
Personal Education Quiz - Cyber Bullying - Age 7-11 (Questions)

Bullying is a recurrent theme in PSHE lessons. In this quiz, written for KS2 aged children in years 3-7, we help them differentiate between cyber bullying and playground bullying. It will also help them to understand what to do if they suspect they or anyone they know is being cyber bullied.

There are many types of bullying. Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place online. Due to the nature of cyber bullying, some people do not realise they are being a bully or are being bullied - but if the behaviour online is repeatedly done with the desire to cause emotional distress to another person then it is still bullying.

Cyber bullying is just as serious as any other kind and it must be stopped. It is important to understand that by liking cruel comments or sharing mean videos online, you are contributing to the bullying even if you did not post it in the first place.

1. If someone posts a picture or video of someone else online that might upset them what should you do?
[ ] Ignore it
[ ] Share it
[ ] Like it
[ ] Tell an adult
2. You CAN'T be cyber bullied on ...
[ ] social media
[ ] Xbox
[ ] phone calls
[ ] email
3. If someone sends you a nasty message online what should you do with it?
[ ] Ignore it
[ ] Save it
[ ] Show it to your best friend
[ ] Delete it
4. What is cyber bullying?
[ ] Bullying that happens over the internet
[ ] Bullying done by adults
[ ] Bullying in school
[ ] Bullying that only happens once
5. Which of the following will NOT protect you online?
[ ] Making lots of friends online
[ ] Keeping your personal information private
[ ] Only being friends with people you know in real life
[ ] Having a password
6. Who can cyber bully you?
[ ] Only people over 13
[ ] Anyone with access to the internet
[ ] Only people under 16
[ ] Only people that know you
7. Who should you share your password with?
[ ] No one
[ ] Your best friend
[ ] A parent or carer
[ ] Everyone
8. If someone sends you a nasty message online what should you NOT do?
[ ] Show it to a teacher
[ ] Save it
[ ] Show it to a parent or carer
[ ] Delete it
9. What should you do if you think someone is cyber bullying you?
[ ] Tell your friends
[ ] Block them
[ ] Bully them back
[ ] Tell an adult
10. Which of these is NOT cyber bullying?
[ ] Calling someone names in a chat room
[ ] Posting embarrassing pictures of someone on social media
[ ] Calling someone names in the playground
[ ] Sending hurtful messages via email

You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How to deal with cyber-bullying

Personal Education Quiz - Cyber Bullying - Age 7-11 (Answers)
1. If someone posts a picture or video of someone else online that might upset them what should you do?
[ ] Ignore it
[ ] Share it
[ ] Like it
[x] Tell an adult
Even if you are not the victim, if you see cyber bullying taking place you should tell an adult. This is so that they can report it to the correct people. By liking and sharing the post you can also be seen as bullying
2. You CAN'T be cyber bullied on ...
[ ] social media
[ ] Xbox
[x] phone calls
[ ] email
Hurtful behaviour done over the internet through emails, social media platforms or even gaming chat is cyber bullying. Phone calls, text messages and face-to-face name calling is bullying
3. If someone sends you a nasty message online what should you do with it?
[ ] Ignore it
[x] Save it
[ ] Show it to your best friend
[ ] Delete it
If you are being bullied online you should save the evidence and then show it to an adult. You may also be asked to show it to the teacher or the police if they are investigating the bullying
4. What is cyber bullying?
[x] Bullying that happens over the internet
[ ] Bullying done by adults
[ ] Bullying in school
[ ] Bullying that only happens once
Cyber bullying is the name given to bullying that happens over the internet
5. Which of the following will NOT protect you online?
[x] Making lots of friends online
[ ] Keeping your personal information private
[ ] Only being friends with people you know in real life
[ ] Having a password
There are lots of ways to protect yourself online like using passwords, only being friends with people you really know and sharing very little information about yourself. Having lots of online friends will not protect you from online bullies
6. Who can cyber bully you?
[ ] Only people over 13
[x] Anyone with access to the internet
[ ] Only people under 16
[ ] Only people that know you
Anyone with access to the internet can cyber bully someone else whether they are male, female, adult or child
7. Who should you share your password with?
[ ] No one
[ ] Your best friend
[x] A parent or carer
[ ] Everyone
Until the age of 16 you should share your passwords with a trusted adult like a parent or carer. This will help them to protect you and keep you safe but it will also be helpful if you forget your password
8. If someone sends you a nasty message online what should you NOT do?
[ ] Show it to a teacher
[ ] Save it
[ ] Show it to a parent or carer
[x] Delete it
If someone sends you a message that upsets you, you should not delete it as it can be used as evidence. Instead show an adult
9. What should you do if you think someone is cyber bullying you?
[ ] Tell your friends
[ ] Block them
[ ] Bully them back
[x] Tell an adult
If you think you are the victim of any type of bullying, you should tell an adult that you trust so they can help make it stop and deal with it appropriately
10. Which of these is NOT cyber bullying?
[ ] Calling someone names in a chat room
[ ] Posting embarrassing pictures of someone on social media
[x] Calling someone names in the playground
[ ] Sending hurtful messages via email
Cyber bullying requires the internet. Name calling and hurtful behaviour done face-to-face is called bullying and should also be reported to an adult