dissolve in acids. Rainwater slowly dissolves the vertical joints, widening them and creating a limestone pavement. As the water travels deeper underground, it can still dissolve the limestone, particularly along the bedding planes. This is how caves and caverns are formed. A cave or cavern that is close to the surface of the earth can suffer from a collapsed roof, creating a deep and steep-sided limestone gorge.

1. Gordale Scar in Yorkshire is an example of what?
[ ] A gorge
[ ] A limestone pavement
[ ] A stalactite
[ ] A swallow hole
2. Lines of horizontal weakness between layers of limestone are called what?
[ ] Bedding planes
[ ] Carboniferous fissures
[ ] Rupture lines
[ ] Settling levels
3. Rainwater attacks limestone by which process?
[ ] Abrasion
[ ] Chemical weathering
[ ] Exfoliation
[ ] Physical weathering
4. Redeposited limestone rising from a cave floor has what name?
[ ] Dolomite
[ ] Kryptonite
[ ] Stalactite
[ ] Stalagmite
5. Limestone areas often have which economic activity?
[ ] Coal mining
[ ] Fishing
[ ] Forestry
[ ] Quarrying
6. Which of these National Parks has the most extensive limestone area?
[ ] Dartmoor
[ ] Lake District
[ ] Peak District
[ ] Snowdonia
7. Which streams only appear on limestone after heavy rain?
[ ] Intermittent
[ ] Latent
[ ] Misfit
[ ] Sub-continuous
8. On a diagram, limestone has what type of shading?
[ ] Brick wall
[ ] Circles
[ ] Cross hatching
[ ] Diagonal stripes
9. What are upright blocks in a limestone pavement called?
[ ] Brads
[ ] Clints
[ ] Grints
[ ] Tors
10. Why does a gorge floor contain lots of boulders?
[ ] From the collapse of a cavern roof
[ ] They were carried there by glaciers
[ ] They were deposited by streams
[ ] They were thrown by vandals
Geography Quiz - Limestone Scenery 02 (Answers)
1. Gordale Scar in Yorkshire is an example of what?
[x] A gorge
[ ] A limestone pavement
[ ] A stalactite
[ ] A swallow hole
It's approximately 15-16 million years old
2. Lines of horizontal weakness between layers of limestone are called what?
[x] Bedding planes
[ ] Carboniferous fissures
[ ] Rupture lines
[ ] Settling levels
Most sedimentary rocks have bedding planes
3. Rainwater attacks limestone by which process?
[ ] Abrasion
[x] Chemical weathering
[ ] Exfoliation
[ ] Physical weathering
Limestone dissolves in rainwater because rainwater is naturally slightly acidic
4. Redeposited limestone rising from a cave floor has what name?
[ ] Dolomite
[ ] Kryptonite
[ ] Stalactite
[x] Stalagmite
The largest of these can be millions of years old - they grow at a very slow rate
5. Limestone areas often have which economic activity?
[ ] Coal mining
[ ] Fishing
[ ] Forestry
[x] Quarrying
The rock has many uses e.g. building, in steelworks, making toothpaste
6. Which of these National Parks has the most extensive limestone area?
[ ] Dartmoor
[ ] Lake District
[x] Peak District
[ ] Snowdonia
The Peak District is mainly in Derbyshire but extends into neighbouring counties
7. Which streams only appear on limestone after heavy rain?
[x] Intermittent
[ ] Latent
[ ] Misfit
[ ] Sub-continuous
They will only appear when there has been a lot of rain. Some are seasonal and disappear in the summer, like the river Manifold on the border of Derbyshire and Staffordshire
8. On a diagram, limestone has what type of shading?
[x] Brick wall
[ ] Circles
[ ] Cross hatching
[ ] Diagonal stripes
Because the rock is full of cracks like some brick walls
9. What are upright blocks in a limestone pavement called?
[ ] Brads
[x] Clints
[ ] Grints
[ ] Tors
The gaps between them are called grykes
10. Why does a gorge floor contain lots of boulders?
[x] From the collapse of a cavern roof
[ ] They were carried there by glaciers
[ ] They were deposited by streams
[ ] They were thrown by vandals
This can happen when a cave or cavern has formed close to the surface