
History Quiz - History Skills 01 (Questions)

This KS3 quiz tests your skills. When studying history, the further back you look, the harder it gets to discover what really was happening. The reason for this is that there are fewer sources of reliable information available, and they can also be very hard to find. Written records go back many thousands of years, the Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilisations had writing. These languages no longer exist so translating what was written was no easy task. Ancient Egyptians used a system of heiroglyphs (little pictures) to write things down. Translating these had been impossible until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. This contained the same information written in 3 'languages', one of which was Greek. That enabled historians to work out how to translate heiroglyphics.

Historians work a little like scientists - they come up with an idea about a person or event from pieces of evidence that they find. This can then be revised as someone looks at the same evidence from a different viewpoint, or when new evidence is found. History can be very subjective, two people looking at the same facts can come to very different conclusions.

1. Which word means any phase in history?
[ ] Antiquity
[ ] Event
[ ] Period
[ ] Spell
2. The facts to back up an idea are called what?
[ ] Correspondence
[ ] Eminence
[ ] Evidence
[ ] Provenance
3. Evidence that is one-sided or unfair is said to be .......
[ ] Ballasted
[ ] Biased
[ ] Doctored
[ ] Fixed
4. What means 'looking at something from another person's viewpoint'?
[ ] Empathy
[ ] Empiricism
[ ] Entropy
[ ] Telepathy
5. What is chronology?
[ ] A collection of historical writings
[ ] Digging up ancient objects
[ ] Events before 1066
[ ] The correct order of events over time
6. Historians use which phrase for the link between what makes events happen and their results?
[ ] Cause and aftermath
[ ] Cause and consequence
[ ] Lead up and outcome
[ ] Trigger and truth
7. What is the best definition of a historical source?
[ ] Documents that are extremely old
[ ] Solidified ketchup found among Viking remains
[ ] Something providing useful evidence about the past
[ ] Things that have been written down
8. The term 'primary source' means what?
[ ] From the time being studied
[ ] The least important source
[ ] Written by a young child
[ ] Written sources only
9. Another word for a primary source is ....... what?
[ ] Contemplative
[ ] Contemporary
[ ] Contiguous
[ ] Contrary
10. Using historical outcomes to draw conclusions about an event is…?
[ ] Backsight
[ ] Hindsight
[ ] Longsight
[ ] Oversight
History Quiz - History Skills 01 (Answers)
1. Which word means any phase in history?
[ ] Antiquity
[ ] Event
[x] Period
[ ] Spell
e.g. the Tudor period
2. The facts to back up an idea are called what?
[ ] Correspondence
[ ] Eminence
[x] Evidence
[ ] Provenance
Not all evidence is factual. An important history skill is to decide whether a piece of evidence is subjective (based on someone's opinion) or if it genuinely happened
3. Evidence that is one-sided or unfair is said to be .......
[ ] Ballasted
[x] Biased
[ ] Doctored
[ ] Fixed
Evidence written by someone in the court of a ruler would be more likely to be biased in favour of the ruler. That could make someone who was really very ruthless and unpleasant appear to be a kind and generous person
4. What means 'looking at something from another person's viewpoint'?
[x] Empathy
[ ] Empiricism
[ ] Entropy
[ ] Telepathy
A person who can look at something from the viewpoint of other people is less likely to jump to the wrong conclusion
5. What is chronology?
[ ] A collection of historical writings
[ ] Digging up ancient objects
[ ] Events before 1066
[x] The correct order of events over time
Historical events are usually put into chronological order
6. Historians use which phrase for the link between what makes events happen and their results?
[ ] Cause and aftermath
[x] Cause and consequence
[ ] Lead up and outcome
[ ] Trigger and truth
Also called cause and effect
7. What is the best definition of a historical source?
[ ] Documents that are extremely old
[ ] Solidified ketchup found among Viking remains
[x] Something providing useful evidence about the past
[ ] Things that have been written down
Sources can be books, pictures, skeletons, pieces of pottery etc
8. The term 'primary source' means what?
[x] From the time being studied
[ ] The least important source
[ ] Written by a young child
[ ] Written sources only
Even primary sources are not always reliable
9. Another word for a primary source is ....... what?
[ ] Contemplative
[x] Contemporary
[ ] Contiguous
[ ] Contrary
Contemporary is a general word that is used to describe more than one thing happening at the same time
10. Using historical outcomes to draw conclusions about an event is…?
[ ] Backsight
[x] Hindsight
[ ] Longsight
[ ] Oversight
With hindsight, you can see that if different decisions had been made, an outcome could have been very different