
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Onomatopoeia 1 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Onomatopoeia 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Onomatopoeia refers to words which make the sound they suggest, e.g. zipper, crack, crash, buzz. Onomatopoeia is hard to say and even harder to spell, however it's not as scary as it looks!

There are two quizzes on the subject, so to sharpen your onomatopoeic skills, give them both a go!

1. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Listen! The fire is crackling and the the wood is hissing.
[ ] crackling, hissing
[ ] fire, coals
[ ] is, are
[ ] Listen, is
2. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The bees buzzed and whizzed from flower to flower.
[ ] bees, flower
[ ] buzzed, whizzed
[ ] flower, flower
[ ] from, to
3. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
'Zap!' 'Pow!' 'Splat!' the hero was the winner.
[ ] hero, was, winner
[ ] the, hero, was
[ ] Zap, hero, splat
[ ] Zap, pow, splat
4. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Birds chirped as they flew over the gurgling stream.
[ ] Birds, flew
[ ] Birds, stream
[ ] chirped, gurgling
[ ] flew, stream
5. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The storm broke with rain and flashes of lightning.
[ ] flashes
[ ] lightning
[ ] rain
[ ] storm
6. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Dogs splashed and sploshed in the burbling brook.
[ ] Dogs, sploshed, burbling
[ ] splashed, brook, burbling
[ ] splashed, sploshed, brook
[ ] splashed, sploshed, burbling
7. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The old chair rasped and creaked as it rocked.
[ ] chair, rocked
[ ] old, chair
[ ] old, it
[ ] rasped, creaked
8. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The wind shrieked and blew the rattling leaves along.
[ ] blew, along
[ ] leaves, along
[ ] shrieked, rattling
[ ] wind, leaves
9. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Wailing gnats whirred around the cascading water.
[ ] gnats, whirred, cascading
[ ] Wailing, water, cascading
[ ] Wailing, whirred, cascading
[ ] Wailing, whirred, water
10. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The saucepan lids crashed and clattered onto the floor.
[ ] crashed, clattered
[ ] lids, floor
[ ] saucepan, floor
[ ] saucepan, lids
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Onomatopoeia 1 (Answers)
1. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Listen! The fire is crackling and the the wood is hissing.
[x] crackling, hissing
[ ] fire, coals
[ ] is, are
[ ] Listen, is
'Crackling'/'hissing' are onomatopoeic words
2. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The bees buzzed and whizzed from flower to flower.
[ ] bees, flower
[x] buzzed, whizzed
[ ] flower, flower
[ ] from, to
Use onomatopoeia to make your writing interesting
3. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
'Zap!' 'Pow!' 'Splat!' the hero was the winner.
[ ] hero, was, winner
[ ] the, hero, was
[ ] Zap, hero, splat
[x] Zap, pow, splat
Keep a list of onomatopoeic words to use in writing
4. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Birds chirped as they flew over the gurgling stream.
[ ] Birds, flew
[ ] Birds, stream
[x] chirped, gurgling
[ ] flew, stream
Animal sounds are onomatopoeic: 'baa'/'quack'
5. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The storm broke with rain and flashes of lightning.
[x] flashes
[ ] lightning
[ ] rain
[ ] storm
'Crash'/'bang'/'thump'/'thud' describe storms too
6. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Dogs splashed and sploshed in the burbling brook.
[ ] Dogs, sploshed, burbling
[ ] splashed, brook, burbling
[ ] splashed, sploshed, brook
[x] splashed, sploshed, burbling
You can use 'chattering'/'bubbling' for the brook too
7. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The old chair rasped and creaked as it rocked.
[ ] chair, rocked
[ ] old, chair
[ ] old, it
[x] rasped, creaked
Use 'squeaked'/'squealed' for 'creaked' too
8. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The wind shrieked and blew the rattling leaves along.
[ ] blew, along
[ ] leaves, along
[x] shrieked, rattling
[ ] wind, leaves
Using 'rattle' informs the reader that the leaves are dry
9. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
Wailing gnats whirred around the cascading water.
[ ] gnats, whirred, cascading
[ ] Wailing, water, cascading
[x] Wailing, whirred, cascading
[ ] Wailing, whirred, water
You could use 'gushing'/'plunging' for the water too
10. Find the onomatopoeic word(s) in the following sentence.
The saucepan lids crashed and clattered onto the floor.
[x] crashed, clattered
[ ] lids, floor
[ ] saucepan, floor
[ ] saucepan, lids
Other suitable noisy words here: 'clashed'/'jangled'