
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Tropical Rainforests (Questions)

This Geography quiz is called 'Tropical Rainforests' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Tropical rainforests experience high temperatures and a lot of rain. A tropical rainforest is a place found roughly within 25 degrees north or south of the equator. Over an acre of rainforest is being lost every second with possible serious consequences to us all.

Try our Geography quiz on tropical rainforests.

1. Which continent does not have tropical rainforests?
[ ] Africa
[ ] Europe
[ ] South America
[ ] South-East Asia
2. Tropical rainforests grow in what type of climate?
[ ] Cold and wet
[ ] Hot and humid
[ ] Mild and damp
[ ] Warm and dry
3. Large wide tree roots above ground have what name?
[ ] Buttress roots
[ ] Fortress roots
[ ] Mega roots
[ ] Stabilizing roots
4. Which river is famous for its rainforest?
[ ] Amazon
[ ] Ganges
[ ] Limpopo
[ ] Mississippi
5. Roughly how much of the earth's surface is covered by tropical rainforests?
[ ] 0.15
[ ] 0.25
[ ] Less than 2%
[ ] More than 50%
6. Why are rainforest soils poor and infertile?
[ ] Because of a vicious fungus
[ ] Due to animal activity
[ ] Heavy rain washes out the nutrients
[ ] The sun dries them out
7. Which term means using rainforest resources in a way that preserves them for the future?
[ ] Extended development
[ ] Programmable development
[ ] Strategic development
[ ] Sustainable development
8. What type of tree would not grow in a tropical rainforest?
[ ] Mahogany
[ ] Pine
[ ] Rubber
[ ] Teak
9. The dense 'roof' of treetops is called what?
[ ] Awning
[ ] Blanket
[ ] Canopy
[ ] Umbrella
10. Tropical rainforest vegetation takes in which gas?
[ ] Argon
[ ] Carbon Dioxide
[ ] Hydrogen
[ ] Oxygen
Geography: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Tropical Rainforests (Answers)
1. Which continent does not have tropical rainforests?
[ ] Africa
[x] Europe
[ ] South America
[ ] South-East Asia
2. Tropical rainforests grow in what type of climate?
[ ] Cold and wet
[x] Hot and humid
[ ] Mild and damp
[ ] Warm and dry
3. Large wide tree roots above ground have what name?
[x] Buttress roots
[ ] Fortress roots
[ ] Mega roots
[ ] Stabilizing roots
They are needed to support the incredibly tall trees
4. Which river is famous for its rainforest?
[x] Amazon
[ ] Ganges
[ ] Limpopo
[ ] Mississippi
It's in South America
5. Roughly how much of the earth's surface is covered by tropical rainforests?
[ ] 0.15
[ ] 0.25
[x] Less than 2%
[ ] More than 50%
Yet they are home to well over 50% of all life forms
6. Why are rainforest soils poor and infertile?
[ ] Because of a vicious fungus
[ ] Due to animal activity
[x] Heavy rain washes out the nutrients
[ ] The sun dries them out
Rain washing out nutrients is called leaching
7. Which term means using rainforest resources in a way that preserves them for the future?
[ ] Extended development
[ ] Programmable development
[ ] Strategic development
[x] Sustainable development
8. What type of tree would not grow in a tropical rainforest?
[ ] Mahogany
[x] Pine
[ ] Rubber
[ ] Teak
They always contain hardwood trees
9. The dense 'roof' of treetops is called what?
[ ] Awning
[ ] Blanket
[x] Canopy
[ ] Umbrella
The canopy cuts out light from the forest floor
10. Tropical rainforest vegetation takes in which gas?
[ ] Argon
[x] Carbon Dioxide
[ ] Hydrogen
[ ] Oxygen