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Personal Education Quizzes

happy girl jumping PSHE – Personal Education

The “P” in PSHE stands for Personal Education. But what exactly is that? Well, it covers a variety of topics centred around a theme of children being happy and healthy in their own minds and bodies.

Mental health is important to take care of, even amongst KS1 age children. This section deals with recognising and understanding emotions in ourselves and others. It also tells children some of the warning signs and gives them strategies for dealing with negative feelings. Most of the quizzes have a link at the bottom to the relevant BBC Bitesize page.

The concept of self and individuality are also parts of personal education. It is important that children understand that they are individuals and that we are all different. It is OK and natural that we are all individuals and children need to respect themselves to nurture good self-esteem.

Another topic that’s covered is growing and changing. For KS1 and KS2 children this is about how our bodies change as we get older and prepares them for the onset of puberty. For older children in KS3 and KS4 sexual health, pregnancy and consent are parts of this.

The quizzes in this section are all about some of the issues covered in the “personal” section of PSHE. We have three other sections: Health Education, Social Education and Economic Education. These look at the other parts of PSHE so I do recommend you have a go at those quizzes too.

Learning PSHE need not be dull and boring. Our quizzes make the subject interactive and engaging, which helps children to learn. PSHE may not improve children’s GCSE results, but it does help to make them better rounded individuals.

Quiz Title Options
PSHE quiz illustration | Bullying and name-calling Bullying - Age 5-7 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Families Families - Age 5-7 Play
PSHE quiz illustration | friends Friends - Age 5-7 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Good and Bad Secrets Good and Bad Secrets - Age 5-7 Play
PSHE quiz illustration | Bullying and self-esteem Bullying - Age 7-11 Play
PSHE quiz illustration | Controlling Emotions Controlling Our Emotions - Age 7-11 Play
PSHE quiz illustration | Cyber bullying Cyber Bullying - Age 7-11 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Different Relationships Different Kinds of Relationships - Age 11-14 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Sexual Consent Sexual Consent Age 11-14 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Unwanted Pregnancy Unintended Pregnancy - Age 11-14 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Emotions in relationships Emotions in Relationships - Age 14-16 Play
PSHE Quiz Illustration | Equality Act The Equality Act – Age 14-16 Play

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