
Health: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - Emotions 2 (Questions)

This Health quiz is called 'Emotions 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is a fun way to learn if you are in the 1st or 2nd grade - aged 6 to 8.

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This quiz follows on from the Emotions 1 quiz and helps children connect situations with feelings.

If you’ve completed the first emotions quiz, you'll know there are lots of different ways a person can be feeling. This quiz is going to see if you can connect the situation or sentence with a particular feeling. Read the sentence and decide which feeling would be felt.

1. The other girls won't let her join in. She feels...
[ ] happy
[ ] left out
[ ] proud
[ ] jealous
2. The baby was cuddled and felt....
[ ] scared
[ ] angry
[ ] loved
[ ] jealous
3. Peter stood in front of the whole school to collect his swimming certificate. He felt....
[ ] angry
[ ] sad
[ ] jealous
[ ] proud
4. Jenny's pet rabbit has just died. She feels very...
[ ] happy
[ ] sad
[ ] excited
[ ] scared
5. The horror film made them very....
[ ] happy
[ ] excited
[ ] overjoyed
[ ] scared
6. They jumped out from behind the sofa and she felt so....
[ ] angry
[ ] surprised
[ ] sad
[ ] proud
7. It was now time for the exam and he was....
[ ] worried
[ ] happy
[ ] overjoyed
[ ] excited
8. She had a bubble bath and finally felt....
[ ] angry
[ ] frustrated
[ ] sad
[ ] relaxed
9. She had asked him four times to tidy his room and he still hadn't done it. Now she felt....
[ ] annoyed
[ ] proud
[ ] excited
[ ] happy
10. Her stomach was hurting, her friend didn't want to play with her and now she just feels really, really....
[ ] happy
[ ] scared
[ ] upset
[ ] loved
Health: Elementary School: 1st and 2nd Grade Quiz - Emotions 2 (Answers)
1. The other girls won't let her join in. She feels...
[ ] happy
[x] left out
[ ] proud
[ ] jealous
I always think if someone doesn't want to play with me then they don't deserve to play with me. I find someone else who does want to be my friend!
2. The baby was cuddled and felt....
[ ] scared
[ ] angry
[x] loved
[ ] jealous
If the sentence said the baby was crying and that's why it was cuddled, then answers one and two could apply.
3. Peter stood in front of the whole school to collect his swimming certificate. He felt....
[ ] angry
[ ] sad
[ ] jealous
[x] proud
He might have also felt a little nervous - you can feel more than one emotion at a time.
4. Jenny's pet rabbit has just died. She feels very...
[ ] happy
[x] sad
[ ] excited
[ ] scared
She will probably need to mourn the death of her rabbit. This means she will feel sad for some time.
5. The horror film made them very....
[ ] happy
[ ] excited
[ ] overjoyed
[x] scared
Films are given age recommendations which means a film has been watched and someone has decided how old you should be before being able to watch it.
6. They jumped out from behind the sofa and she felt so....
[ ] angry
[x] surprised
[ ] sad
[ ] proud
It sounds like a surprise party - where a party is arranged and everyone knows about it except for the birthday boy or girl.
7. It was now time for the exam and he was....
[x] worried
[ ] happy
[ ] overjoyed
[ ] excited
Most people are worried and nervous when they sit an exam - even if they have studied all year!
8. She had a bubble bath and finally felt....
[ ] angry
[ ] frustrated
[ ] sad
[x] relaxed
People relax in different ways - some find food relaxing whilst others enjoy going for a jog!
9. She had asked him four times to tidy his room and he still hadn't done it. Now she felt....
[x] annoyed
[ ] proud
[ ] excited
[ ] happy
Do you think you've ever done anything that might have annoyed your parents?
10. Her stomach was hurting, her friend didn't want to play with her and now she just feels really, really....
[ ] happy
[ ] scared
[x] upset
[ ] loved
If you have a bad day like this, remember that a new day will arrive soon and you can start afresh.