
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 4 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 4' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In these questions the same letter must fit into both sets of brackets, to complete the word in front of the brackets and begin the word after the brackets. A good way of working them out is to quickly list all the letters that will work for the first word, and then strike out any that won’t work for the second. You should only be left with one letter, which is your answer.

Example: col (?) ram bel (?) oll

The correct answer is t. By inserting “t” you can make the four words colt, trolley car, belt, and toll.
1. Choose the correct missing letter
mos (?) eam bit (?) top
[ ] s
[ ] h
[ ] t
[ ] e
2. Choose the correct missing letter
haz (?) arn hos (?) yes
[ ] z
[ ] y
[ ] e
[ ] t
3. Choose the correct missing letter
col (?) unk len (?) own
[ ] e
[ ] m
[ ] t
[ ] d
4. Choose the correct missing letter
snu (?) olt cur (?) ite
[ ] l
[ ] t
[ ] b
[ ] d
5. Choose the correct missing letter
age (?) hin his (?) pry
[ ] s
[ ] e
[ ] t
[ ] a
6. Choose the correct missing letter
dod (?) gre jud (?) pen
[ ] i
[ ] e
[ ] o
[ ] a
7. Choose the correct missing letter
edi (?) idy sli (?) ore
[ ] s
[ ] t
[ ] e
[ ] m
8. Choose the correct missing letter
fla (?) ore hum (?) ole
[ ] p
[ ] o
[ ] m
[ ] t
9. Choose the correct missing letter
goo (?) ose fla (?) ews
[ ] f
[ ] d
[ ] n
[ ] s
10. Choose the correct missing letter
jad (?) asy hat (?) ach
[ ] a
[ ] s
[ ] e
[ ] t
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Verbal Reasoning - Insert a Letter 4 (Answers)
1. Choose the correct missing letter
mos (?) eam bit (?) top
[x] s
[ ] h
[ ] t
[ ] e
By inserting “s” you can make the four words moss, seam, bits and stop
2. Choose the correct missing letter
haz (?) arn hos (?) yes
[ ] z
[ ] y
[x] e
[ ] t
By inserting “e” you can make the four words haze, earn, hose and eyes. Haze is when the environment cannot be seen clearly because of smoke, dust or fog. We say, "It was very hazy."
3. Choose the correct missing letter
col (?) unk len (?) own
[ ] e
[ ] m
[ ] t
[x] d
By inserting “d” you can make the four words cold, dunk, lend and down. To dunk something means to dip it into liquid. At Halloween we "dunk for apples" by putting our head into a bowl of water filled with apples to try to pick one up with our teeth
4. Choose the correct missing letter
snu (?) olt cur (?) ite
[ ] l
[ ] t
[x] b
[ ] d
By inserting “b” you can make the four words snub, bolt, curb and bite. To curb means to restrain or keep in check
5. Choose the correct missing letter
age (?) hin his (?) pry
[x] s
[ ] e
[ ] t
[ ] a
By inserting “s” you can make the four words ages, shin, hiss and spry. Spry means active and lively. We often use it to describe an elderly person who is very active
6. Choose the correct missing letter
dod (?) gre jud (?) pen
[ ] i
[ ] e
[x] o
[ ] a
By inserting “o” you can make the four words dodo, ogre, judo and open
7. Choose the correct missing letter
edi (?) idy sli (?) ore
[ ] s
[x] t
[ ] e
[ ] m
By inserting “t” you can make the four words edit, tidy, slit and tore
8. Choose the correct missing letter
fla (?) ore hum (?) ole
[x] p
[ ] o
[ ] m
[ ] t
By inserting “p” you can make the four words flap, pore, hump and pole
9. Choose the correct missing letter
goo (?) ose fla (?) ews
[ ] f
[ ] d
[x] n
[ ] s
By inserting “n” you can make the four words goon, nose, flan and news
10. Choose the correct missing letter
jad (?) asy hat (?) ach
[ ] a
[ ] s
[x] e
[ ] t
By inserting “e” you can make the four words jade, easy, hate and each. Quite a tough question to finish the series. Jade is a hard, green stone used in jewelry