
Computer Science: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Models 1 (Questions)

This Computer Science quiz is called 'Models 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Spreadsheets are a type of model in computer science. In the field of computer science, modeling is an important topic. And we're not talking about catwalk modeling!

See how much knowledge you have by playing our first Models quiz which is about using spreadsheets and rules to create models or simulations.

1. Spreadsheets are applications designed to .......
[ ] do the same job as databases only they are cheaper
[ ] give you a large desktop to work on
[ ] help accountants
[ ] perform calculations on data in a convenient way
2. Typical uses of spreadsheets would not include .......
[ ] creating invoices
[ ] doing basic calculations on a few numbers
[ ] producing charts and graphs
[ ] simple databases
3. The work space is divided into rectangles called .......
[ ] bells
[ ] cells
[ ] sells
[ ] shells
4. Each cell may contain .......
[ ] numbers and text and formulae at the same time
[ ] numbers and text at the same time
[ ] numbers only
[ ] numbers or text or formulae
5. Cells are organized in rows and .......
[ ] boxes
[ ] columns
[ ] layers
[ ] shelves
6. A cell is identified by the row and column it is in. They are .......
[ ] its address
[ ] its identifier
[ ] its zip code
[ ] the cell location
7. What do we call a cell being worked on?
[ ] Active cell
[ ] Calc cell
[ ] Current cell
[ ] Live cell
8. A cell can contain a 'formula'. A formula is .......
[ ] an instruction telling the spreadsheet what actions to take
[ ] an instruction telling the user what actions to take
[ ] a mathematical equation
[ ] None of these
9. A formula in a cell usually begins with a .......
[ ] #
[ ] ~
[ ] ^
[ ] =
10. A cell can be referred to in a formula using a relative or .......
[ ] absolute address
[ ] core address
[ ] key address
[ ] primary address
Computer Science: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Models 1 (Answers)
1. Spreadsheets are applications designed to .......
[ ] do the same job as databases only they are cheaper
[ ] give you a large desktop to work on
[ ] help accountants
[x] perform calculations on data in a convenient way
2. Typical uses of spreadsheets would not include .......
[ ] creating invoices
[x] doing basic calculations on a few numbers
[ ] producing charts and graphs
[ ] simple databases
A simple calculator would be adequate
3. The work space is divided into rectangles called .......
[ ] bells
[x] cells
[ ] sells
[ ] shells
4. Each cell may contain .......
[ ] numbers and text and formulae at the same time
[ ] numbers and text at the same time
[ ] numbers only
[x] numbers or text or formulae
Each cell should only contain one type of data at a time
5. Cells are organized in rows and .......
[ ] boxes
[x] columns
[ ] layers
[ ] shelves
6. A cell is identified by the row and column it is in. They are .......
[x] its address
[ ] its identifier
[ ] its zip code
[ ] the cell location
Cell B2 is found in column B row 2
7. What do we call a cell being worked on?
[x] Active cell
[ ] Calc cell
[ ] Current cell
[ ] Live cell
8. A cell can contain a 'formula'. A formula is .......
[x] an instruction telling the spreadsheet what actions to take
[ ] an instruction telling the user what actions to take
[ ] a mathematical equation
[ ] None of these
9. A formula in a cell usually begins with a .......
[ ] #
[ ] ~
[ ] ^
[x] =
Note - not all spreadsheets use = this way
10. A cell can be referred to in a formula using a relative or .......
[x] absolute address
[ ] core address
[ ] key address
[ ] primary address
Note - cell addresses are also called cell references