
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Play Away! (Questions)

In this Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz you will be visiting a playground to see what fun things are there to play away on. Do you love to go to the park and, even more so, to a playground park? Being at a playground is like being on an adventure. The monkey bars and jungle gyms can become sailed ships at sea! Swings can be your spaceship to the sky! Ponds can be where you can explore as a scientist! And all the people around you can be aliens from another planet! Yup, when you are at a playground park you are only limited by your own imagination.

Children (and even adults) of all nationalities love to play away at a playground park so, your challenge for this quick picture quiz is to quickly locate the Spanish name for each of the ten capitalized items found in the quiz sentences. Are you ready to play? Then let’s start having some fun!

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1. I remember the days when I played on a SWING and it gave me the feeling of flying!
[ ] columpio
[ ] cielo
[ ] estribo
[ ] trineo
2. Children build lots of upper body strength playing on MONKEY BARS.
[ ] gimnasio de la selva
[ ] rayuela
[ ] barras del mono
[ ] cuerda de saltar
3. What would a PLAYGROUND be without a little snack?
[ ] compañero de juego
[ ] patio de recreo
[ ] área de juego
[ ] tiempo de juego
4. Watching a game from the BLEACHERS is a common sight to see at a park.
[ ] bala
[ ] capilla
[ ] gradas
[ ] lado
5. Children love to run through the water FOUNTAINS.
[ ] cascadas
[ ] berros
[ ] sandías
[ ] fuentes
6. Some parks require that dogs be kept on a LEASH.
[ ] correa
[ ] cuerda
[ ] corbata
[ ] faja
7. This little guy is trying to see if there are any ducks in the POND today.
[ ] corriente
[ ] barranco
[ ] rompecabezas
[ ] estanque
8. The hours I could spend in my own little SANDBOX.
[ ] duna de arena
[ ] cajón de arena
[ ] arenisca
[ ] tormenta de arena
9. I can hear her squealing all the way down the SLIDE.
[ ] colina
[ ] calle
[ ] tobogán
[ ] camino
10. For those who want to stay healthy they can run around the TRACK.
[ ] campo
[ ] patio
[ ] cuadrado
[ ] pista
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Play Away! (Answers)
1. I remember the days when I played on a SWING and it gave me the feeling of flying!
[x] columpio
[ ] cielo
[ ] estribo
[ ] trineo
The Spanish word for swing is columpio. The second answer means sky. The third answer means stirrup and the last answer means sleigh.
2. Children build lots of upper body strength playing on MONKEY BARS.
[ ] gimnasio de la selva
[ ] rayuela
[x] barras del mono
[ ] cuerda de saltar
The Spanish words for monkey bars are barras del mono. The first answer means jungle gym. The second answer means hopscotch and the last answer means jump rope.
3. What would a PLAYGROUND be without a little snack?
[ ] compañero de juego
[x] patio de recreo
[ ] área de juego
[ ] tiempo de juego
The Spanish words for playground are patio de recreo. The first answer means playmate. The third answer means play area and the last answer means playtime.
4. Watching a game from the BLEACHERS is a common sight to see at a park.
[ ] bala
[ ] capilla
[x] gradas
[ ] lado
The Spanish word for bleachers is gradas. The first answer means bullet. The second answer means chapel and the last answer means side.
5. Children love to run through the water FOUNTAINS.
[ ] cascadas
[ ] berros
[ ] sandías
[x] fuentes
The Spanish word for fountains is fuentes. The first answer means waterfalls. The second answer means watercress and the third answer means watermelons.
6. Some parks require that dogs be kept on a LEASH.
[x] correa
[ ] cuerda
[ ] corbata
[ ] faja
The Spanish word for leash is correa. The second answer means rope. The third answer means tie and the last answer means sash.
7. This little guy is trying to see if there are any ducks in the POND today.
[ ] corriente
[ ] barranco
[ ] rompecabezas
[x] estanque
The Spanish word for pond is estanque. The first answer means stream. The second answer means ravine and the third answer means puzzle.
8. The hours I could spend in my own little SANDBOX.
[ ] duna de arena
[x] cajón de arena
[ ] arenisca
[ ] tormenta de arena
The Spanish words for sandbox are cajón de arena. The first answer means sand dune. The third answer means sandstone and the last answer means sand storm.
9. I can hear her squealing all the way down the SLIDE.
[ ] colina
[ ] calle
[x] tobogán
[ ] camino
The Spanish word for slide is tobogán. The first answer means hill. The second answer means street and the last answer means path.
10. For those who want to stay healthy they can run around the TRACK.
[ ] campo
[ ] patio
[ ] cuadrado
[x] pista
The Spanish word for track is pista. The first answer means field. The second answer means yard and the third answer means square.