
Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Shapes - Angles (Questions)

Let's dive into the world of shapes - a big deal in KS3 Maths! One exciting feature? Angles! This quiz is all about testing if you've got the inside scoop on your angles.

Angles are like the cool way shapes turn or rotate, measured in degrees shown by this sign: o. A full rotation has 360o, while a half-turn or straight line has 180o. Shapes have set amounts of degrees too:

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Picture squares - their corners have 90o angles. Triangles? Their angles add up to 180o. Less than 90o is acute, between 90o and 180o is obtuse, and over 180o is reflex. There's loads more to know, and this quiz is your guide!

Ready for some angle action? Take your time, read each question carefully, and ace this quiz. Don't forget the helpful comments after each question - they're like mini guides to boost your angle knowledge. Good luck!

1. A circle is divided into a number of parts or degrees. How many are there?
[ ] 90o
[ ] 180o
[ ] 270o
[ ] 360o
2. The three interior angles in a triangle add up to what?
[ ] 90o
[ ] 180o
[ ] 270o
[ ] 360o
3. Two interior angles in a triangle are 35o and 55o. What is the 3rd angle?
[ ] 75o
[ ] 85o
[ ] 90o
[ ] 95o
4. An angle that is between 180o and 360o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
5. An angle that is between 90o and 180o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
6. An angle that is between 0o and 90o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
7. An angle that is 90o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
8. Angles on a straight line add up to what?
[ ] 90o
[ ] 180o
[ ] 270o
[ ] 360o
9. The internal angles of a regular hexagon add up to 720o. How many degrees is each one?
[ ] 60o
[ ] 90o
[ ] 120o
[ ] 150o
10. Each internal angle of a regular pentagon is 108o. What is the total number of internal degrees?
[ ] 180o
[ ] 360o
[ ] 540o
[ ] 720o

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Angles

Maths Quiz - Level 3-4 Shapes - Angles (Answers)
1. A circle is divided into a number of parts or degrees. How many are there?
[ ] 90o
[ ] 180o
[ ] 270o
[x] 360o
The four interior angles of a quadrilateral also add up to 360o
2. The three interior angles in a triangle add up to what?
[ ] 90o
[x] 180o
[ ] 270o
[ ] 360o
An equilateral triangle has 3 interior angles each measuring 60 degrees each (3 x 60 = 180)
3. Two interior angles in a triangle are 35o and 55o. What is the 3rd angle?
[ ] 75o
[ ] 85o
[x] 90o
[ ] 95o
Take 35 and 55 from 180 to find the answer
4. An angle that is between 180o and 360o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[x] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
Every internal angle has a corresponding reflex angle. Together they add up to 360o
5. An angle that is between 90o and 180o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[x] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
Think of obtuse angles as 'blunt' and acute angles as 'sharp'
6. An angle that is between 0o and 90o is a(n) .......
[x] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[ ] right angle
Think of obtuse angles as 'blunt' and acute angles as 'sharp'
7. An angle that is 90o is a(n) .......
[ ] acute angle
[ ] obtuse angle
[ ] reflex angle
[x] right angle
These are found in squares and other rectangles
8. Angles on a straight line add up to what?
[ ] 90o
[x] 180o
[ ] 270o
[ ] 360o
A straight line is half a circle
9. The internal angles of a regular hexagon add up to 720o. How many degrees is each one?
[ ] 60o
[ ] 90o
[x] 120o
[ ] 150o
There are six internal angles in a hexagon. A regular hexagon has six equal angles
10. Each internal angle of a regular pentagon is 108o. What is the total number of internal degrees?
[ ] 180o
[ ] 360o
[x] 540o
[ ] 720o
Pentagons have 5 internal angles so just multiply 108o x 5