
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - The Sound kn (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'The Sound kn' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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This 'The Sound kn' spelling quiz tests elementary school children on spellings that start with this phoneme.

Hundreds of years ago people used to pronounce the ‘k’ in this phoneme: ‘kn’. Nowadays, the ‘k’ is silent and not said. Can you spell the missing words?

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1. The pirate had ____ where the treasure was hidden all along!
[ ] nown
[ ] nowen
[ ] knowen
[ ] known
2. Do you have any ____ on fancy hats?
[ ] knowledge
[ ] knoledge
[ ] knowlege
[ ] knolege
3. Some people call a rucksack a ____.
[ ] napsack
[ ] napsac
[ ] knapsac
[ ] knapsack
4. He was a very brave ____.
[ ] kniht
[ ] kniet
[ ] knight
[ ] knite
5. I've grazed my ____.
[ ] knuckals
[ ] knuckells
[ ] knuckles
[ ] knuckels
6. I need you to ____ this dough for ten minutes.
[ ] kneed
[ ] knead
[ ] kned
[ ] knede
7. Do you ____ how to ____?
[ ] kno and knit
[ ] know and knit
[ ] know and knite
[ ] knowe and knite
8. I ____ you had a ____ of butter somewhere.
[ ] knnew and knob
[ ] knew and nob
[ ] knew and knobb
[ ] knew and knob
9. I'll ____ on the door and tell them about the ____ in your hair.
[ ] knock and knot
[ ] knok and knot
[ ] knoc and knot
[ ] knock and knott
10. Please ____ on your ____ and pray.
[ ] kneal and knees
[ ] kneel and knees
[ ] kneel and kneas
[ ] kneal and kneas
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - The Sound kn (Answers)
1. The pirate had ____ where the treasure was hidden all along!
[ ] nown
[ ] nowen
[ ] knowen
[x] known
If the word involves knowing something, or being aware or clever in one way or another - it is always spelled with a 'kn' and not like this: 'no'.
2. Do you have any ____ on fancy hats?
[x] knowledge
[ ] knoledge
[ ] knowlege
[ ] knolege
This is a tricky word and is an extension to the word 'know'.
3. Some people call a rucksack a ____.
[ ] napsack
[ ] napsac
[ ] knapsac
[x] knapsack
A knapsack is a less common word to describe a rucksack or bag that goes on your back.
4. He was a very brave ____.
[ ] kniht
[ ] kniet
[x] knight
[ ] knite
If you can spell this word, then you can also spell the word 'night', which sounds the same.
5. I've grazed my ____.
[ ] knuckals
[ ] knuckells
[x] knuckles
[ ] knuckels
Your knuckles are the bones that stick out slightly when you clench your fist.
6. I need you to ____ this dough for ten minutes.
[ ] kneed
[x] knead
[ ] kned
[ ] knede
Kneading the dough makes it light and fluffy and is very important when making bread.
7. Do you ____ how to ____?
[ ] kno and knit
[x] know and knit
[ ] know and knite
[ ] knowe and knite
The first knitting needles were made from bone, ivory or tortoise shells!
8. I ____ you had a ____ of butter somewhere.
[ ] knnew and knob
[ ] knew and nob
[ ] knew and knobb
[x] knew and knob
Knob means a rounded ball - you can have a knob of butter or a knob to open a drawer.
9. I'll ____ on the door and tell them about the ____ in your hair.
[x] knock and knot
[ ] knok and knot
[ ] knoc and knot
[ ] knock and knott
A knot can be something you tie with string or an unwanted mess in your hair.
10. Please ____ on your ____ and pray.
[ ] kneal and knees
[x] kneel and knees
[ ] kneel and kneas
[ ] kneal and kneas
The Bible states that people should kneel when praying to God.