
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Veggie Delight! (Questions)

In this Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz you will be looking at some veggie delights, i.e., healthy vegetables. How many times have you been told to eat your vegetables! Probably hundreds of times. That is because vegetables are so vital to our overall health. They are filled with vitamins and nutrition that we simply do not get or at least do not get enough of in other foods that we eat.

How we prepare vegetables changes from one area of the country to another and, of course, from one country to another country. Regardless of how they are prepared, what is important is that they are served and eaten everywhere and now you can serve and eat them in Spanish! Therefore, for this quick picture review quiz you will be shown several pictures of some veggie delights! Your quick challenge is to see how quickly you can then name the all capitalized veggie delight in Spanish. So pull up a folk and dig in!

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1. Some people eat BEETS like dessert.
[ ] pepinos
[ ] guisantes
[ ] remolachas
[ ] apios
2. This bunny is sitting in a bed of CABBAGE.
[ ] semilla de soja
[ ] nabo
[ ] repollo
[ ] garbanzo
3. An artistic plate of ENDIVE.
[ ] berenjena
[ ] endivia
[ ] calabaza
[ ] rábano
4. Here you have a vegetable market. Can you locate the OKRA?
[ ] ajo
[ ] pimiento verde
[ ] cebolla
[ ] quingombó
5. Grabbing a handful of SHALLOTS.
[ ] chalotes
[ ] algas
[ ] semillas
[ ] hierbabuenas
6. Adding a little CHICORY to your cooking adds some tasty flavor.
[ ] achicoria
[ ] alcachofa
[ ] espárrago
[ ] zanahoria
7. Have you ever had any SQUASH soup?
[ ] lenteja
[ ] calabaza
[ ] ruibarbo
[ ] habas verdes
8. A little WATERCRESS goes good in salads.
[ ] tocino
[ ] sandía
[ ] berro
[ ] brócoli
9. ZUCCHINI is a type of squash.
[ ] gusano
[ ] zinnia
[ ] acelga
[ ] calabacín
10. I can just smell these TAPIOCA puddings!
[ ] tápioca
[ ] tapioca
[ ] tapíoca
[ ] tapiocá
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Veggie Delight! (Answers)
1. Some people eat BEETS like dessert.
[ ] pepinos
[ ] guisantes
[x] remolachas
[ ] apios
The Spanish word for beets is remolachas.
2. This bunny is sitting in a bed of CABBAGE.
[ ] semilla de soja
[ ] nabo
[x] repollo
[ ] garbanzo
The Spanish word for cabbage is repollo.
3. An artistic plate of ENDIVE.
[ ] berenjena
[x] endivia
[ ] calabaza
[ ] rábano
The Spanish word for endive is endivia.
4. Here you have a vegetable market. Can you locate the OKRA?
[ ] ajo
[ ] pimiento verde
[ ] cebolla
[x] quingombó
This is one instance in which the English word is very short but the Spanish word is very long. The Spanish word for okra is quingomobó.
5. Grabbing a handful of SHALLOTS.
[x] chalotes
[ ] algas
[ ] semillas
[ ] hierbabuenas
The Spanish word for shallots is chalotes.
6. Adding a little CHICORY to your cooking adds some tasty flavor.
[x] achicoria
[ ] alcachofa
[ ] espárrago
[ ] zanahoria
The Spanish word for chicory is achicoria.
7. Have you ever had any SQUASH soup?
[ ] lenteja
[x] calabaza
[ ] ruibarbo
[ ] habas verdes
The Spanish word for squash is calabaza.
8. A little WATERCRESS goes good in salads.
[ ] tocino
[ ] sandía
[x] berro
[ ] brócoli
The Spanish word for watercress is berro.
9. ZUCCHINI is a type of squash.
[ ] gusano
[ ] zinnia
[ ] acelga
[x] calabacín
The Spanish word for zucchini is calabacín. Notice the accent mark about the 'i'.
10. I can just smell these TAPIOCA puddings!
[ ] tápioca
[x] tapioca
[ ] tapíoca
[ ] tapiocá
This is a case where the English and Spanish words are exactly the same as tapioca is spelled the same way in both languages. There is no accent mark.