
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Tricky words 4 (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'Tricky words 4' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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This 'Tricky Words 4' spelling quiz tests elementary school children on words that are considered tricky to spell because they are exceptions to the rules.

Spellings can be very tricky, especially if they can’t be sounded out. This quiz is going to test you on words that don’t follow a sound pattern. How many of these spellings do you know?

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1. She is very ____ and always pushes me along.
[ ] kind
[ ] kinde
[ ] cind
[ ] cinde
2. I don't have a penny; I'm very ____ right now.
[ ] pore
[ ] pour
[ ] poor
[ ] poar
3. He wore these boots when he went to the ____ West!
[ ] Wild
[ ] Wilde
[ ] Whiled
[ ] Whild
4. ____ I eat all this cake?
[ ] Should
[ ] Shood
[ ] Shoeld
[ ] Shud
5. When is it half ____ six?
[ ] parst
[ ] parste
[ ] past
[ ] passed
6. When visiting the forest, please keep to the ____.
[ ] parth
[ ] parf
[ ] path
[ ] paff
7. Will you help me ____ house?
[ ] moove
[ ] move
[ ] mouve
[ ] moov
8. Make sure you don't drive too ____.
[ ] farst
[ ] farste
[ ] farst
[ ] fast
9. Do you have ____ visitors?
[ ] mannie
[ ] menie
[ ] meny
[ ] many
10. I'm rich! I have lots of ____ bars.
[ ] goaled
[ ] goald
[ ] gold
[ ] goled
Spelling: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quiz - Tricky words 4 (Answers)
1. She is very ____ and always pushes me along.
[x] kind
[ ] kinde
[ ] cind
[ ] cinde
Here the 'i' doesn't make an 'eh' sound but an 'I' sound, as in 'eye'.
2. I don't have a penny; I'm very ____ right now.
[ ] pore
[ ] pour
[x] poor
[ ] poar
When sounded out, all these words make the same sound but only one refers to the kind of poor we mean.
3. He wore these boots when he went to the ____ West!
[x] Wild
[ ] Wilde
[ ] Whiled
[ ] Whild
The Wild West refers to a time when cowboys were common.
4. ____ I eat all this cake?
[x] Should
[ ] Shood
[ ] Shoeld
[ ] Shud
Should, could and would all have the same spellings - you just change the first letters.
5. When is it half ____ six?
[ ] parst
[ ] parste
[x] past
[ ] passed
The last two words both sound the same and are both words, however, they mean different things.
6. When visiting the forest, please keep to the ____.
[ ] parth
[ ] parf
[x] path
[ ] paff
Depending on where you live, you might say p-ah-th or you might say p-ar-th.
7. Will you help me ____ house?
[ ] moove
[x] move
[ ] mouve
[ ] moov
Some people find moving house quite stressful; others find it exciting. Have you ever moved house?
8. Make sure you don't drive too ____.
[ ] farst
[ ] farste
[ ] farst
[x] fast
Every road has a speed limit. Next time you're in the car look out for signs that tell you how fast you can drive.
9. Do you have ____ visitors?
[ ] mannie
[ ] menie
[ ] meny
[x] many
Here, the 'a' sound is 'eh'.
10. I'm rich! I have lots of ____ bars.
[ ] goaled
[ ] goald
[x] gold
[ ] goled
Instead of calling them bars, we call them bullion.