
History: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Ancient Greece (Questions)

This History quiz is called 'Ancient Greece' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Ancient Greece covers the Archaic Period before the beginning of democracy in Athens, the Classical period which flourished during the 5th to 4th centuries BC and the Hellenistic Period between Alexander the Great and the Roman conquest. Classical Greek culture had a powerful influence on the Roman Empire and consequently on much of Europe. It brought us philosophy, mathematics and theater in addition to the myths and stories known and loved by many. For this reason Ancient Greece is often called 'the birthplace of Western civilization'.

1. What were the people of Ancient Greece called?
[ ] Aztecs
[ ] Romans
[ ] Greeks
[ ] Persians
2. What was the climate like in Greece?
[ ] Cold and wet
[ ] Warm and dry
[ ] Tropical
[ ] Very cold
3. What was the landscape like in Greece?
[ ] Desert
[ ] Tropical rain forest
[ ] Tundra
[ ] Mountainous
4. What was the name of the people who lived in Crete around 3,000 BCE?
[ ] Persians
[ ] Maya
[ ] Minoans
[ ] Mycenaeans
5. Which of these was NOT a Greek city state?
[ ] Athens
[ ] Sparta
[ ] Rome
[ ] Corinth
6. In which year did the Greek Classical Period begin?
[ ] 3,000 BCE
[ ] 480 BCE
[ ] 480 CE
[ ] 2,000 CE
7. The city states joined together to fight which invaders?
[ ] Celts
[ ] Aztecs
[ ] Egyptians
[ ] Persians
8. Who was the Greek leader that ruled all of Greece and conquered other lands?
[ ] Alfred the Great
[ ] Aristotle
[ ] Augustus
[ ] Alexander the Great
9. At which battle were the Persians defeated?
[ ] Olympia
[ ] Marathon
[ ] Sparta
[ ] Troy
10. Who conquered the Greeks in 168 BCE?
[ ] Romans
[ ] Persians
[ ] British
[ ] Egyptians
History: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Ancient Greece (Answers)
1. What were the people of Ancient Greece called?
[ ] Aztecs
[ ] Romans
[x] Greeks
[ ] Persians
The Greeks themselves called their land Hellas and themselves Hellenes
2. What was the climate like in Greece?
[ ] Cold and wet
[x] Warm and dry
[ ] Tropical
[ ] Very cold
Crops do not grow very well in Greece except olives
3. What was the landscape like in Greece?
[ ] Desert
[ ] Tropical rain forest
[ ] Tundra
[x] Mountainous
The mountains made it difficult to travel over Greece
4. What was the name of the people who lived in Crete around 3,000 BCE?
[ ] Persians
[ ] Maya
[x] Minoans
[ ] Mycenaeans
The Minoans took their name from the mythical King Minos who was said to have built a labyrinth to house the Minotaur
5. Which of these was NOT a Greek city state?
[ ] Athens
[ ] Sparta
[x] Rome
[ ] Corinth
Rome was in modern day Italy
6. In which year did the Greek Classical Period begin?
[ ] 3,000 BCE
[x] 480 BCE
[ ] 480 CE
[ ] 2,000 CE
The Classical Period of Ancient Greece is said to have begun with the defeat of the invading Persian army
7. The city states joined together to fight which invaders?
[ ] Celts
[ ] Aztecs
[ ] Egyptians
[x] Persians
The Persians were beaten at the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea
8. Who was the Greek leader that ruled all of Greece and conquered other lands?
[ ] Alfred the Great
[ ] Aristotle
[ ] Augustus
[x] Alexander the Great
The Egyptian city of Alexandria is named after him
9. At which battle were the Persians defeated?
[ ] Olympia
[x] Marathon
[ ] Sparta
[ ] Troy
Legend has it that the Greek messenger Pheidippides ran to Athens with news of the victory and so ran the very first 'marathon'
10. Who conquered the Greeks in 168 BCE?
[x] Romans
[ ] Persians
[ ] British
[ ] Egyptians
The Romans adopted much of the culture of the Ancient Greeks