
Science: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Properties of Materials (Questions)

This Science quiz is called 'Properties of Materials' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Properties of materials are characteristics of matter. There are certain words used for describing them and you need them in your vocabulary. The properties of different materials make them useful for different purposes. Although it floats, cork would not be a very good choice of material if you wished to build an ocean-going ship. And, although it's very shiny, painting your wall with some gloss paint would not make a good mirror.

Does your vocabulary include the words that describe the properties of materials? See how well you understand their meanings by taking this science quiz.

1. What does 'property' mean when discussing materials?
[ ] A material's possessions, such as money and land
[ ] The qualities of a particular material
[ ] The copyright on a particular material
[ ] The objects which are made from a specific material
2. If light cannot pass through a material, which property does that material have?
[ ] It is opaque
[ ] It is translucent
[ ] It is transparent
[ ] It is magnetic
3. What do we call a material which is not at all bendy?
[ ] An insulator
[ ] Rigid
[ ] Magnetic
[ ] Flexible
4. Plasticine can be easily molded or squashed into different shapes. What do we call this property?
[ ] Transparency
[ ] Conductivity
[ ] Density
[ ] Malleability
5. Which of these materials shows great elasticity?
[ ] Sand
[ ] Oak
[ ] Rubber
[ ] Concrete
6. What is the opposite of elasticity?
[ ] Stretchiness
[ ] Brittleness
[ ] Flexibility
[ ] Hardness
7. What is the opposite of waterproof?
[ ] Absorbent
[ ] Flexible
[ ] Smooth
[ ] Opaque
8. A real 50p coin is heavier than a toy plastic 50p coin. Materials that are heavier than objects of the same size are more what?
[ ] More solid
[ ] More magnetic
[ ] More light
[ ] More dense
9. Which properties of china make it a good material for a teacup?
[ ] It is brittle and permeable and a good electrical insulator
[ ] It is shiny and transluscent and a good thermal conductor
[ ] It is strong and waterproof and a good thermal insulator
[ ] It is dense and opaque and a good electrical conductor
10. Why is copper used for electrical wiring?
[ ] Because it is light
[ ] Because it is flexible
[ ] Because it is a good electrical conductor
[ ] All of the above
Science: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Properties of Materials (Answers)
1. What does 'property' mean when discussing materials?
[ ] A material's possessions, such as money and land
[x] The qualities of a particular material
[ ] The copyright on a particular material
[ ] The objects which are made from a specific material
A material's properties might include hardness, flexibility, strength, shininess, softness, etc.
2. If light cannot pass through a material, which property does that material have?
[x] It is opaque
[ ] It is translucent
[ ] It is transparent
[ ] It is magnetic
Translucent materials may be colored but you can still see dim shapes through them, like stained glass. Transparent materials are completely see-through, like plain glass
3. What do we call a material which is not at all bendy?
[ ] An insulator
[x] Rigid
[ ] Magnetic
[ ] Flexible
The same material can be flexible or rigid - a copper kettle would be rigid, while copper wiring is very flexible
4. Plasticine can be easily molded or squashed into different shapes. What do we call this property?
[ ] Transparency
[ ] Conductivity
[ ] Density
[x] Malleability
If a material is malleable, its shape can be changed easily
5. Which of these materials shows great elasticity?
[ ] Sand
[ ] Oak
[x] Rubber
[ ] Concrete
Elasticity is a measure of how well a material returns to its original shape and size after being stretched or compressed
6. What is the opposite of elasticity?
[ ] Stretchiness
[x] Brittleness
[ ] Flexibility
[ ] Hardness
Something that is very hard and will break rather than bend is described as 'brittle'
7. What is the opposite of waterproof?
[x] Absorbent
[ ] Flexible
[ ] Smooth
[ ] Opaque
Absorbent materials will soak up liquids whilst waterproof materials will not
8. A real 50p coin is heavier than a toy plastic 50p coin. Materials that are heavier than objects of the same size are more what?
[ ] More solid
[ ] More magnetic
[ ] More light
[x] More dense
The mass of an object compared to its size is described as its density
9. Which properties of china make it a good material for a teacup?
[ ] It is brittle and permeable and a good electrical insulator
[ ] It is shiny and transluscent and a good thermal conductor
[x] It is strong and waterproof and a good thermal insulator
[ ] It is dense and opaque and a good electrical conductor
If china were a good thermal conductor, you would seriously burn your hands by holding a hot cup of tea
10. Why is copper used for electrical wiring?
[ ] Because it is light
[ ] Because it is flexible
[ ] Because it is a good electrical conductor
[x] All of the above
There are lots of reasons we use copper in our electric wires rather than other materials