
Spelling: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Words beginning with dec... (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'Words beginning with dec...' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In December, the church bells went up a few decibels. Test your spelling of words beginning with dec.

"I'd probably want to teach at university, because children would drive me insane. I suspect it would be English literature, Shakespeare and so forth. I've always been deeply, deeply in love with that kind of thing." - Stephen Fry.

1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
[ ] decifer
[ ] decipher
[ ] desifer
[ ] desipher
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The act of making up your mind about something
[ ] descision
[ ] decision
[ ] desishion
[ ] dessision
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Protection from attack
[ ] defence
[ ] defents
[ ] defense
[ ] deffence
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Free from any doubt
[ ] definite
[ ] defernite
[ ] deffinite
[ ] definit
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A unit of measurement of temperature
[ ] dagree
[ ] degree
[ ] degrie
[ ] digree
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
To remove, get rid of, erase
[ ] deylete
[ ] dalete
[ ] dilite
[ ] delete
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A person who relies on another for support
[ ] deppendent
[ ] dependant
[ ] dependint
[ ] dependunt
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A colony or a territory subject to rule by an external power
[ ] dependuncy
[ ] dependincy
[ ] deppendency
[ ] dependency
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
An account depicting something or someone
[ ] discriptien
[ ] descriptien
[ ] description
[ ] discription
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A barren area of land especially one with little water or vegetation
[ ] dessert
[ ] desirt
[ ] desert
[ ] desurt
Spelling: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Words beginning with dec... (Answers)
1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
[ ] decifer
[x] decipher
[ ] desifer
[ ] desipher
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The act of making up your mind about something
[ ] descision
[x] decision
[ ] desishion
[ ] dessision
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Protection from attack
[ ] defence
[ ] defents
[x] defense
[ ] deffence
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Free from any doubt
[x] definite
[ ] defernite
[ ] deffinite
[ ] definit
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A unit of measurement of temperature
[ ] dagree
[x] degree
[ ] degrie
[ ] digree
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
To remove, get rid of, erase
[ ] deylete
[ ] dalete
[ ] dilite
[x] delete
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A person who relies on another for support
[ ] deppendent
[x] dependant
[ ] dependint
[ ] dependunt
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A colony or a territory subject to rule by an external power
[ ] dependuncy
[ ] dependincy
[ ] deppendency
[x] dependency
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
An account depicting something or someone
[ ] discriptien
[ ] descriptien
[x] description
[ ] discription
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A barren area of land especially one with little water or vegetation
[ ] dessert
[ ] desirt
[x] desert
[ ] desurt