
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Reading - Craft and Structure - Metaphors (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Reading - Craft and Structure - Metaphors' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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A metaphor is a figure of speech. They are similar to similes. The difference is that with a simile, two “different” things are compared to each other. With a metaphor, two things are implied as being the “same” thing. For example, let’s look at the sentence: “Life is a journey.” In this instance, we are saying that “life” and “journey” are the same things.

1. Can you find the metaphor?
Danielle is a cat when it comes to seeing in the dark.
[ ] seeing - dark
[ ] Danielle - cat
[ ] cat - seeing
[ ] Danielle - dark
2. Can you find the metaphor?
He is an idiot for forgetting his wedding anniversary.
[ ] idiot - anniversary
[ ] wedding - anniversary
[ ] He - his
[ ] He - idiot
3. Can you find the metaphor?
The preacher’s words were razors to my soul.
[ ] words - razors
[ ] preacher - razors
[ ] words - soul
[ ] razors - soul
4. Can you find the metaphor?
Andrew's eyes were black orbs.
[ ] Andrew - orbs
[ ] eyes - orbs
[ ] eyes - black
[ ] Andrew - black
5. Can you find the metaphor?
The cast on my dad’s broken leg is a plaster shackle.
[ ] leg - shackle
[ ] dad - leg
[ ] cast - shackle
[ ] dad - shackle
6. Can you find the metaphor?
Laughter is music to the soul.
[ ] music - soul
[ ] Laughter - soul
[ ] is - music
[ ] Laughter - music
7. Can you find the metaphor?
Their car is a piece of junk.
[ ] car - junk
[ ] piece - junk
[ ] Their - piece
[ ] car - piece
8. Can you find the metaphor?
No one picked Albert for their team as he is a wet blanket.
[ ] Albert - team
[ ] he - blanket
[ ] team - blanket
[ ] Albert - wet
9. Can you find the metaphor?
Terry is a fish in water.
[ ] Terry - water
[ ] fish - water
[ ] is - in
[ ] Terry - fish
10. Can you find the metaphor?
Mr. Robertson is Elvis if anyone is!
[ ] Elvis - anyone
[ ] Mr. Robertson - anyone
[ ] Mr. Robertson - Elvis
[ ] is - is
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Reading - Craft and Structure - Metaphors (Answers)
1. Can you find the metaphor?
Danielle is a cat when it comes to seeing in the dark.
[ ] seeing - dark
[x] Danielle - cat
[ ] cat - seeing
[ ] Danielle - dark
Using the word “is” tells us that two things are being considered equal or the same. “Danielle” comes before the word “is” so we know “Danielle” is being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, a “cat” as cat comes after “is”. The metaphor is “Danielle” – “cat”.
2. Can you find the metaphor?
He is an idiot for forgetting his wedding anniversary.
[ ] idiot - anniversary
[ ] wedding - anniversary
[ ] He - his
[x] He - idiot
The word “is” tells us that two things are being considered to be the same thing. As “He” comes before the word “is” we know “He” is being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, an “idiot” as idiot comes after “is”. The metaphor is “He” – “idiot”.
3. Can you find the metaphor?
The preacher’s words were razors to my soul.
[x] words - razors
[ ] preacher - razors
[ ] words - soul
[ ] razors - soul
The word “were” tells us that two things were being considered to be the same thing. As the preacher’s “words” comes before the word “were” so we know “word” was being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, “razors” as razors comes after “were”. The metaphor is “words” – “razors”.
4. Can you find the metaphor?
Andrew's eyes were black orbs.
[ ] Andrew - orbs
[x] eyes - orbs
[ ] eyes - black
[ ] Andrew - black
The word “were” tells us that two things were being considered to be the same thing. As Andrew’s “eyes” comes before the word “were” we know “eyes” was being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, black “orbs” as orbs comes after “were”. The metaphor is “eyes” – “orbs”.
5. Can you find the metaphor?
The cast on my dad’s broken leg is a plaster shackle.
[ ] leg - shackle
[ ] dad - leg
[x] cast - shackle
[ ] dad - shackle
Since we have the word “is” in this sentence we know two things are being considered to be the same. Since “shackle” comes after the word “is” we know that something is being considered the same as a plaster “shackle”. Look for the word that comes before the word “is” that is most likely to be the same as “shackle”. In this case a “cast” is the closest and most likely thing that could be considered the same. Therefore, the metaphor is “cast” – “shackle”.
6. Can you find the metaphor?
Laughter is music to the soul.
[ ] music - soul
[ ] Laughter - soul
[ ] is - music
[x] Laughter - music
We know that the word “is” is telling us that two things are being considered to be the same. As the word “laughter” comes before the word “is” we know that “laughter” is being considered the same thing to something else. We then have the words “music” and “soul” that come after the word “is”. One of these words is most likely the same as “laughter”. In this case “music” is the most likely word. The metaphor is “laughter” – “music”.
7. Can you find the metaphor?
Their car is a piece of junk.
[x] car - junk
[ ] piece - junk
[ ] Their - piece
[ ] car - piece
The word “is” tells us that two things are being considered to be the same thing. As their “car” comes before the word “is” so we know the “car” is being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, “junk” as junk comes after “is”. The metaphor is “car” – “junk”.
8. Can you find the metaphor?
No one picked Albert for their team as he is a wet blanket.
[ ] Albert - team
[x] he - blanket
[ ] team - blanket
[ ] Albert - wet
We know that the word “is” in this sentence is telling us that two things are being considered to be the same thing. As wet “blanket” comes after “is” we know that something before the word “is” is being considered to be the same thing as a blanket. Which word that comes before “is” is the mostly likely to be considered a “blanket”? In this case, “he” is the closest and most likely word. The metaphor is “he” – “blanket”.
9. Can you find the metaphor?
Terry is a fish in water.
[ ] Terry - water
[ ] fish - water
[ ] is - in
[x] Terry - fish
Seeing the word “is” we know that two things are being considered to be the same thing in this sentence. As “Terry” comes before “is” we know that “Terry” is being considered to be the same as something else. In this case, “fish” comes after “is”, therefore, “Terry” is being considered to be the same as a “fish”. The metaphor is “Terry” – “fish”.
10. Can you find the metaphor?
Mr. Robertson is Elvis if anyone is!
[ ] Elvis - anyone
[ ] Mr. Robertson - anyone
[x] Mr. Robertson - Elvis
[ ] is - is
We have the word “is” used twice in this sentence. The first one has words before it and after it so we know this is the “is” that is considering two things to be the same. As “Mr. Robertson” comes before the first “is”, we know that “Mr. Robertson” is being considered to be the same thing as something else. In this case, as “Elvis” since “Elvis” comes after the first “is”. The metaphor is “Mr. Robertson” – “Elvis”.