
Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Numbers - Addition and Subtraction (Questions)

Hey there! Let's talk about two super cool things: addition and subtraction – the superheroes of maths! You learned these tricks ages ago, but in KS3 Maths, we're taking it up a notch. Now, we're dealing with bigger numbers and even hanging out with decimals.

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When you're adding or subtracting with your trusty pencil and paper, watch out for decimals! Line up those place values, just like stacking blocks. If you're mixing whole numbers and decimals, throw in a decimal point and as many zeros as needed to keep things in line.

Feeling like a maths superhero already? Awesome! Take a swing at this quiz to practice your addition and subtraction skills. It might seem easy-peasy, but remember to read each question carefully. We don't want any sneaky mistakes, do we?

1. What is 34 + 43?
[ ] 55
[ ] 66
[ ] 77
[ ] 88
2. What number must be added to 70 to make 120?
[ ] 40
[ ] 50
[ ] 60
[ ] 70
3. Charlie decides to give his little sister 40p out of his £1.00 pocket money. How much does he have left?
[ ] 20p
[ ] 30p
[ ] 50p
[ ] 60p
4. What is 76 - 14?
[ ] 62
[ ] 64
[ ] 66
[ ] 68
5. Andy's Dad gives Andy 40p to buy a newspaper for him. The paper costs 25p. How much does Andy return to his Dad?
[ ] 5p
[ ] 10p
[ ] 15p
[ ] 20p
6. What number must be subtracted from 1,200 to get 630?
[ ] 570
[ ] 575
[ ] 650
[ ] 675
7. What is 67 + 138 - 67?
[ ] 120
[ ] 128
[ ] 130
[ ] 138
8. What is 22 - 4 + 83?
[ ] 99
[ ] 100
[ ] 101
[ ] 102
9. What is twice the amount of 345?
[ ] 690
[ ] 700
[ ] 710
[ ] 720
10. Paula expects to get 15 Christmas cards. She receives 41. How many more did she get than expected?
[ ] 22
[ ] 24
[ ] 26
[ ] 28

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Positive and negative numbers

Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Numbers - Addition and Subtraction (Answers)
1. What is 34 + 43?
[ ] 55
[ ] 66
[x] 77
[ ] 88
3 + 4 = 7 so both columns in the sum are the same
2. What number must be added to 70 to make 120?
[ ] 40
[x] 50
[ ] 60
[ ] 70
You can work this out by subtracting 70 from 120
3. Charlie decides to give his little sister 40p out of his £1.00 pocket money. How much does he have left?
[ ] 20p
[ ] 30p
[ ] 50p
[x] 60p
60p + 40p = 100p which is equal to £1.00
4. What is 76 - 14?
[x] 62
[ ] 64
[ ] 66
[ ] 68
To check you've got it right, add 14 to 62
5. Andy's Dad gives Andy 40p to buy a newspaper for him. The paper costs 25p. How much does Andy return to his Dad?
[ ] 5p
[ ] 10p
[x] 15p
[ ] 20p
40 - 25 = 15
6. What number must be subtracted from 1,200 to get 630?
[x] 570
[ ] 575
[ ] 650
[ ] 675
570 is the difference between 630 and 1,200
7. What is 67 + 138 - 67?
[ ] 120
[ ] 128
[ ] 130
[x] 138
67 appears twice: once as an addition and once as a subtraction. So they cancel each other out
8. What is 22 - 4 + 83?
[ ] 99
[ ] 100
[x] 101
[ ] 102
22 - 4 = 18 and 18 + 83 = 101
9. What is twice the amount of 345?
[x] 690
[ ] 700
[ ] 710
[ ] 720
345 + 345 = 690
10. Paula expects to get 15 Christmas cards. She receives 41. How many more did she get than expected?
[ ] 22
[ ] 24
[x] 26
[ ] 28
41 - 15 = 26