
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Spelling: -ough (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'Spelling: -ough' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Although bough, dough and through are all spelled with an 'ough', they are all pronounced quite different from each other (apart from although and dough!). The unfortunate thing about words in '-ough' is that the '-ough' is not always pronounced the same, e.g. in 'cough' it is heard as 'off' but in 'though' it is heard as a short 'oh'.

1. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] although
[ ] though
[ ] enuff
[ ] dough
2. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] tough
[ ] rough
[ ] coff
[ ] enough
3. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] cough
[ ] bowgh
[ ] trough
[ ] dough
4. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] allthough
[ ] through
[ ] although
[ ] thought
5. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] caught
[ ] taught
[ ] cought
[ ] brought
6. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] rough
[ ] trough
[ ] bought
[ ] baught
7. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] plough
[ ] through
[ ] borough
[ ] burough
8. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] woughrt
[ ] breakthrough
[ ] wart
[ ] taught
9. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] nought
[ ] sought
[ ] sawt
[ ] though
10. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] wrote
[ ] wroughte
[ ] snowplough
[ ] thought
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Spelling: -ough (Answers)
1. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] although
[ ] though
[x] enuff
[ ] dough
It should be spelled 'enough'
2. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] tough
[ ] rough
[x] coff
[ ] enough
It should be spelled 'cough'
3. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] cough
[x] bowgh
[ ] trough
[ ] dough
It should be spelled 'bough'
4. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[x] allthough
[ ] through
[ ] although
[ ] thought
It should be spelled 'although': one 'l'
5. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] caught
[ ] taught
[x] cought
[ ] brought
It should be spelled 'caught'
6. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] rough
[ ] trough
[ ] bought
[x] baught
It should be spelled 'bought'
7. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] plough
[ ] through
[ ] borough
[x] burough
It should be spelled 'borough'
8. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[x] woughrt
[ ] breakthrough
[ ] wart
[ ] taught
It should be spelled 'wart'
9. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] nought
[ ] sought
[x] sawt
[ ] though
It should be spelled 'sought'
10. Which one of the following words has been misspelled?
[ ] wrote
[x] wroughte
[ ] snowplough
[ ] thought
It should be spelled 'wrote'