
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Reading - Craft and Structure - Onomatopoeia (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Reading - Craft and Structure - Onomatopoeia' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Onomatopoeia is the use of words to imitate a sound or idea. For example, if you have two people who are fist fighting, you could say, “Wham! He punched him in the face one more time.” “Wham” is used to convey the sound of a fist contacting the face.

1. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Beep, beep - his horn sounded out yet again.
[ ] horn
[ ] sounded
[ ] again
[ ] Beep, beep
2. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Baa, baa black sheep have you any wool?
[ ] black
[ ] sheep
[ ] Baa, baa
[ ] wool
3. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
His little feet went pitter, patter across the floor boards.
[ ] pitter, patter
[ ] feet
[ ] across
[ ] floor boards
4. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The car whizzed by us with lightning speed.
[ ] lightning
[ ] whizzed
[ ] speed
[ ] car
5. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The boom of the fireworks made the baby cry.
[ ] boom
[ ] fireworks
[ ] baby
[ ] cry
6. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The snow crunched under our feet as we made our way home.
[ ] snow
[ ] feet
[ ] home
[ ] crunched
7. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The steak was delivered to the table still sizzling.
[ ] steak
[ ] delivered
[ ] table
[ ] sizzling
8. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Eek! She screamed as a mouse ran across the floor.
[ ] screamed
[ ] mouse
[ ] Eek!
[ ] floor
9. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
He gasped for breath when his head came out of the water.
[ ] gasped
[ ] breath
[ ] head
[ ] water
10. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
There was a loud zap just before he fell.
[ ] loud
[ ] zap
[ ] before
[ ] fell
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Reading - Craft and Structure - Onomatopoeia (Answers)
1. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Beep, beep - his horn sounded out yet again.
[ ] horn
[ ] sounded
[ ] again
[x] Beep, beep
Onomatopoeic words are words that show us actions or describe sounds. In this case, “beep, beep” describes the sound of the horn.
2. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Baa, baa black sheep have you any wool?
[ ] black
[ ] sheep
[x] Baa, baa
[ ] wool
We are looking for a word that describes either an action or a sound. In this case, “baa, baa” describes the sound of the sheep.
3. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
His little feet went pitter, patter across the floor boards.
[x] pitter, patter
[ ] feet
[ ] across
[ ] floor boards
In looking for the words that will describe a sound or action, we find that “pitter, patter” describes the sound of feet on floor boards.
4. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The car whizzed by us with lightning speed.
[ ] lightning
[x] whizzed
[ ] speed
[ ] car
In looking for the words that will describe a sound or action, we find that “whizzed” described the action of the car.
5. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The boom of the fireworks made the baby cry.
[x] boom
[ ] fireworks
[ ] baby
[ ] cry
We are looking for words that will describe either a sound or an action. In this sentence “boom” describes the sound of the fireworks.
6. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The snow crunched under our feet as we made our way home.
[ ] snow
[ ] feet
[ ] home
[x] crunched
Looking for a word that will describe either a sound or an action, we find that “crunched” describes the sound the snow made when walking on it.
7. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
The steak was delivered to the table still sizzling.
[ ] steak
[ ] delivered
[ ] table
[x] sizzling
In determining which word in the sentence conveys a sound or action, we find that “sizzling” can be both. It conveys a sound and an action.
8. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
Eek! She screamed as a mouse ran across the floor.
[ ] screamed
[ ] mouse
[x] Eek!
[ ] floor
In looking for a word that will describe either a sound or action, although “screamed” is an action, it does not describe a scream. In this sentence “Eek” describes the sound of a scream. The onomatopoeia is then – “Eek”.
9. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
He gasped for breath when his head came out of the water.
[x] gasped
[ ] breath
[ ] head
[ ] water
Which word in this sentence describes either a sound or an action? Looking closely we can see that “gasped” describes a sound, as well as an action. The onomatopoeia is then – “gasped”.
10. Choose the onomatopoeic word or words.
There was a loud zap just before he fell.
[ ] loud
[x] zap
[ ] before
[ ] fell
Looking for the word that best describes a sound or an action, we can see that “zap” clearly describes a sound heard.