
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Knowledge of Language - Homophones (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Knowledge of Language - Homophones' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Homophones are words that, although they sound the same, are spelled differently and have different meanings. One example of this includes the words: to, too and two.

Try this middle school quiz and see how much you have learned about homophones.

1. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Please put the vase on the fireplace _______.
[ ] mantle
[ ] mantel
[ ] mantal
[ ] mental
2. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

One of the layers of the Earth includes the _______.
[ ] mantle
[ ] mantole
[ ] mantile
[ ] mantel
3. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Cleaning up his room was his _____ responsibility.
[ ] soil
[ ] soul
[ ] sole
[ ] soll
4. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

She _____ her book from cover to cover.
[ ] read
[ ] red
[ ] reed
[ ] rede
5. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

My goodness! How many _____ is he going to eat?
[ ] rule
[ ] rules
[ ] roles
[ ] rolls
6. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

How many answers do you think you will get _______?
[ ] wright
[ ] right
[ ] write
[ ] rite
7. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

My sister _____ me by the skin of her nose.
[ ] bete
[ ] beet
[ ] beat
[ ] bate
8. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Have you ever been to a _____ market?
[ ] flea
[ ] flee
[ ] flae
[ ] fly
9. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Do you know if Mr. Conner left behind any _____?
[ ] ares
[ ] airs
[ ] ayers
[ ] heirs
10. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

She spoke ______ so that the people in the back could hear.
[ ] allowed
[ ] aloud
[ ] aloude
[ ] ellowed
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Knowledge of Language - Homophones (Answers)
1. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Please put the vase on the fireplace _______.
[ ] mantle
[x] mantel
[ ] mantal
[ ] mental
The word 'mental' is a physical condition and has nothing to do with a fireplace. The word 'mantal' is a misspelled word. The word 'mantle' describes a piece of clothing such as a sleeveless cloak or something that covers up something else. The ledge that appears above a fireplace is called a 'mantel' and is the homophone we are looking for here.
2. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

One of the layers of the Earth includes the _______.
[x] mantle
[ ] mantole
[ ] mantile
[ ] mantel
The words 'mantole' and 'mantile' are both misspelled words. The word 'mantel' is the ledge or shelf found above a fireplace. The word 'mantle' describes one of the layers of the Earth. It covers the Earth’s core.
3. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Cleaning up his room was his _____ responsibility.
[ ] soil
[ ] soul
[x] sole
[ ] soll
The word 'soil' is pronounced differently and it refers to the ground or to dirt. The word 'soul' refers to the spirit. 'Soll' is a misspelled word. Finally we have the word 'sole' which in this sentence means that it is his complete responsibility and not the responsibility of anyone else.
4. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

She _____ her book from cover to cover.
[x] read
[ ] red
[ ] reed
[ ] rede
The word 'red' is a color. The word 'reed' is a noun that refers to a thin strip of wood or a tall, thin grass. The word 'rede' is a misspelled word. That leaves us with 'read' which has the same pronunciation as 'red' but this is a verb showing action.
5. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

My goodness! How many _____ is he going to eat?
[ ] rule
[ ] rules
[ ] roles
[x] rolls
The words 'rule' and 'rules' are the singular and plural nouns use for showing guidelines. The word 'roles' is the plural common noun for parts that are played by an actor. The word 'rolls' is the plural noun for pieces of bread.
6. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

How many answers do you think you will get _______?
[ ] wright
[x] right
[ ] write
[ ] rite
The word 'wright' as used here is a misspelled word (unless you are referring to the 'Wright' brothers who invented the first working airplane). The word 'write' is a verb and shows the action of writing. The word 'rite' is a noun often used in religion as a person being given their last 'rites'. That leaves us with 'right' which also means correct.
7. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

My sister _____ me by the skin of her nose.
[ ] bete
[ ] beet
[x] beat
[ ] bate
The word 'bete' is a misspelled word. The word 'beet' is a type of vegetable. The word 'bate' is a verb meaning to take away (ex. with bated breath). The word 'beat' is a verb meaning to win and is the homophone we are looking for here.
8. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Have you ever been to a _____ market?
[x] flea
[ ] flee
[ ] flae
[ ] fly
The word 'flae' is a misspelled word. The word 'flee' is a verb meaning to run away from. The word 'fly' is not pronounced the same and is a noun for an insect. That leaves us with the word 'flea' which refers to a small insect but in this case, a type of market where people sell used or greatly reduced in price items.
9. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

Do you know if Mr. Conner left behind any _____?
[ ] ares
[ ] airs
[ ] ayers
[x] heirs
The word 'ares' refers to the Greek god of war. The word 'ayers' is a misspelled word except when used as a surname as in Mr. Ayers. The word 'airs' is the plural form of the word air for the atmosphere around us. That leaves 'heirs' which refers to any relatives that a deceased person leaves behind.
10. For the blank in the sentence below, find the correct homophone that should be used.

She spoke ______ so that the people in the back could hear.
[ ] allowed
[x] aloud
[ ] aloude
[ ] ellowed
The words 'aloude' and 'ellowed' are both misspelled words. The word 'allowed' is a past tense verb meaning to give permission to. The word 'aloud' is to speak loudly and is the homophone we are looking for here.