
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Assonance (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Assonance' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In English, assonance means similar vowel sounds used in groups of words, not necessarily rhyming or following each other, e.g. in 'slow motion' the long 'o' sounds make the words seem slow.

See how well you do in the following quiz all about assonance.

1. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Bus travel is free for me!
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
2. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Pass the bowl of peas please!
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
3. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
I'll try to light the birthday candles.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
4. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Put up your umbrella quickly!
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
5. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Nobody knows his sorrow.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
6. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
We seemed to be the last team to cross the stream.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
7. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The tame dog ran down the lane.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
8. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The interview was incredibly successful.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
9. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The upper reaches of the river undulated for miles.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
10. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
"Lemons, melons or oranges?" asked the fruit seller.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Assonance (Answers)
1. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Bus travel is free for me!
[ ] a
[x] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
'free, me' assonance of long 'e' sounds
2. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Pass the bowl of peas please!
[ ] a
[x] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
'peas please' assonance of long 'e' sounds
3. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
I'll try to light the birthday candles.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[x] i
[ ] o
I'll try, light' assonance of 'i' sounds
4. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Put up your umbrella quickly!
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[x] u
'up, umbrella' assonance of 'u' sounds
5. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
Nobody knows his sorrow.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[x] o
[ ] u
'Nobody knows, sorrow' assonance of 'o' sounds
6. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
We seemed to be the last team to cross the stream.
[ ] a
[x] e
[ ] o
[ ] u
'seemed, team, stream' long 'e' sounds assonance
7. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The tame dog ran down the lane.
[x] a
[ ] e
[ ] i
[ ] o
'tame, lane' assonance of 'a' sounds
8. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The interview was incredibly successful.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[x] i
[ ] o
'interview, incredibly' assonance of 'i' sounds
9. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
The upper reaches of the river undulated for miles.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[ ] o
[x] u
'upper, undulated' assonance of 'u' sounds
10. Select the vowel used in the following example of assonance.
"Lemons, melons or oranges?" asked the fruit seller.
[ ] a
[ ] e
[x] o
[ ] u
'Lemons, melons, oranges' assonance of 'o' sounds