
Geography: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - A Watery Planet - Oceans, Lakes And Rivers (Questions)

This Geography quiz is called 'A Watery Planet - Oceans, Lakes And Rivers' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is a fun way to learn if you are in the 1st or 2nd grade - aged 6 to 8.

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More of the Earth is covered by water than by land. Nearly all this water is in seas and oceans. But some of the water is in lakes and rivers. Sea water is salty. It is sometimes called brine. The water in lakes and rivers is called freshwater. Freshwater is not salty. Let’s learn a bit more about the water found on our planet.

Most of the Earth is covered by oceans. What else have you found out about water? Let's see!

1. What are really big seas called?
[ ] Lakes
[ ] Oceans
[ ] Continents
[ ] Countries
2. Here are four describing words. Which one is a good word for seawater?
[ ] Sweet
[ ] Salty
[ ] Pure
[ ] Fresh
3. The water in lakes and rivers is not salty. It is called __________.
[ ] Brine
[ ] Lemonade
[ ] Freshwater
[ ] Dew
4. Last year, Sam went for a sail with his family on Windermere. Windermere is in Cumbria, in the north of England.

This year, they were in Scotland. They went for a sail on Loch Lomond.

Windermere and Loch Lomond are both _____.
[ ] Mountains
[ ] Hills
[ ] Valleys
[ ] Lakes
5. What is the name for a very small river?
[ ] Estuary
[ ] Lake
[ ] Tarn
[ ] Stream
6. What is another name for a stream?
[ ] Brook
[ ] Valley
[ ] Brine
[ ] Vale
7. The River Severn flows into the Bristol Channel. Where it meets the sea is called the Severn _______.
[ ] Estuary
[ ] Lake
[ ] Stream
[ ] Shoreline
8. Which big river runs through Egypt?
[ ] Amazon
[ ] Nile
[ ] Yangtze
[ ] Rhine
9. Which big river runs through Brazil?
[ ] Amazon
[ ] Nile
[ ] Danube
[ ] Mississippi
10. Which one of these rivers runs through China?
[ ] Nile
[ ] Mississippi
[ ] Yangtze
[ ] Amazon
Geography: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - A Watery Planet - Oceans, Lakes And Rivers (Answers)
1. What are really big seas called?
[ ] Lakes
[x] Oceans
[ ] Continents
[ ] Countries
What are the names of the 5 oceans?
2. Here are four describing words. Which one is a good word for seawater?
[ ] Sweet
[x] Salty
[ ] Pure
[ ] Fresh
Salty seawater is sometimes called brine
3. The water in lakes and rivers is not salty. It is called __________.
[ ] Brine
[ ] Lemonade
[x] Freshwater
[ ] Dew
Freshwater is not always clean
4. Last year, Sam went for a sail with his family on Windermere. Windermere is in Cumbria, in the north of England.

This year, they were in Scotland. They went for a sail on Loch Lomond.

Windermere and Loch Lomond are both _____.
[ ] Mountains
[ ] Hills
[ ] Valleys
[x] Lakes
The Scottish word for a lake is loch. In Ireland it is lough (sounds like loch). In Wales it is llyn
5. What is the name for a very small river?
[ ] Estuary
[ ] Lake
[ ] Tarn
[x] Stream
Streams run into rivers
6. What is another name for a stream?
[x] Brook
[ ] Valley
[ ] Brine
[ ] Vale
In Scotland another word for a stream is burn. In some parts of the north of England it is burn or beck
7. The River Severn flows into the Bristol Channel. Where it meets the sea is called the Severn _______.
[x] Estuary
[ ] Lake
[ ] Stream
[ ] Shoreline
In Scotland, there are big estuaries called firths. Can you find these four firths on a map of Scotland? - Firth of Clyde, Firth of Forth, Firth of Tay, and Solway Firth
8. Which big river runs through Egypt?
[ ] Amazon
[x] Nile
[ ] Yangtze
[ ] Rhine
Can you trace the route of the Nile right through Africa on a map? Where does it start? Where does it reach the sea?
9. Which big river runs through Brazil?
[x] Amazon
[ ] Nile
[ ] Danube
[ ] Mississippi
The Amazon is one of the longest rivers in the world
10. Which one of these rivers runs through China?
[ ] Nile
[ ] Mississippi
[x] Yangtze
[ ] Amazon
The Yangtze is the third longest river in the world