
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Doing Words 2 (Measure, Meet) (Questions)

This Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz will continue to focus on action words or doing words, i.e., verbs, such as measure and meet. As verbs often present the most difficult challenge to those learning Spanish, we have tried to give you as many quizzes as possible to assist you in conquering that challenge.

In order to help you to associate your verbs with actions, please look at the pictures provided. This will go a very long way towards helping your brain to make the association between the verbs and the action as it is spoken, and written, in Spanish. So without any further explanation, please move on to the quiz. Remember to find the correct Spanish translation to the capitalized English verb, watching out for tense and pronoun form.

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1. Sally's elder sister was SURPRISED when the door opened!
[ ] sorprende
[ ] sorprenderás
[ ] sorprendes
[ ] sorprendió
2. I BLAME you for the state of this kitchen!
[ ] culpé
[ ] culpo
[ ] cupló
[ ] culpando
3. He vowed to ELIMINATE junk food from his diet.
[ ] elimináis
[ ] elimina
[ ] eliminar
[ ] eliminan
4. I will be FILLING my window box with pretty flowers.
[ ] llené
[ ] llenaré
[ ] lleno
[ ] llenando
5. He wondered how far he THREW the ball.
[ ] lanzasteis
[ ] lanza
[ ] lanzó
[ ] lanzaré
6. She was LISTENING to the church bells ringing.
[ ] escucha
[ ] escuchando
[ ] escuchaste
[ ] escuchó
7. We must MEASURE the window before ordering the curtains.
[ ] medir
[ ] medimos
[ ] mediremos
[ ] medieron
8. These friends MEET every Sunday for lunch.
[ ] reunieron
[ ] reunirán
[ ] reuniendo
[ ] reúnen
9. To OBTAIN these Australian flip flops you will have to pull them from the sand.
[ ] consegue
[ ] conseguir
[ ] consequimos
[ ] conseguirá
10. She went to church and REPENTED her sins.
[ ] arrepente
[ ] arrepento
[ ] arrepintió
[ ] arrepiente
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Doing Words 2 (Measure, Meet) (Answers)
1. Sally's elder sister was SURPRISED when the door opened!
[ ] sorprende
[ ] sorprenderás
[ ] sorprendes
[x] sorprendió
As the verb in this sentence ends with the letters of 'ed' you know it is a past tense verb. The object or subject of the sentence is Sally’s elder sister. What pronoun can replace that? It would be she. Therefore, the Spanish past tense verb for 'she was surprised' is sorprendió. It is an ER verb.
2. I BLAME you for the state of this kitchen!
[ ] culpé
[x] culpo
[ ] cupló
[ ] culpando
In this sentence you know that it is being stated in the present tense. You have also been given the pronoun of I. The Spanish present tense verb for 'I blame' is culpo. It is an AR verb.
3. He vowed to ELIMINATE junk food from his diet.
[ ] elimináis
[ ] elimina
[x] eliminar
[ ] eliminan
In this sentence, as the preposition word of 'to' appears before the capitalized verb you know that it means that the verb should appear in its base form. This is an AR verb so the Spanish word for 'to eliminate' is eliminar.
4. I will be FILLING my window box with pretty flowers.
[ ] llené
[ ] llenaré
[ ] lleno
[x] llenando
In this sentence the capitalized verb ends in the letters of 'ing' making it a gerund. It is also proceeded by the future tense 'to be' verb. This tells us that the verb of 'filling' is a gerund and progressive verb. The Spanish gerund for 'filling' is llenando. It is an AR verb.
5. He wondered how far he THREW the ball.
[ ] lanzasteis
[ ] lanza
[x] lanzó
[ ] lanzaré
As the capitalized verb in this sentence indicates that it is a past tense verb, you can quickly eliminate the second answer as it is a present tense verb and the last answer is a future tense verb. The pronoun of 'he' has been given. Therefore, the Spanish past tense verb for 'he threw' is lanzó. It is an AR verb.
6. She was LISTENING to the church bells ringing.
[ ] escucha
[x] escuchando
[ ] escuchaste
[ ] escuchó
In this sentence the capitalized verb ends in the letter of 'ing' making it a gerund. It is also proceeded by the past tense 'to be' verb. This tells us that 'listening' is a gerund and progressive verb. The Spanish gerund for 'listening' is “escuchando”. It is an AR verb.
7. We must MEASURE the window before ordering the curtains.
[x] medir
[ ] medimos
[ ] mediremos
[ ] medieron
In this sentence a form of a command is being given. Generally when a command is being given the base form of the verb is used. The base form for the Spanish verb for 'measure' is medir. It is an IR verb.
8. These friends MEET every Sunday for lunch.
[ ] reunieron
[ ] reunirán
[ ] reuniendo
[x] reúnen
This sentence contains a present tense verb. The direct object or subject is 'these friends'. You need to determine the proper pronoun that can replace it. That would be they. The Spanish present tense verb for 'they meet' is reúnen. It is an IR verb.
9. To OBTAIN these Australian flip flops you will have to pull them from the sand.
[ ] consegue
[x] conseguir
[ ] consequimos
[ ] conseguirá
In this sentence, as the preposition word of 'to' appears before the capitalized verb you know that it means that the verb should appear in its base form. This is an IR verb so the Spanish word for 'to obtain' is conseguir.
10. She went to church and REPENTED her sins.
[ ] arrepente
[ ] arrepento
[x] arrepintió
[ ] arrepiente
Once again, as the verb in this sentence ends with the letters of 'ed' you know it is a past tense verb. The first and second answers appear to be present tense verbs but they are misspelled. Therefore, the first and second answers can be eliminated. The last answer is also a present tense verb that means he/she/you [singular formal]/ it repents. That is not the correct answer. The third answer is a past tense verb and it means 'she repented'. It is an IR verb.