
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 2 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 2' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In these middle school verbal reasoning questions the same letter must fit into both sets of brackets, to complete the word in front of the brackets and begin the word after the brackets.

A good way of working them out is to quickly list all the letters that will work for the first word, and then strike out any that won’t work for the second. You should only be left with one letter, which is your answer.

Example: col (?) ram bel (?) oll

The correct answer is t. By inserting “t” you can make the four words colt, trolley car, belt, and toll.
1. Choose the correct missing letter
bee (?) ate moo (?) oom
[ ] r
[ ] t
[ ] n
[ ] s
2. Choose the correct missing letter
bar (?) ind loo (?) elp
[ ] f
[ ] k
[ ] d
[ ] n
3. Choose the correct missing letter
los (?) old pin (?) rot
[ ] e
[ ] s
[ ] t
[ ] f
4. Choose the correct missing letter
men (?) ell bra (?) ing
[ ] h
[ ] t
[ ] e
[ ] d
5. Choose the correct missing letter
pac (?) ver fre (?) ven
[ ] e
[ ] t
[ ] o
[ ] h
6. Choose the correct missing letter
plu (?) ape rin (?) rip
[ ] s
[ ] m
[ ] g
[ ] t
7. Choose the correct missing letter
saw (?) ewt thi (?) ips
[ ] n
[ ] s
[ ] r
[ ] b
8. Choose the correct missing letter
sno (?) ile gra (?) ell
[ ] t
[ ] b
[ ] d
[ ] w
9. Choose the correct missing letter
the (?) oan hel (?) ind
[ ] d
[ ] l
[ ] m
[ ] t
10. Choose the correct missing letter
lur (?) vil pin (?) wes
[ ] n
[ ] t
[ ] k
[ ] e
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 2 (Answers)
1. Choose the correct missing letter
bee (?) ate moo (?) oom
[x] r
[ ] t
[ ] n
[ ] s
By inserting “r” you can make the four words beer, rate, moor and room
2. Choose the correct missing letter
bar (?) ind loo (?) elp
[ ] f
[x] k
[ ] d
[ ] n
By inserting “k” you can make the four words bark, kind, look and kelp. Yes, you can nearly make 'barf' but that would be disgusting! Kelp is a kind of seaweed
3. Choose the correct missing letter
los (?) old pin (?) rot
[ ] e
[ ] s
[x] t
[ ] f
By inserting “t” you can make the four words lost, told, pint and trot
4. Choose the correct missing letter
men (?) ell bra (?) ing
[ ] h
[ ] t
[ ] e
[x] d
By inserting “d” you can make the four words mend, dell, brad and ding. A dell is like a small wooded valley and a brad is a kind of nail
5. Choose the correct missing letter
pac (?) ver fre (?) ven
[x] e
[ ] t
[ ] o
[ ] h
By inserting “e” you can make the four words pace, ever, free and even
6. Choose the correct missing letter
plu (?) ape rin (?) rip
[ ] s
[ ] m
[x] g
[ ] t
By inserting “g” you can make the four words plug, gape, ring and grip
7. Choose the correct missing letter
saw (?) ewt thi (?) ips
[x] n
[ ] s
[ ] r
[ ] b
By inserting “n” you can make the four words sawn, newt, thin and nips. A newt is a small amphibian, a bit like a frog
8. Choose the correct missing letter
sno (?) ile gra (?) ell
[ ] t
[x] b
[ ] d
[ ] w
By inserting “b” you can make the four words snob, bile, grab and bell. Don't be tempted to use "t" or you will end up with snot, tile, grat and tell. There is no such word as grat, and as for the first word, well how horrible!
9. Choose the correct missing letter
the (?) oan hel (?) ind
[ ] d
[ ] l
[x] m
[ ] t
By inserting “m” you can make the four words them, moan, helm and mind. The helm of a ship is the wheel or other steering device
10. Choose the correct missing letter
lur (?) vil pin (?) wes
[ ] n
[ ] t
[ ] k
[x] e
By inserting “e” you can make the four words lure, evil, pine and ewes. A ewe is a female sheep