
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Spelling - Spelling Baseball - Homerun! (Questions)

You have finally come to the Spanish Easy Review Homerun quiz of the Spelling Baseball quiz series. This means that it is time to hit the ball out of the park and get all ten Spanish spelling words correct! You’ll have to put on your thinking cap and dig in as the words are thrown your way. Remember to pay close attention to any accent marks that might be part of the word. If you have any difficulty, try looking back at the many Spanish Easy Review vocabulary quizzes as each and every word below is contained in one or more of those quizzes. If you believe you are ready, then proceed to home plate and begin to swing away!

1. left
[ ] ezquierda
[ ] izqueirda
[ ] izquierda
[ ] ezquiarda
2. pantry
[ ] despensa
[ ] despensia
[ ] despensio
[ ] despenso
3. screwdriver
[ ] destornilládor
[ ] destórnillador
[ ] destorñillador
[ ] destornillador
4. mechanic
[ ] mecanica
[ ] mecaníco
[ ] mécanico
[ ] mecánico
5. raccoon
[ ] mapáche
[ ] mápache
[ ] mapache
[ ] mapaché
6. donut
[ ] buñuelo
[ ] bunuelo
[ ] bunuela
[ ] buñuela
7. butter
[ ] mantiquilla
[ ] mantequilla
[ ] mantaquila
[ ] mantequila
8. scientist (female)
[ ] científica
[ ] cientifica
[ ] científico
[ ] cientifico
9. pea
[ ] guisánte
[ ] guisente
[ ] guesante
[ ] guisante
10. lamp
[ ] lámpera
[ ] lámpara
[ ] lampera
[ ] lampara
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Spelling - Spelling Baseball - Homerun! (Answers)
1. left
[ ] ezquierda
[ ] izqueirda
[x] izquierda
[ ] ezquiarda
The Spanish word for left is izquierda. Remembering how to spell this word can be a little tricky unless you learn to pronounce it as the pronunciation can help you when trying to spell it out. The first, second and last answers are all incorrectly spelled words.
2. pantry
[x] despensa
[ ] despensia
[ ] despensio
[ ] despenso
The Spanish word for pantry is despensa which is a feminine word. You can then quickly eliminate the third and last answers as they show masculine forms. The second answer is misspelled.
3. screwdriver
[ ] destornilládor
[ ] destórnillador
[ ] destorñillador
[x] destornillador
The Spanish word for screwdriver is destornillador. There are no accent marks or tildes in the word. Therefore, the first, second and third answers are each misspelled as they either include an accent mark or a tilde.
4. mechanic
[ ] mecanica
[ ] mecaníco
[ ] mécanico
[x] mecánico
With this word you do not know if the mechanic is a male or a female. When you do not know you always use the masculine form of the word. This means that the first answer can be eliminated. The Spanish word for mechanic is mecánico. The second and third answers show the accent mark in the wrong location.
5. raccoon
[ ] mapáche
[ ] mápache
[x] mapache
[ ] mapaché
The Spanish word for raccoon is mapache. It contains no accent mark. Therefore, the first, second and last answers are incorrect as they each contain an accent mark.
6. donut
[x] buñuelo
[ ] bunuelo
[ ] bunuela
[ ] buñuela
The Spanish word for donut is a masculine word. This means that the third and last answers can be eliminated as they both show the feminine form. The Spanish word for donut is buñuelo. Notice it contains a tilde. The second answer does not contain a tilde so it is not correct.
7. butter
[ ] mantiquilla
[x] mantequilla
[ ] mantaquila
[ ] mantequila
The Spanish word for butter is mantequilla. The first, third and last answers are each misspelled.
8. scientist (female)
[x] científica
[ ] cientifica
[ ] científico
[ ] cientifico
As you know that the scientist is a female, the third and last answers can be eliminated as they show the masculine form. The Spanish word for scientist is científica. Notice it contains an accent mark which means that the second answer is incorrect.
9. pea
[ ] guisánte
[ ] guisente
[ ] guesante
[x] guisante
The Spanish word for pea is guisante. It does not have any accent marks so the first answer can be eliminated. The second and third answers are both misspelled words.
10. lamp
[ ] lámpera
[x] lámpara
[ ] lampera
[ ] lampara
The Spanish word for lamp does contain an accent mark so the third and last answers can be eliminated as neither of them contains an accent mark. The Spanish word for lamp is lámpara which means that the first answer is misspelled.