
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Words beginning with ur... (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'Words beginning with ur...' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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It's not urgent that you play this spelling quiz on words beginning at ur - but if you get the urge, give it a whirl!

"I just got one last thing, I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get your emotions going." - Jim Valvano.

1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Characteristic of city life
[ ] uarban
[ ] urrban
[ ] uerban
[ ] urban
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
An animal having a backbone
[ ] verterbrate
[ ] vertibrate
[ ] vertabrate
[ ] vertebrate
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Along the direction of a plumbline or along a straight line that includes the center of the Earth
[ ] vertical
[ ] vertecal
[ ] vurtical
[ ] virtical
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A general term for all kinds of craft designed for transportation on water
[ ] vesel
[ ] vessell
[ ] vesell
[ ] vessel
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A submicroscopic infectious organism
[ ] viarus
[ ] vierus
[ ] virous
[ ] virus
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Any of a specific group of organic compounds essential in small quantities for healthy human growth
[ ] vitamin
[ ] vitarmin
[ ] vitemin
[ ] vitimin
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The collection of words a person knows and uses
[ ] vocabulery
[ ] voccabulary
[ ] vocabelary
[ ] vocabulary
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Of or pertaining to the voice or speech
[ ] voacel
[ ] vocall
[ ] vocal
[ ] vocul
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The measure of three dimensional space
[ ] volumne
[ ] volumn
[ ] vollume
[ ] volume
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
In English they are the letters a, e, i, o and u
[ ] vowels
[ ] vauels
[ ] vowells
[ ] vaeiouls
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Words beginning with ur... (Answers)
1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Characteristic of city life
[ ] uarban
[ ] urrban
[ ] uerban
[x] urban
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
An animal having a backbone
[ ] verterbrate
[ ] vertibrate
[ ] vertabrate
[x] vertebrate
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Along the direction of a plumbline or along a straight line that includes the center of the Earth
[x] vertical
[ ] vertecal
[ ] vurtical
[ ] virtical
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A general term for all kinds of craft designed for transportation on water
[ ] vesel
[ ] vessell
[ ] vesell
[x] vessel
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A submicroscopic infectious organism
[ ] viarus
[ ] vierus
[ ] virous
[x] virus
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Any of a specific group of organic compounds essential in small quantities for healthy human growth
[x] vitamin
[ ] vitarmin
[ ] vitemin
[ ] vitimin
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The collection of words a person knows and uses
[ ] vocabulery
[ ] voccabulary
[ ] vocabelary
[x] vocabulary
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Of or pertaining to the voice or speech
[ ] voacel
[ ] vocall
[x] vocal
[ ] vocul
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The measure of three dimensional space
[ ] volumne
[ ] volumn
[ ] vollume
[x] volume
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
In English they are the letters a, e, i, o and u
[x] vowels
[ ] vauels
[ ] vowells
[ ] vaeiouls