
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 1) (Questions)

This Spanish Difficult Review quiz will challenge you on your reading comprehension to see just how well you have learned Spanish. It is the first quiz in a series of 5 separate reading comprehension quizzes. They are going to be very challenging because with these quizzes you are really going to have to comprehend in Spanish. You know all of the words and all of the verbs and you have been training your brain for quite some time now. With that in mind, trust in what you have done throughout Spanish Easy Review, Spanish Medium Review and now Spanish Difficult Review. You just might find this quiz series not as difficult as you first might believe.


Now, how is the series of quizzes going to work? You will be given a couple of short paragraphs to read – all in Spanish – and then you are going to be asked to answer questions about what you have read. For this quiz and for Quiz 2 in the series, the quiz questions will be in English and the Answers will also be in English. For Quiz 3 and 4 of the series, the quiz questions will be in Spanish and the Answers will be in English. Finally, when you get to Quiz 5, the quiz questions and the quiz Answers will all be in Spanish. Again, as long as you have been studying your Spanish vocabulary words, the rules of Spanish sentence structure, verb conjugations and Spanish grammar, as well as doing a lot of practice, you should be able to get through the series with relative ease. Now, sit back, relax and let’s see just how close you are to being bilingual!

Read the following short paragraphs and then answer the 10 quiz questions that follow.

Todos los días, después de la escuela, los niños corrieron al parque. En el parque fue un jardín. Fue un gran jardín con pasto alto. Aquí y allí estuvieron hermosas flores como estrellas. Fueron doce árboles de melocotones en el medio del jardín y, en el otoño, los árboles cultivaron rica fruta. Los pájaros se sentaron en los árboles y cantaron felices canciones. Los niños acabaron sus juegos para los escuchar el cantar. También miraron las ardillas.

Los niños jugaron juegos toda la tarde en el parque. Cuando el sol fue abajo ellos fueron a casa a cenar. Ellos entonces hicieron su tarea, miraron la televisión, dijeron sus oraciones y luego fueron a la cama. Esta es la vida que un niño vive por muchos años. Es la vida que hace que los adultos sonrían.

1. Where did the children go to after school?
[ ] zoo
[ ] park
[ ] library
[ ] home
2. What was in the park?
[ ] a garden
[ ] a swing set
[ ] a pond
[ ] a slide
3. What were the flowers like?
[ ] spring
[ ] bells
[ ] fairies
[ ] stars
4. How many trees were in the garden?
[ ] two
[ ] twelve
[ ] twenty
[ ] two hundred
5. What kind of trees were in the garden?
[ ] pear
[ ] peach
[ ] apple
[ ] cherry
6. What was singing in the trees?
[ ] babies
[ ] birds
[ ] insects
[ ] winds
7. What did the children also watch?
[ ] squirrels
[ ] rabbits
[ ] snakes
[ ] chipmunks
8. What did the children play in the park?
[ ] judges
[ ] jump rope
[ ] hopscotch
[ ] games
9. What did the children do when the sun went down?
[ ] went home for bed
[ ] went home to do their homework
[ ] went home for dinner
[ ] went home to watch television
10. What does the life of a child make adults do?
[ ] smile
[ ] laugh
[ ] cry
[ ] remember
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 1) (Answers)
1. Where did the children go to after school?
[ ] zoo
[x] park
[ ] library
[ ] home
Todos los días, después de la escuela, los niños corrieron al parque. This reads as: Every day after school, the children ran to the park. Therefore, the children went to the park.
2. What was in the park?
[x] a garden
[ ] a swing set
[ ] a pond
[ ] a slide
En el parque fue un jardín. This reads as: In the park there was a garden. We now know that there was a garden in the park.
3. What were the flowers like?
[ ] spring
[ ] bells
[ ] fairies
[x] stars
Aquí y allí estuvieron hermosas flores como estrellas. This reads as: Here and there were beautiful flowers like stars. The flowers were like stars.
4. How many trees were in the garden?
[ ] two
[x] twelve
[ ] twenty
[ ] two hundred
Fueron doce árboles…en el medio del jardín… This reads as: There were twelve trees… in the middle of the garden… This tells us that there were twelve trees.
5. What kind of trees were in the garden?
[ ] pear
[x] peach
[ ] apple
[ ] cherry
Fueron doce árboles de melocotones en el medio del jardín… This reads as: There were twelve peach trees in the middle of the garden… We now know that the trees were peach trees.
6. What was singing in the trees?
[ ] babies
[x] birds
[ ] insects
[ ] winds
Los pájaros se sentaron en los árboles y cantaron felices canciones. This reads as: The birds sat on the trees and sang happy songs. It was the birds that were signing.
7. What did the children also watch?
[x] squirrels
[ ] rabbits
[ ] snakes
[ ] chipmunks
También miraron las ardillas. This reads as: They also watched the squirrels. We now know that the children also watched the squirrels.
8. What did the children play in the park?
[ ] judges
[ ] jump rope
[ ] hopscotch
[x] games
Los niños jugaron juegos toda la tarde en el parque. This reads as: The children played games all afternoon in the park. We now know that they children played games in the park.
9. What did the children do when the sun went down?
[ ] went home for bed
[ ] went home to do their homework
[x] went home for dinner
[ ] went home to watch television
Cuando el sol fue abajo ellos fueron a casa a cenar. This reads as: When the sun went down they went home for dinner. The children went home for dinner after the sun went down.
10. What does the life of a child make adults do?
[x] smile
[ ] laugh
[ ] cry
[ ] remember
Esta es la vida que un niño vive por muchos años. Es la vida que hace que los adultos sonrían. This reads as: This is the life a child lives for many years. It is life that makes adults smile. The life of a child makes adults smile.