
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Decimal Numbers 5 (Questions)

This Math quiz is called 'Decimal Numbers 5' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Decimal numbers can also be written as fractions. In this quiz you are going to get some hands-on practice in writing decimal numbers. Make sure that you LEARN these decimal forms of the fractions because they are used a lot.


Some people get confused when converting decimals to fractions (or fractions to decimals). If you find it difficult, keep on playing our quizzes on decimal numbers until you feel more confident. It really is very simple once you get the hang of it and know the formulae.

Make sure to read the comments after you've answered the questions as these go some way to explaining how the correct answer is arrived at and why.

1. What is 'one quarter' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.35
[ ] 0.45
[ ] 0.25
[ ] 0.5
2. What is 'one half' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.25
[ ] 0.5
[ ] 0.35
[ ] 0.45
3. What is 'three quarters' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.85
[ ] 0.65
[ ] 0.75
[ ] 0.25
4. What is 'one eighth' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.135
[ ] 0.145
[ ] 0.125
[ ] 0.165
5. What is 'one tenth' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.01
[ ] 0.1
[ ] 0.001
[ ] 0.0001
6. If you multiply 0.234 by 10, what number do you get?
[ ] 0.0234
[ ] 234.0
[ ] 23.4
[ ] 2.34
7. If you multiply 0.234 by 100, what number do you get?
[ ] 23.4
[ ] 2,340
[ ] 23,400
[ ] 0.00234
8. If you divide 1.234 by 10, what number do you get?
[ ] 0.01234
[ ] 0.1234
[ ] 0.001234
[ ] 12.34
9. If you divide 1.234 by 100, what number do you get?
[ ] 123.4
[ ] 0.0001234
[ ] 0.001234
[ ] 0.01234
10. What is the correct rule for multiplying by a whole number beginning with 1 and followed by one or more zeros, e.g. multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, ... ?
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the right by the same number of zeros as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the left by the same number of zeros as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the right by the same number of digits as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the left by the same number of digits as in the number
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Decimal Numbers 5 (Answers)
1. What is 'one quarter' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.35
[ ] 0.45
[x] 0.25
[ ] 0.5
1/4 = 0.25: divide 1 by 4
2. What is 'one half' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.25
[x] 0.5
[ ] 0.35
[ ] 0.45
1/2 = 0.5: divide 1 by 2
3. What is 'three quarters' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.85
[ ] 0.65
[x] 0.75
[ ] 0.25
3/4 = 0.75: divide 3 by 4
4. What is 'one eighth' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.135
[ ] 0.145
[x] 0.125
[ ] 0.165
1/8 = 0.125: divide 1 by 8
5. What is 'one tenth' as a decimal?
[ ] 0.01
[x] 0.1
[ ] 0.001
[ ] 0.0001
1/10 = 0.1: divide 1 by 10
6. If you multiply 0.234 by 10, what number do you get?
[ ] 0.0234
[ ] 234.0
[ ] 23.4
[x] 2.34
If you multiply by 10, move the decimal point one place to the right
7. If you multiply 0.234 by 100, what number do you get?
[x] 23.4
[ ] 2,340
[ ] 23,400
[ ] 0.00234
If you multiply by 100, move the decimal point two places to the right
8. If you divide 1.234 by 10, what number do you get?
[ ] 0.01234
[x] 0.1234
[ ] 0.001234
[ ] 12.34
If you divide by 10, move the decimal point one place to the left
9. If you divide 1.234 by 100, what number do you get?
[ ] 123.4
[ ] 0.0001234
[ ] 0.001234
[x] 0.01234
If you divide by 100, move the decimal point two places to the left
10. What is the correct rule for multiplying by a whole number beginning with 1 and followed by one or more zeros, e.g. multiplying by 10, 100, 1,000, ... ?
[x] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the right by the same number of zeros as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the left by the same number of zeros as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the right by the same number of digits as in the number
[ ] When multiplying by such a number, move the decimal point to the left by the same number of digits as in the number
For example, 1,000 × 0.234 = 234: the decimal point has moved three places to the right = the number of zeros in one thousand. The rule for division is as follows: When dividing by such a number, move the decimal point to the left by the same number of zeros as in the number, e.g. 1.234 ÷ 1,000 = 0.001234: the decimal point has moved three places to the left = the number of zeros in one thousand