
Geography Quiz - Population 03 (Questions)

This KS3 Geography quiz asks questions about population. A census is carried out to find out about a country's population. In the UK, they occur every 10 years. The UK census shows that the population in Great Britain increased dramatically during the second half of the twentieth century. A population grows when more babies are born than people die. The fastest rate of growth was in 1962 and 1963 when the population increased by over two percent each year. Since then, the rate of growth has slowed down and by the end of the twenty-first century, it seems like it will be well under one percent.

Some countries, like Italy and Russia, have a negative population growth. That means that fewer births are occuring than deaths. The average age of the populations of these countries are therefore getting older. In most LEDCs, the birth rate is a lot higher than the death rate, in some cases over three percent. These countries have larger populations of younger people. The state of the population of a country is shown by using a population pyramid. From the shape of these, you can usually tell if the country is an LEDC or an MEDC.

1. Which is a positive factor affecting population density?
[ ] Coal and minerals
[ ] Dense forest
[ ] Mountainous land
[ ] Very high temperatures
2. What does population structure mean?
[ ] The age and sex of the total population
[ ] The number of females
[ ] The number of people in work and what they do
[ ] The number of people over 65
3. What diagram is used to show population structure?
[ ] Population cone
[ ] Population cube
[ ] Population pyramid
[ ] Population sphere
4. Which of these encourages people to have fewer children?
[ ] Child benefit
[ ] Family planning
[ ] Immunisation
[ ] Poor schools
5. Birth and death rates are always given per what?
[ ] Billion people
[ ] Hundred people
[ ] Million people
[ ] Thousand people
6. An LEDC's population structure has which most common age group?
[ ] 0-15
[ ] 30-45
[ ] 50-65
[ ] 70+
7. Which of these has the highest population density?
[ ] Amazon rainforest
[ ] Himalayas
[ ] North West Europe
[ ] Sahara Desert
8. The difference between birth rate and death rate is called what?
[ ] Natural increase
[ ] Normal increase
[ ] Standard increase
[ ] Usual increase
9. What is a physical factor in population density?
[ ] Availability of jobs
[ ] Climate
[ ] Housing
[ ] Number of hospitals
10. Which is a 'push' factor in migration?
[ ] Better education
[ ] Better paid jobs
[ ] Higher standards of living
[ ] Natural disasters

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Population and migration

Geography Quiz - Population 03 (Answers)
1. Which is a positive factor affecting population density?
[x] Coal and minerals
[ ] Dense forest
[ ] Mountainous land
[ ] Very high temperatures
The other three will discourage settlement
2. What does population structure mean?
[x] The age and sex of the total population
[ ] The number of females
[ ] The number of people in work and what they do
[ ] The number of people over 65
The best way to gather this data is from a census of the population
3. What diagram is used to show population structure?
[ ] Population cone
[ ] Population cube
[x] Population pyramid
[ ] Population sphere
Those of LEDCs have a triangular shape because they have high birth rates and low life expectancy
4. Which of these encourages people to have fewer children?
[ ] Child benefit
[x] Family planning
[ ] Immunisation
[ ] Poor schools
LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) are becoming educated about contraception but it isn't easy as there are many remote settlements and a lot of the population can't read or write
5. Birth and death rates are always given per what?
[ ] Billion people
[ ] Hundred people
[ ] Million people
[x] Thousand people
The difference between birth and death rates gives the percentage increase or decrease in population
6. An LEDC's population structure has which most common age group?
[x] 0-15
[ ] 30-45
[ ] 50-65
[ ] 70+
LEDCs have high birth rates
7. Which of these has the highest population density?
[ ] Amazon rainforest
[ ] Himalayas
[x] North West Europe
[ ] Sahara Desert
The other three places are sparsely populated because the climatic and physical features make living there very difficult
8. The difference between birth rate and death rate is called what?
[x] Natural increase
[ ] Normal increase
[ ] Standard increase
[ ] Usual increase
If the birth rate is lower, it would be called a natural decrease
9. What is a physical factor in population density?
[ ] Availability of jobs
[x] Climate
[ ] Housing
[ ] Number of hospitals
The others are human factors
10. Which is a 'push' factor in migration?
[ ] Better education
[ ] Better paid jobs
[ ] Higher standards of living
[x] Natural disasters
The rest are 'pull' factors that attract people to a particular place