
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Grammar - Conventions of Standard English - Antonyms (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Grammar - Conventions of Standard English - Antonyms' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Antonyms are two words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite thing. As an example, look at the following two sentences:


In these two sentences, “softly” and “loudly” have opposite meanings from each other. Therefore, they are antonyms.

1. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
She jumped in JOY when she got the news!
[ ] happiness
[ ] excitement
[ ] gratitude
[ ] sadness
2. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He was amazed with the giraffe's TALL neck.
[ ] long
[ ] short
[ ] funny
[ ] spotted
3. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He slipped on the ROUGH rocks.
[ ] smooth
[ ] jagged
[ ] bouncing
[ ] broken
4. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
The baby had a HUGE smile!
[ ] big
[ ] gigantic
[ ] small
[ ] bright
5. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
In what year did the Titanic SINK?
[ ] settle
[ ] fall
[ ] arrive
[ ] float
6. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
My mother was sad because it was WINDY on my wedding day.
[ ] drafty
[ ] calm
[ ] blustery
[ ] stormy
7. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
You could feel his WRATH throughout the room.
[ ] love
[ ] anger
[ ] hatred
[ ] animosity
8. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
My cat is CURIOUS with everything.
[ ] nosy
[ ] excited
[ ] interested
[ ] indifferent
9. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
After eating all the candy he felt SICK.
[ ] ill
[ ] weary
[ ] well
[ ] grisly
10. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He knew that Joseph would keep his secret SAFE.
[ ] guarded
[ ] unprotected
[ ] protected
[ ] quiet
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Grammar - Conventions of Standard English - Antonyms (Answers)
1. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
She jumped in JOY when she got the news!
[ ] happiness
[ ] excitement
[ ] gratitude
[x] sadness
The word 'joy' shows happiness, delight and excitement. This then quickly eliminates 'happiness' and 'excitement' as they mean the same thing. 'Gratitude' means to be thankful for. It, too, is not the opposite of 'joy'. That leaves us with 'sadness'. 'Sadness' is to be filled with sorrow. Clearly, this is the antonym we are looking for.
2. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He was amazed with the giraffe's TALL neck.
[ ] long
[x] short
[ ] funny
[ ] spotted
The definition of 'tall' is 'great in height'. This means 'long' is quite similar. 'Funny' and 'spotted' are different descriptions of the giraffe’s neck but they are not opposite of 'tall'. 'Short' is small in height so it is the antonym we want.
3. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He slipped on the ROUGH rocks.
[x] smooth
[ ] jagged
[ ] bouncing
[ ] broken
The definition of 'rough' is to be coarse or uneven. 'Jagged' means to be uneven and rough. It is the same as 'rough'. 'Bouncing' is a present tense verb and not what we are looking for. 'Broken' also means to be uneven or separated. 'Smooth' on the other hand means flat and even and is clearly the opposite of rough. It is the antonym we are looking for.
4. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
The baby had a HUGE smile!
[ ] big
[ ] gigantic
[x] small
[ ] bright
'Huge' means to be extremely large. 'Big' and 'gigantic' are far too similar so they are not antonyms to 'huge'. 'Bright' is to be smart or lit up and is different than 'huge' but it is not the opposite of it. 'Small' on the other hand is something that is little and a perfect antonym for 'huge'.
5. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
In what year did the Titanic SINK?
[ ] settle
[ ] fall
[ ] arrive
[x] float
'Sink' means to go down or descend. Both 'settle' and 'fall' have the same meanings and are synonyms to 'sink'. 'Arrive' is a totally different action that is not opposite. To 'float' means to remain even, steady or on top of. It is definitely the opposite of 'sink'.
6. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
My mother was sad because it was WINDY on my wedding day.
[ ] drafty
[x] calm
[ ] blustery
[ ] stormy
'Windy' means to have strong winds or breeze. From our list, 'drafty', 'blustery' and 'stormy' all also mean strong, blowing wind or breeze. These are, therefore, not opposite. 'Calm' means to be gentle, steady and unchanging. It is clearly opposite of 'windy' so that is the antonym to this sentence.
7. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
You could feel his WRATH throughout the room.
[x] love
[ ] anger
[ ] hatred
[ ] animosity
'Wrath' means to be filled with a great deal of anger or to be violent. 'Anger', 'hatred' and 'animosity' all describe a negative feeling or emotion. They are synonyms of 'wrath'. 'Love', however, depicts an opposite feeling or emotion. 'Love' is the antonym of 'wrath'.
8. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
My cat is CURIOUS with everything.
[ ] nosy
[ ] excited
[ ] interested
[x] indifferent
To be 'curious' means to be eager to learn, interested in and inquisitive. Someone who is 'nosy' is a person who is interested in something. To be 'excited' or 'interested' in are the same thing as being curious so they are not the antonym. To be 'indifferent' means to not care about, to not have an opinion or to have no interest in. It is the opposite of 'curious'.
9. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
After eating all the candy he felt SICK.
[ ] ill
[ ] weary
[x] well
[ ] grisly
To feel 'sick' is to feel unwell, ill, badly or under the weather. 'Ill', 'weary' and 'grisly' are each similar to feeling 'sick'. To feel 'well' means to feel good or to feel healthy. Therefore, 'well' is the antonym to 'sick'.
10. Determine which word is the antonym for the CAPITALIZED word.
He knew that Joseph would keep his secret SAFE.
[ ] guarded
[x] unprotected
[ ] protected
[ ] quiet
To keep something 'safe' is to keep it from harm and to keep it secure. In this sentence 'safe' refers to being kept secured and quiet. To keep a secret 'guarded', 'protected' or 'quiet' are all the same as to keep a secret 'safe'. To be 'unprotected' is the opposite of 'safe' so this is the antonym we need.