
Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Numbers - Multiplication and Division (Questions)

Alright, let's talk about two superstars of maths - multiplication and division! After adding and subtracting, these are the cool moves everyone needs. To find the product of two numbers, just multiply them together. The numbers you can divide a number by are its factors, and there's a whole world of products, factors, and more waiting for you in KS3 Maths!

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Imagine this: you're shopping for three videogames, each costing £25. How much are you spending? Multiply £25 by 3 to find the total. It's not just about shopping; multiplication and division are everywhere! Sometimes, division leaves a 'leftover' called a remainder, which you can turn into a fraction. Knowing your multiplication tables by heart is like having a secret weapon for these skills!

Ready for some multiplication and division fun? Take this Maths quiz and show off your skills - you'll be a pro in no time!

1. Sam buys 4 boxes of chocolates. Each box holds 30 chocolates. How many chocolates are there in total?
[ ] 34
[ ] 60
[ ] 90
[ ] 120
2. A chocolate box cost £6.00. If there are 30 chocolates in the box, how much does each chocolate cost?
[ ] 2p
[ ] 10p
[ ] 20p
[ ] 50p
3. Sam bought 4 boxes of chocolates at £6.00 each. How much did he spend altogether?
[ ] £12.00
[ ] £16.00
[ ] £20.00
[ ] £24.00
4. To get 250, what must 50 be multiplied by?
[ ] 5
[ ] 10
[ ] 15
[ ] 20
5. A CD case holds 15 CDs. How many cases are needed to store 100 CDs?
[ ] 5
[ ] 6
[ ] 7
[ ] 8
6. What is the remainder of 75 / 4
[ ] 2
[ ] 3
[ ] 5
[ ] 9
7. What is 123 x 123?
[ ] 12,300
[ ] 14,401
[ ] 15,129
[ ] 17,665
8. Delilah earns £8.40 an hour. If she works 40 hours a week, how much does she earn per week?
[ ] £300
[ ] £336
[ ] £380
[ ] £500
9. What is 92 x 65 / 10?
[ ] 500
[ ] 550
[ ] 598
[ ] 600
10. What is the remainder of 628 / 9?
[ ] 7
[ ] 10
[ ] 13
[ ] 17

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Prime numbers, factors and multiples

Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Numbers - Multiplication and Division (Answers)
1. Sam buys 4 boxes of chocolates. Each box holds 30 chocolates. How many chocolates are there in total?
[ ] 34
[ ] 60
[ ] 90
[x] 120
4 x 30 = 120
2. A chocolate box cost £6.00. If there are 30 chocolates in the box, how much does each chocolate cost?
[ ] 2p
[ ] 10p
[x] 20p
[ ] 50p
£6.00 = 600p. 600 / 30 = 20
3. Sam bought 4 boxes of chocolates at £6.00 each. How much did he spend altogether?
[ ] £12.00
[ ] £16.00
[ ] £20.00
[x] £24.00
4 boxes at £6.00 each. 4 x 6 = 24
4. To get 250, what must 50 be multiplied by?
[x] 5
[ ] 10
[ ] 15
[ ] 20
The easiest way to work this one out is to divide 250 by 50
5. A CD case holds 15 CDs. How many cases are needed to store 100 CDs?
[ ] 5
[ ] 6
[x] 7
[ ] 8
15 x 6 = 90, but there are 10 CDs leftover - these will be stored in the seventh case.
6. What is the remainder of 75 / 4
[ ] 2
[x] 3
[ ] 5
[ ] 9
18 x 4 = 72. 75 - 72 = 3
7. What is 123 x 123?
[ ] 12,300
[ ] 14,401
[x] 15,129
[ ] 17,665
Both numbers end with a 3 and 3 x 3 = 9 so you know that the correct answer must end in a 9
8. Delilah earns £8.40 an hour. If she works 40 hours a week, how much does she earn per week?
[ ] £300
[x] £336
[ ] £380
[ ] £500
First multiply £8.40 x 4 to get £33.60 then multiply £33.60 x 10
9. What is 92 x 65 / 10?
[ ] 500
[ ] 550
[x] 598
[ ] 600
92 x 65 / 10 is the same as 92 x 6.5
10. What is the remainder of 628 / 9?
[x] 7
[ ] 10
[ ] 13
[ ] 17
628 / 9 = 69 with a leftover number of 7