
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Solving Problems 1 (Questions)

This Math quiz is called 'Solving Problems 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Solving problems gets you using your brain and tests your thinking skills. Solving real life problems can involve numbers and measures of time, length, capacity and weight. You can use all the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to help you find the right answers - you just need to work out which!

1. I think of a number and subtract 12. The answer is 15. What was my first number?
[ ] 3
[ ] 5
[ ] 27
[ ] 29
2. A piece of string is 16cm. I cut off 7cm. How long is my string now?
[ ] 7cm
[ ] 9cm
[ ] 10cm
[ ] 12cm
3. An apple weighs 25g. How much would 4 apples weigh?
[ ] 50g
[ ] 75g
[ ] 100g
[ ] 125g
4. There are 25ml of medicine in a bottle. A teaspoon holds 5ml. How many teaspoons of medicine are in the bottle?
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[ ] 5
5. A cake goes in the oven at 12 o’clock. It bakes for 35 minutes. What time did the cake come out of the oven?
[ ] Twenty-five past twelve
[ ] Twenty-five to twelve
[ ] Twenty-five to one
[ ] Twenty-five past one
6. I think of a number, double it and add 3. The answer is 45. What was my first number?
[ ] 21
[ ] 22
[ ] 23
[ ] 25
7. Two pieces of string are 10cm long and three pieces of string are 6cm long. What is the total length?
[ ] 18cm
[ ] 20cm
[ ] 38cm
[ ] 40cm
8. Six wooden bricks weigh 600g. What do 2 bricks weigh?
[ ] 100g
[ ] 200g
[ ] 250g
[ ] 300g
9. There are three glasses of water containing 350ml, 250ml and 400ml. When pouring the water into a bowl, half of it is spilt. How much water is left?
[ ] 400ml
[ ] 450ml
[ ] 500ml
[ ] 550ml
10. Richard went jogging at 3:30. He jogged for 30 minutes, walked for 10 minutes then jogged again. He arrived home at 4:20. How long was his second jog?
[ ] 10 minutes
[ ] 15 minutes
[ ] 20 minutes
[ ] 25 minutes
Math: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Solving Problems 1 (Answers)
1. I think of a number and subtract 12. The answer is 15. What was my first number?
[ ] 3
[ ] 5
[x] 27
[ ] 29
You can work out the answer by adding 15 and 12 together
2. A piece of string is 16cm. I cut off 7cm. How long is my string now?
[ ] 7cm
[x] 9cm
[ ] 10cm
[ ] 12cm
16 - 7 = 9 so the string is 9cm long
3. An apple weighs 25g. How much would 4 apples weigh?
[ ] 50g
[ ] 75g
[x] 100g
[ ] 125g
25 x 4 = 100 so 4 apples would weigh 100g
4. There are 25ml of medicine in a bottle. A teaspoon holds 5ml. How many teaspoons of medicine are in the bottle?
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 4
[x] 5
The way to work this one out is to divide 25 by 5
5. A cake goes in the oven at 12 o’clock. It bakes for 35 minutes. What time did the cake come out of the oven?
[ ] Twenty-five past twelve
[ ] Twenty-five to twelve
[x] Twenty-five to one
[ ] Twenty-five past one
35 minutes after 12 o'clock is 12:35 or twenty-five to one
6. I think of a number, double it and add 3. The answer is 45. What was my first number?
[x] 21
[ ] 22
[ ] 23
[ ] 25
You can work this one out by doing the problem backwards:
45 - 3 = 42
42 ÷ 2 = 21
7. Two pieces of string are 10cm long and three pieces of string are 6cm long. What is the total length?
[ ] 18cm
[ ] 20cm
[x] 38cm
[ ] 40cm
10 x 2 = 20 and 6 x 3 = 18
20 + 18 = 38
8. Six wooden bricks weigh 600g. What do 2 bricks weigh?
[ ] 100g
[x] 200g
[ ] 250g
[ ] 300g
To calculate you need to find how much one brick weighs so 600g ÷ 6 = 100g, so 2 bricks weigh 200g
9. There are three glasses of water containing 350ml, 250ml and 400ml. When pouring the water into a bowl, half of it is spilt. How much water is left?
[ ] 400ml
[ ] 450ml
[x] 500ml
[ ] 550ml
To solve this problem you need to add 350ml + 250ml + 400ml = 1,000ml. Half of 1,000ml is 500ml
10. Richard went jogging at 3:30. He jogged for 30 minutes, walked for 10 minutes then jogged again. He arrived home at 4:20. How long was his second jog?
[x] 10 minutes
[ ] 15 minutes
[ ] 20 minutes
[ ] 25 minutes
If you add 30 minutes to 3:30 it will be 4:00; add another 10 minutes and it becomes 4:10, so 4:20 is 10 more minutes