
Health Education Quiz - Road Safety - Age 5-7 (Questions)

Road safety is one of the topics covered in PSHE lessons for KS1 children. In this quiz, written specifically for children aged 5-7, we teach them about the rules of road safety for when they are a pedestrian and a passenger so that they can make the correct decisions and keep themselves safe at all times.

You want to stay safe don't you? Well, road safety is very important. Road safety is all about keeping safe when using the roads, either crossing them on foot or travelling on them in vehicles. There are rules we have to follow to help keep us safe - these are sometimes called the Green Cross Code.

Have a go at this quiz. If you can score 10 out of 10 then you already know how to keep yourself safe on the roads.

1. When crossing at the traffic lights, what should you wait for?
[ ] The red man
[ ] The purple lady
[ ] The green man
[ ] The blue lady
2. When riding your bike, what should you wear?
[ ] A life jacket
[ ] A helmet
[ ] Dance shoes
[ ] A seat belt
3. How should you get across the road?
[ ] Walk
[ ] Hop
[ ] Skip
[ ] Run
4. When travelling in a car, where should you sit?
[ ] In the boot
[ ] In the driver's seat
[ ] On someone's knee
[ ] In a car seat
5. If you want to cross the road and cannot see a car but you can hear one coming, what should you do?
[ ] Shout stop
[ ] Run as fast as you can before it gets to you
[ ] Walk slowly so it can see you
[ ] Wait until it passes
6. When crossing at a zebra crossing, when do you cross?
[ ] When the cars have stopped
[ ] You cannot cross at zebra crossings
[ ] When the cars are coming
[ ] Whenever you want
7. When travelling in a car, what should you wear?
[ ] A life jacket
[ ] A seat belt
[ ] Sunglasses
[ ] A hat
8. Where should you not cross the road?
[ ] At a clear open space
[ ] At a zebra crossing
[ ] At a gap behind parked cars
[ ] At the traffic lights
9. When you want to cross a road, what should you always do?
[ ] Hop, skip and jump
[ ] Look, smell and cross
[ ] Stop, look and listen
[ ] Stop, talk and run
10. If you want to cross the road with your bike, what should you do?
[ ] Get off the bike and walk it across the road
[ ] Ask your friends to ride it across the road
[ ] Get off the bike and run it across the road
[ ] Ride across the road

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Road safety

Health Education Quiz - Road Safety - Age 5-7 (Answers)
1. When crossing at the traffic lights, what should you wait for?
[ ] The red man
[ ] The purple lady
[x] The green man
[ ] The blue lady
At the traffic lights you should always press the button and wait for the green man. The red man means wait and the green man shows you that the traffic has been told to stop and it is safe to cross the road
2. When riding your bike, what should you wear?
[ ] A life jacket
[x] A helmet
[ ] Dance shoes
[ ] A seat belt
When you ride a bike, you should always wear your helmet whether you are riding on the pavement or the road
3. How should you get across the road?
[x] Walk
[ ] Hop
[ ] Skip
[ ] Run
You should always walk across the road and continue to look left and right and listen for traffic. If you run, skip or hop you might fall over
4. When travelling in a car, where should you sit?
[ ] In the boot
[ ] In the driver's seat
[ ] On someone's knee
[x] In a car seat
All key stage 1 children should sit in a car seat that is the right height for them. You should never travel in a car whilst sitting on someone's knee. You must have your own seat - this is to keep you safe
5. If you want to cross the road and cannot see a car but you can hear one coming, what should you do?
[ ] Shout stop
[ ] Run as fast as you can before it gets to you
[ ] Walk slowly so it can see you
[x] Wait until it passes
If the road looks clear but you can hear traffic approaching, you should stop and wait until it has passed before you cross
6. When crossing at a zebra crossing, when do you cross?
[x] When the cars have stopped
[ ] You cannot cross at zebra crossings
[ ] When the cars are coming
[ ] Whenever you want
A zebra crossing is a safe place to cross as it lets the drivers know you want to cross. You must always wait until any cars have stopped before you step onto the road
7. When travelling in a car, what should you wear?
[ ] A life jacket
[x] A seat belt
[ ] Sunglasses
[ ] A hat
When you travel in a car, you must always make sure you are wearing your seat belt. This will protect you if there is an accident
8. Where should you not cross the road?
[ ] At a clear open space
[ ] At a zebra crossing
[x] At a gap behind parked cars
[ ] At the traffic lights
You should never cross the road from behind a parked car as this might block your view of the traffic or might block the driver’s view of you. Always make sure you cross at traffic lights or a zebra crossing when possible and if not available, then always cross from a clear open space
9. When you want to cross a road, what should you always do?
[ ] Hop, skip and jump
[ ] Look, smell and cross
[x] Stop, look and listen
[ ] Stop, talk and run
Before you cross the road, you should always stop at the edge of the pavement, look left and right and listen for any oncoming traffic. If you cannot see or hear any traffic then it is safe to cross. You can remember this as stop, look and listen
10. If you want to cross the road with your bike, what should you do?
[x] Get off the bike and walk it across the road
[ ] Ask your friends to ride it across the road
[ ] Get off the bike and run it across the road
[ ] Ride across the road
When crossing the road with a bike, you should always get off and walk across the road with it. If you are with an adult, you could ask them to help you