
Music Quiz - Fundamental Elements of Music 01 (Questions)

Fast Revison of KS3 Music

If you are studying music in KS3 then one of the topics you'll learn about is the fundamental elements that make up music. There are seven of these: Pitch, Duration, Dynamics, Tempo, Timbre, Texture and Structure.

Pitch is the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.
Duration is the length of time a note lasts for.
Dynamics express how loud or quiet the music should be played.
Tempo refers to the speed at which a piece of music should be played.
Timbre is the characteristic quality of a sound (not counting pitch and loudness) which make it unique.
Texture is how the melody, rhythm and harmony are combined to create the overall quality of a piece of music.
Structure is the form and arrangement of a piece of music

Have a go at the following quiz to see how much you've been taking notice in your music lessons!

1. Which element of music best describes how 'high' or 'low' notes sound?
[ ] Pitch
[ ] Rhythm
[ ] Texture
[ ] Timbre
2. In terms of duration, which is longest of these notes?
[ ] Dotted quaver
[ ] Minim
[ ] Semi-breve
[ ] Semi-quaver
3. What is the purpose of dynamics in a piece of music?
[ ] To express how loud or quiet the music should be played
[ ] To illustrate a key signature
[ ] To represent a change of speed
[ ] To show a change of time signature
4. What does 'andante' mean?
[ ] At a moderate/'walking' pace
[ ] Gradually getting faster
[ ] Very fast
[ ] Very slow
5. What best describes the effect of a 'ritardando'?
[ ] A gradual increase of volume
[ ] A sudden pause
[ ] Changing of key signature
[ ] Gradually getting slower
6. Which of these instruments has a 'bright' timbre?
[ ] Bassoon
[ ] Cello
[ ] Double bass
[ ] Piccolo
7. What is a 'homophonic' texture?
[ ] A single and unaccompanied voice
[ ] Multiple voices varying a main melody simultaneously
[ ] The overlapping of several melodic voices in a piece
[ ] Where one voice stands out on top of a backing harmony
8. What does the marking 'mezzo forte' (mf) mean?
[ ] Moderately loud
[ ] Moderately quiet
[ ] Very loud
[ ] Very quiet
9. Binary form is made up of how many sections?
[ ] One (A) - a single section often repeated
[ ] Two (AB)
[ ] Three (ABA)
[ ] Five (ABACD)
10. A minim is made up of how many quaver beats?
[ ] Three
[ ] Four
[ ] Six
[ ] Eight

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Music

Music Quiz - Fundamental Elements of Music 01 (Answers)
1. Which element of music best describes how 'high' or 'low' notes sound?
[x] Pitch
[ ] Rhythm
[ ] Texture
[ ] Timbre
A piccolo is high pitched - a tuba is low pitched
2. In terms of duration, which is longest of these notes?
[ ] Dotted quaver
[ ] Minim
[x] Semi-breve
[ ] Semi-quaver
A semi-breve lasts as long as two minims, four crotchets or eight quavers
3. What is the purpose of dynamics in a piece of music?
[x] To express how loud or quiet the music should be played
[ ] To illustrate a key signature
[ ] To represent a change of speed
[ ] To show a change of time signature
They can illustrate both sudden and gradual changes
4. What does 'andante' mean?
[x] At a moderate/'walking' pace
[ ] Gradually getting faster
[ ] Very fast
[ ] Very slow
Andante is derived from the Latin word, ambulare, which means 'to walk'
5. What best describes the effect of a 'ritardando'?
[ ] A gradual increase of volume
[ ] A sudden pause
[ ] Changing of key signature
[x] Gradually getting slower
This is often generalised as 'rit.' on sheet music
6. Which of these instruments has a 'bright' timbre?
[ ] Bassoon
[ ] Cello
[ ] Double bass
[x] Piccolo
The others are low sounding and have 'darker' timbres
7. What is a 'homophonic' texture?
[ ] A single and unaccompanied voice
[ ] Multiple voices varying a main melody simultaneously
[ ] The overlapping of several melodic voices in a piece
[x] Where one voice stands out on top of a backing harmony
Note: homophonic and homophony are not the same!
8. What does the marking 'mezzo forte' (mf) mean?
[x] Moderately loud
[ ] Moderately quiet
[ ] Very loud
[ ] Very quiet
Mezzo means 'half' in Italian and forte means 'strong'
9. Binary form is made up of how many sections?
[ ] One (A) - a single section often repeated
[x] Two (AB)
[ ] Three (ABA)
[ ] Five (ABACD)
However, both sections are sometimes repeated
10. A minim is made up of how many quaver beats?
[ ] Three
[x] Four
[ ] Six
[ ] Eight
Remember - minim = two crotchets, crotchet = two quavers