
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Synonyms 5 (Questions)

This English Language quiz is called 'Synonyms 5' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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What is a synonym? A synonym is a word that means the same thing or nearly the same thing as another word. As an example, let’s look at the following two sentences:


In these two sentences, “pretty” and “beautiful” mean nearly the same thing. Therefore, they are synonyms.

1. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Mrs. Waxstein goes to the temple every week.
[ ] theater
[ ] museum
[ ] ladies' club
[ ] church
2. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

She didn’t know what choice she had to make the right decision.
[ ] answer
[ ] option
[ ] problem
[ ] question
3. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He was dismayed when he saw the smoke coming out from under the hood of his car.
[ ] confused
[ ] scared
[ ] worried
[ ] frightened
4. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Carol thought she was very smart in finding a good joke to play on her older brother.
[ ] clever
[ ] sneaky
[ ] wishful
[ ] grateful
5. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He enjoyed his meal so much he had to go and compliment the cook.
[ ] waitress
[ ] chef
[ ] hostess
[ ] butcher
6. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Tommy gently picked up the seashells and placed them in his pail.
[ ] pocket
[ ] shoe
[ ] shovel
[ ] bucket
7. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

The moon is made out of green cheese is a false statement.
[ ] untrue
[ ] stretched
[ ] questionable
[ ] unique
8. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Jared’s weekly chore is to take out the trash.
[ ] recycling
[ ] dog
[ ] garbage
[ ] mulch
9. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

She went to the front of the store to find a cart.
[ ] bag
[ ] carriage
[ ] cashier
[ ] sales receipt
10. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He was told to take his shoes off of the couch.
[ ] chair
[ ] seat
[ ] stool
[ ] sofa
English Language: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Synonyms 5 (Answers)
1. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Mrs. Waxstein goes to the temple every week.
[ ] theater
[ ] museum
[ ] ladies' club
[x] church
The “temple” is a place of worship. A “theater”, “museum” and “ladies’ club” are all places of entertainment. A “church” on the other hand is also a place of worship. Answer (d) is the correct synonym for temple
2. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

She didn’t know what choice she had to make the right decision.
[ ] answer
[x] option
[ ] problem
[ ] question
The definition of “choice” is the act of making a selection. The words “answer,” “problem” and “question” do not have a relationship to making a selection. However, the word “option” refers to the act of choosing. Clearly, this is the synonym we are looking for so Answer (b) is correct
3. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He was dismayed when he saw the smoke coming out from under the hood of his car.
[ ] confused
[ ] scared
[x] worried
[ ] frightened
The definition of “dismayed” means to be upset, alarmed, concerned or worried about. Knowing this definition tells us that Answer (c) is the correct synonym we are looking for here
4. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Carol thought she was very smart in finding a good joke to play on her older brother.
[x] clever
[ ] sneaky
[ ] wishful
[ ] grateful
To be “smart” means to be very witty or clever. Knowing this we quickly see that its synonym is “clever.” Therefore, Answer (a) is the correct synonym
5. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He enjoyed his meal so much he had to go and compliment the cook.
[ ] waitress
[x] chef
[ ] hostess
[ ] butcher
The noun used here, i.e., the “cook” refers to someone who prepares food. A “waitress” serves food. A “hostess” heads a party or event or is a greeter at an establishment. A “butcher” cuts pieces of meats. A “chef” is a well-experienced person who cooks. Therefore, the synonym we are looking for is Answer (b) chef
6. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Tommy gently picked up the seashells and placed them in his pail.
[ ] pocket
[ ] shoe
[ ] shovel
[x] bucket
The definition of “pail” means vessel with a handle. Knowing this definition tells us that Answer (d) is the correct synonym as a bucket is defined as a pail
7. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

The moon is made out of green cheese is a false statement.
[x] untrue
[ ] stretched
[ ] questionable
[ ] unique
The definition of “false” is to be “untrue” and the definition of “untrue” is to be “false”. Therefore, Answer (a) is clearly the synonym for “false
8. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

Jared’s weekly chore is to take out the trash.
[ ] recycling
[ ] dog
[x] garbage
[ ] mulch
The definition of “trash” refers to rubbish and rubbish refers to garbage. Knowing this definition tells us that Answer (c) is the correct synonym that we are looking for here
9. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

She went to the front of the store to find a cart.
[ ] bag
[x] carriage
[ ] cashier
[ ] sales receipt
Although you could find a “bag,” a “cashier” and a “sales receipt” in a store, they are not synonyms to a “cart.” A “cart” is a wheeled vehicle just as a “carriage” is a wheeled vehicle. Therefore, Answer (b) is the correct synonym to “cart”
10. For the sentence below, determine which word is the synonym for the underlined word.

He was told to take his shoes off of the couch.
[ ] chair
[ ] seat
[ ] stool
[x] sofa
The definition of “couch” is a “sofa”. This makes it easy to determine that Answer (d) is the correct synonym needed here