
Spelling: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Words beginning with proc... (Questions)

This Spelling quiz is called 'Words beginning with proc...' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Please proceed with the procedure. Check your spelling of words beginning with proc in this quiz.

"Poetry is but another form of inquiry into the nature of phenomena, using its own unique procedures and tools." - John Barton.

1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A series of events to produce a result
[ ] process
[ ] prosess
[ ] proccess
[ ] proces
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
'Brain' of the computer system where calculations and decisions are made
[ ] prosessor
[ ] procesor
[ ] proccesser
[ ] processor
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The presentation of a theatrical work
[ ] prodduction
[ ] production
[ ] productian
[ ] productien
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A software application designed to perform a specific task
[ ] program
[ ] prougram
[ ] progeram
[ ] programme
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
[ ] propaganda
[ ] propeganda
[ ] proppaganda
[ ] properganda
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Someone who speaks by divine inspiration
[ ] prophete
[ ] profit
[ ] prophet
[ ] prophit
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number
[ ] propportion
[ ] proportion
[ ] proportian
[ ] proportien
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The act of offering (an idea) for consideration
[ ] propusition
[ ] proposition
[ ] propesition
[ ] propersition
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
One of three major classes of food; a source of food energy abundant in animal-derived foods
[ ] protein
[ ] proteen
[ ] protine
[ ] protien
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Any of several denominations of Christianity that separated from the Roman Catholic Church
[ ] Protistant
[ ] Protestant
[ ] Protestent
[ ] Proterstant
Spelling: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quiz - Words beginning with proc... (Answers)
1. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A series of events to produce a result
[x] process
[ ] prosess
[ ] proccess
[ ] proces
2. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
'Brain' of the computer system where calculations and decisions are made
[ ] prosessor
[ ] procesor
[ ] proccesser
[x] processor
3. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The presentation of a theatrical work
[ ] prodduction
[x] production
[ ] productian
[ ] productien
4. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A software application designed to perform a specific task
[x] program
[ ] prougram
[ ] progeram
[ ] programme
5. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A concerted set of messages aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people
[x] propaganda
[ ] propeganda
[ ] proppaganda
[ ] properganda
6. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Someone who speaks by divine inspiration
[ ] prophete
[ ] profit
[x] prophet
[ ] prophit
7. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number
[ ] propportion
[x] proportion
[ ] proportian
[ ] proportien
8. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
The act of offering (an idea) for consideration
[ ] propusition
[x] proposition
[ ] propesition
[ ] propersition
9. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
One of three major classes of food; a source of food energy abundant in animal-derived foods
[x] protein
[ ] proteen
[ ] protine
[ ] protien
10. Click the correct answer for the following definition.
Any of several denominations of Christianity that separated from the Roman Catholic Church
[ ] Protistant
[x] Protestant
[ ] Protestent
[ ] Proterstant