
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Grammar: The Parts of Language! (Questions)

In this Spanish Difficult Review quiz you will be looking at the various parts of language. You have learned all about the parts of language in your regular English classes. As you can see, most of these parts of language are also found in Spanish, although their placement in a sentence may vary somewhat.

Because the Spanish sentence structure varies in its word placement, it really can be very helpful to you to come to really understand the parts of language as you need to pay very close attention to where each word is placed and how each word relates to the other. That means really getting to know what each word is, i.e., noun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, conjunction, etc. As you continue to learn the Spanish sentence structure, it will greatly aid you in understanding the parts of language in English. So let’s take a look at the different parts of language as they are spoken in Spanish.



adjective adjetivo [m]
adverb adverbio [m]
enunciation enunciación [f]
antonym antónimo [m]
conjunction conjunción [f]
consonant consonante [f]
homonym homónimo [m]
letter letra [f]
metaphor metáfora [f]
noun sustantivo [m]
onomatopoeia onomatopeya [f]
paragraph párrafo [m]
phrase frase [f]
preposition preposición [f]
pronoun pronombre [m]
sentence oración [f]
story historia [f]
synonym sinónimo [m]
verb verbo [m]
vowel vocal [f]
word palabra [f]

For this quiz, you will be given ten definitions that will describe a part of language. Your challenge is to locate the proper part of language in Spanish that goes with the given definition.

1. This is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It tells us what is happening and when.
[ ] palabra
[ ] pronombre
[ ] preposición
[ ] conjunción
2. These are two different words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
[ ] adjetivo
[ ] antónimo
[ ] sinónimo
[ ] adverbio
3. This should contain three parts, i.e., a topic, supporting information to address the topic and a concluding sentence to reinforce or clarify the topic.
[ ] pronombre
[ ] oración
[ ] historia
[ ] párrafo
4. This is a word (or group of words) that is used to connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences together.
[ ] consonante
[ ] conjunción
[ ] letra
[ ] sustantivo
5. This is the use of words to imitate a sound or idea.
[ ] onomatopeya
[ ] vocal
[ ] homónimo
[ ] metáfora
6. This is when two things are implied as being the same thing.
[ ] oración
[ ] enunciación
[ ] sustantivo
[ ] metáfora
7. This is when you have two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite thing.
[ ] frase
[ ] antónimo
[ ] pronombre
[ ] historia
8. This is a person, place or thing.
[ ] palabra
[ ] vocal
[ ] sustantivo
[ ] adverbio
9. This is a word that describes, identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun.
[ ] adjetivo
[ ] letra
[ ] frase
[ ] adverbio
10. This is a word that replaces one or more nouns.
[ ] palabra
[ ] consonante
[ ] historia
[ ] pronombre
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Grammar: The Parts of Language! (Answers)
1. This is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. It tells us what is happening and when.
[ ] palabra
[ ] pronombre
[x] preposición
[ ] conjunción
The part of language that shows us the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence and tells us what is happening and when is a preposition. Preposition in Spanish is preposición.
2. These are two different words that mean the same or nearly the same thing.
[ ] adjetivo
[ ] antónimo
[x] sinónimo
[ ] adverbio
The part of language where two different words mean the same or nearly the same thing is known as a synonym. Synonym in Spanish is sinónimo.
3. This should contain three parts, i.e., a topic, supporting information to address the topic and a concluding sentence to reinforce or clarify the topic.
[ ] pronombre
[ ] oración
[ ] historia
[x] párrafo
A paragraph should contain three parts, i.e., a topic, supporting information to address the topic and a concluding sentence. The Spanish word for paragraph is párrafo.
4. This is a word (or group of words) that is used to connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences together.
[ ] consonante
[x] conjunción
[ ] letra
[ ] sustantivo
The word (or group of words) that is used to connect other words, phrases, clauses or sentences together is known as a conjunction. Conjunction in Spanish is conjunción.
5. This is the use of words to imitate a sound or idea.
[x] onomatopeya
[ ] vocal
[ ] homónimo
[ ] metáfora
The use of words to imitate a sound or an idea is known as an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia in Spanish is onomatopeya.
6. This is when two things are implied as being the same thing.
[ ] oración
[ ] enunciación
[ ] sustantivo
[x] metáfora
The part of language when two things are implied as being the same thing is known as a metaphor. Metaphor in Spanish is metáfora.
7. This is when you have two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite thing.
[ ] frase
[x] antónimo
[ ] pronombre
[ ] historia
The part of language when two words mean the opposite or nearly the opposition thing is known as an antonym. Antonym in Spanish is antónimo.
8. This is a person, place or thing.
[ ] palabra
[ ] vocal
[x] sustantivo
[ ] adverbio
A person, place or thing is a noun. Noun in Spanish is sustantivo.
9. This is a word that describes, identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun.
[x] adjetivo
[ ] letra
[ ] frase
[ ] adverbio
The part of language where a word is used to describe, identify or further define a noun or a pronoun is known as an adjective. Adjective in Spanish is adjetivo.
10. This is a word that replaces one or more nouns.
[ ] palabra
[ ] consonante
[ ] historia
[x] pronombre
A word that is used to replace one or more nouns is known as a pronoun. Pronoun in Spanish is pronombre.