
Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Investigating - How Things Change (Questions)

This Science quiz is called 'Investigating - How Things Change' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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In science at school you have looked at simple data to investigate how things change over time. Plants and animals grow. The seasons bring different weather. The nights get longer in the winter and shorter in the summer. This quiz is all about using simple data to investigate how things change. Can you say how much they have changed over time? Can you say why they have changed? Have a go, and see just how many you can get right.

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1. Dylan is growing a sunflower. He measured its height. On the 1st of July it was 80 cm high. On the 14th of July it was 120 cm high. How much had it grown in that time?
[ ] 14 cm
[ ] 20 cm
[ ] 40 cm
[ ] 200 cm
2. Becky is 7 years old. Becky is 125 cm tall.

Her sister, Lucy is 5 years old. Lucy is 105 cm tall.

How much taller is Becky than Lucy?
[ ] 10 cm
[ ] 15 cm
[ ] 20 cm
[ ] 25 cm
3. Tanya kept a weather diary. Every day for a week she found out how much rain had fallen. Tanya used a rain-gauge. Here are her results:

Mon 2 mm, Tue 3 mm, Wed 0 mm, Thu 7 mm, Fri 11 mm, Sat 12 mm, Su 11 mm

What was the wettest day that week?
[ ] Monday
[ ] Wednesday
[ ] Saturday
[ ] Sunday
4. Have another look at Tanya's results:

Mon 2 mm, Tue 3 mm, Wed 0 mm, Thu 7 mm, Fri 11 mm, Sat 12 mm, Su 11 mm

How did the weather change over the week?
[ ] It became drier
[ ] It became windier
[ ] It became warmer
[ ] It became wetter
5. Every morning, Olivia checks the thermometer outside school. On Monday it said 12oC. But on Tuesday it said 3oC. How much colder was Tuesday morning than Monday morning?
[ ] 3oC
[ ] 6oC
[ ] 9oC
[ ] 12oC
6. Evie is checking when it goes dark at night. On the 1st of January it was dark at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. On the 1st of February it was dark at 5.30 in the afternoon. What does Evie say is happening to the nights?
[ ] The nights are the same length
[ ] The nights are getting longer
[ ] The nights are getting shorter
[ ] The nights are not changing
7. Maria asked, ‘Do different colors of paint take longer to dry?’

Maria and her friends investigated this. They used three colors. They timed how long they took to dry. Here are their results:

Orange 45 minutes
Green 45 minutes
Red 45 minutes

What did Maria say about their results?
[ ] ‘Different colors of paint do not take longer to dry’
[ ] ‘Different colors of paint do take longer to dry’
[ ] ‘The color of paint changes how long it takes to dry’
[ ] ‘Red is the brightest color, so it took longer to dry’
8. Two years ago, Maria’s Mom hung red curtains in their window. The curtains have faded. What color are they now?
[ ] Green
[ ] Blue
[ ] Grey
[ ] Pink
9. Tom asked, ‘When do most leaves fall off the trees?’

He measured the depth of leaves on the floor of a wood. Here are his results:

January: 6 cm, April: 4 cm, July: 1 cm, October: 12 cm

When do most leaves fall off the trees?
[ ] In winter
[ ] In spring
[ ] In summer
[ ] In autumn
10. The weather changes from month to month. Which one of these months is most likely to be very wet or very cold?
[ ] January
[ ] May
[ ] July
[ ] September
Science: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Investigating - How Things Change (Answers)
1. Dylan is growing a sunflower. He measured its height. On the 1st of July it was 80 cm high. On the 14th of July it was 120 cm high. How much had it grown in that time?
[ ] 14 cm
[ ] 20 cm
[x] 40 cm
[ ] 200 cm
How many weeks is it from the 1st of July to the 14th of July?
2. Becky is 7 years old. Becky is 125 cm tall.

Her sister, Lucy is 5 years old. Lucy is 105 cm tall.

How much taller is Becky than Lucy?
[ ] 10 cm
[ ] 15 cm
[x] 20 cm
[ ] 25 cm
How much older is Becky than Lucy?
3. Tanya kept a weather diary. Every day for a week she found out how much rain had fallen. Tanya used a rain-gauge. Here are her results:

Mon 2 mm, Tue 3 mm, Wed 0 mm, Thu 7 mm, Fri 11 mm, Sat 12 mm, Su 11 mm

What was the wettest day that week?
[ ] Monday
[ ] Wednesday
[x] Saturday
[ ] Sunday
On what day did it not rain?
4. Have another look at Tanya's results:

Mon 2 mm, Tue 3 mm, Wed 0 mm, Thu 7 mm, Fri 11 mm, Sat 12 mm, Su 11 mm

How did the weather change over the week?
[ ] It became drier
[ ] It became windier
[ ] It became warmer
[x] It became wetter
We don’t know about the wind and the cold because we don’t have Tanya’s results for those
5. Every morning, Olivia checks the thermometer outside school. On Monday it said 12oC. But on Tuesday it said 3oC. How much colder was Tuesday morning than Monday morning?
[ ] 3oC
[ ] 6oC
[x] 9oC
[ ] 12oC
Water freezes when it reaches 0oC
6. Evie is checking when it goes dark at night. On the 1st of January it was dark at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. On the 1st of February it was dark at 5.30 in the afternoon. What does Evie say is happening to the nights?
[ ] The nights are the same length
[ ] The nights are getting longer
[x] The nights are getting shorter
[ ] The nights are not changing
What time does it say on the clock in the picture?
7. Maria asked, ‘Do different colors of paint take longer to dry?’

Maria and her friends investigated this. They used three colors. They timed how long they took to dry. Here are their results:

Orange 45 minutes
Green 45 minutes
Red 45 minutes

What did Maria say about their results?
[x] ‘Different colors of paint do not take longer to dry’
[ ] ‘Different colors of paint do take longer to dry’
[ ] ‘The color of paint changes how long it takes to dry’
[ ] ‘Red is the brightest color, so it took longer to dry’
What do you think would happen if they tried yellow or blue paint?
8. Two years ago, Maria’s Mom hung red curtains in their window. The curtains have faded. What color are they now?
[ ] Green
[ ] Blue
[ ] Grey
[x] Pink
Red colors often fade in sunlight
9. Tom asked, ‘When do most leaves fall off the trees?’

He measured the depth of leaves on the floor of a wood. Here are his results:

January: 6 cm, April: 4 cm, July: 1 cm, October: 12 cm

When do most leaves fall off the trees?
[ ] In winter
[ ] In spring
[ ] In summer
[x] In autumn
What colors are a lot of leaves in autumn?
10. The weather changes from month to month. Which one of these months is most likely to be very wet or very cold?
[x] January
[ ] May
[ ] July
[ ] September
Weather forecasters are called meteorologists