
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Veggie Heaven! (Questions)

This Spanish Difficult Review picture quiz will take a look at a variety of vegetables that can be found in veggie heaven. When you make a well balanced meal, that meal must include a good portion of vegetables. Depending upon how you prepare your vegetables, if they are prepared with the right ingredients, it could be like experiencing veggie heaven!

Vegetables do not have to be bland or ordinary to taste wonderful. It just takes a little practice to get them to taste amazing. You see, it takes practice in everything to get them just right and that includes practicing your Spanish veggies! Therefore, for this quick picture review quiz, you are going to zip through the quiz sentences and see how quickly you can locate the correct Spanish veggie that matches up with the English capitalized word found in each of the quiz sentences. Now, let’s look at some of those veggie heaven delights!

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1. My mother always made baked YAMS at Thanksgiving.
[ ] remolachas
[ ] patatas
[ ] repollos
[ ] batatas
2. You can tell this it is CHARD by the red stem.
[ ] acelga
[ ] maíz
[ ] queso
[ ] canela
3. Beans are all part of the LENTIL family.
[ ] albahaca
[ ] lenteja
[ ] frijol
[ ] alcachofa
4. There is almost nothing so tasty as fresh garden STRING BEANS.
[ ] habas
[ ] guisantes amarillos
[ ] habas verdes
[ ] frijoles de mantequilla
5. He ordered a second piece of RHUBARB pie.
[ ] ruibarbo
[ ] pasa
[ ] berenjena
[ ] cucurbitácea
6. I am still convinced that BRUSSEL SPROUTS are baby cabbages.
[ ] hierba de Bruselas
[ ] malezas de Bruselas
[ ] nabo Bruselas
[ ] col de Bruselas
7. He is holding carrots while she is holding TURNIPS.
[ ] cervezas
[ ] nabos
[ ] rábanos
[ ] repollos
8. A well-presented dish of CHICKPEAS.
[ ] calabacines
[ ] remolachas
[ ] garbanzos
[ ] chalotes
9. This picture shows you a SOYBEAN farm.
[ ] uvas de la ira
[ ] semilla de soja
[ ] guisantes de ojo negro
[ ] frijolillos
10. Mom takes the time to decorate the dinner with colorful RADISHES.
[ ] hierbas
[ ] cebollas
[ ] rábanos
[ ] pasas
Spanish Difficult Review Quiz - Veggie Heaven! (Answers)
1. My mother always made baked YAMS at Thanksgiving.
[ ] remolachas
[ ] patatas
[ ] repollos
[x] batatas
This is one vegetable that has come to be recognized as the same spelling in both English and Spanish. However, the more widely used Spanish name for yams is batatas which also means sweet potatoes.
2. You can tell this it is CHARD by the red stem.
[x] acelga
[ ] maíz
[ ] queso
[ ] canela
The Spanish word for chard is acelga.
3. Beans are all part of the LENTIL family.
[ ] albahaca
[x] lenteja
[ ] frijol
[ ] alcachofa
The Spanish word for lentil is lenteja.
4. There is almost nothing so tasty as fresh garden STRING BEANS.
[ ] habas
[ ] guisantes amarillos
[x] habas verdes
[ ] frijoles de mantequilla
The Spanish words for string beans are habas verdes.
5. He ordered a second piece of RHUBARB pie.
[x] ruibarbo
[ ] pasa
[ ] berenjena
[ ] cucurbitácea
The Spanish word for rhubarb is ruibarbo.
6. I am still convinced that BRUSSEL SPROUTS are baby cabbages.
[ ] hierba de Bruselas
[ ] malezas de Bruselas
[ ] nabo Bruselas
[x] col de Bruselas
The Spanish words for Brussel sprouts are col de Bruselas.
7. He is holding carrots while she is holding TURNIPS.
[ ] cervezas
[x] nabos
[ ] rábanos
[ ] repollos
The Spanish word for turnips is nabos.
8. A well-presented dish of CHICKPEAS.
[ ] calabacines
[ ] remolachas
[x] garbanzos
[ ] chalotes
The Spanish word for chickpeas is garbanzos.
9. This picture shows you a SOYBEAN farm.
[ ] uvas de la ira
[x] semilla de soja
[ ] guisantes de ojo negro
[ ] frijolillos
The Spanish words for soybean are semilla de soja.
10. Mom takes the time to decorate the dinner with colorful RADISHES.
[ ] hierbas
[ ] cebollas
[x] rábanos
[ ] pasas
The Spanish word for radishes is rábanos.