
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Trade and Development 1 (Questions)

This Geography quiz is called 'Trade and Development 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Trade and Development includes import and export. In the 19th century the UK was the leader of the global economy but things have changed considerably since then!

Try the following Geography quiz to see how much you know about modern-day trade and development.

1. If a country's exports have greater value than its imports it has a what?
[ ] Trade overflow
[ ] Trade overlap
[ ] Trade remainder
[ ] Trade surplus
2. A country relying on just a few exports suffers what?
[ ] Exclusivity
[ ] Overdependence
[ ] Selectivity
[ ] Underambition
3. Set up in 1995, what is the WTO?
[ ] Welsh Trading Office
[ ] Wider Trading Office
[ ] World Trade Organisation
[ ] World Transport Organisation
4. Which of these is a primary trading product?
[ ] Books
[ ] Cars
[ ] Furniture
[ ] Iron ore
5. What means all the services needed for industry?
[ ] Indystructure
[ ] Infostructure
[ ] Infrastructure
[ ] Interstructure
6. A payment that has to be made on imports and exports is usually called a what?
[ ] Goods levy
[ ] Tariff
[ ] Trade tax
[ ] Travel toll
7. What do the letters TNC mean?
[ ] Totally National Company
[ ] Trade Names Council
[ ] Transnational Corporation
[ ] Trans-Nile Corporation
8. Which system ensures poor farmers get a good price?
[ ] Equal Opportunities
[ ] Fair Trade
[ ] Honest Marketing
[ ] Rough Trade
9. Fair Trade began in 1993 with which crop?
[ ] Bananas
[ ] Cocoa
[ ] Cotton
[ ] Rubber
10. Roughly what percentage of the cost of a jar of coffee goes to the bean growing country?
[ ] 0.05
[ ] 0.2
[ ] 0.5
[ ] 0.75
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Trade and Development 1 (Answers)
1. If a country's exports have greater value than its imports it has a what?
[ ] Trade overflow
[ ] Trade overlap
[ ] Trade remainder
[x] Trade surplus
2. A country relying on just a few exports suffers what?
[ ] Exclusivity
[x] Overdependence
[ ] Selectivity
[ ] Underambition
It will be vulnerable to problems with those exports
3. Set up in 1995, what is the WTO?
[ ] Welsh Trading Office
[ ] Wider Trading Office
[x] World Trade Organisation
[ ] World Transport Organisation
It aims to promote trade and reduce trade barriers
4. Which of these is a primary trading product?
[ ] Books
[ ] Cars
[ ] Furniture
[x] Iron ore
5. What means all the services needed for industry?
[ ] Indystructure
[ ] Infostructure
[x] Infrastructure
[ ] Interstructure
e.g. roads, electricity supply, water supply
6. A payment that has to be made on imports and exports is usually called a what?
[ ] Goods levy
[x] Tariff
[ ] Trade tax
[ ] Travel toll
7. What do the letters TNC mean?
[ ] Totally National Company
[ ] Trade Names Council
[x] Transnational Corporation
[ ] Trans-Nile Corporation
A large company based in more than one country e.g. Nike
8. Which system ensures poor farmers get a good price?
[ ] Equal Opportunities
[x] Fair Trade
[ ] Honest Marketing
[ ] Rough Trade
9. Fair Trade began in 1993 with which crop?
[ ] Bananas
[x] Cocoa
[ ] Cotton
[ ] Rubber
10. Roughly what percentage of the cost of a jar of coffee goes to the bean growing country?
[ ] 0.05
[x] 0.2
[ ] 0.5
[ ] 0.75
This is low and not a good example of fair trade!