
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - It's in the Tool Shed (Questions)

This Spanish Easy Review picture quiz will jog your memory on Spanish words related to tools found in the tool shed! Does your father, uncle or grandfather have a place where they keep all of their tools? It can be a very fascinating place, especially if you are into building things. Do you know what all of those tools are far? Some help keep the house together, others are used in the garden. There are even special tools for working on cars.

There are actually many, many, many different types of tools. However, among all of those tools, there are a few essential tools. In other words, there are tools that every household should really have on hand at all times. Some of the essential tools will be covered in the quiz sentences below. You will be able to tell what they are as they appear in all capitalized letters. Do you think you have the Spanish memory tool to determine what they are in Spanish? Let’s go find out!

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1. You will need a SHOVEL to dig.
[ ] escoba
[ ] pala
[ ] cubeta
[ ] tornillo
2. The AXE needs to bed sharp to make a clean cut.
[ ] martillo
[ ] taladro
[ ] hacha
[ ] tijera
3. A handy mop and BUCKET is needed to clean up any spills.
[ ] rastrillo
[ ] escalera
[ ] linterna
[ ] cubeta
4. Every dad needs a good power DRILL!
[ ] taladro
[ ] clavo
[ ] alicate
[ ] tornillo
5. Looks like these kids have taken the FLASHLIGHT.
[ ] alicate
[ ] escalera
[ ] linterna
[ ] martillo
6. When it comes to construction, you always should were a hard HAT.
[ ] tijera
[ ] sombrero
[ ] guante
[ ] cinturón
7. A short step LADDER comes in handy when you are painting.
[ ] escalera
[ ] tornillo
[ ] escoba
[ ] clavo
8. Come the fall, it is time to pull out the RAKE.
[ ] alicate
[ ] martillo
[ ] escoba
[ ] rastrillo
9. Make sure you use the right head on your SCREWDRIVER.
[ ] remache
[ ] destornillador
[ ] nivel
[ ] ciruela
10. Everyone needs a place TO PUT their tools.
[ ] tejer
[ ] romper
[ ] meter
[ ] doler
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - It's in the Tool Shed (Answers)
1. You will need a SHOVEL to dig.
[ ] escoba
[x] pala
[ ] cubeta
[ ] tornillo
The Spanish word for shovel is pala.
2. The AXE needs to bed sharp to make a clean cut.
[ ] martillo
[ ] taladro
[x] hacha
[ ] tijera
The Spanish word for axe is hacha.
3. A handy mop and BUCKET is needed to clean up any spills.
[ ] rastrillo
[ ] escalera
[ ] linterna
[x] cubeta
The Spanish word for bucket is cubeta.
4. Every dad needs a good power DRILL!
[x] taladro
[ ] clavo
[ ] alicate
[ ] tornillo
The Spanish word for drill is taladro.
5. Looks like these kids have taken the FLASHLIGHT.
[ ] alicate
[ ] escalera
[x] linterna
[ ] martillo
The Spanish word for flashlight is linterna.
6. When it comes to construction, you always should were a hard HAT.
[ ] tijera
[x] sombrero
[ ] guante
[ ] cinturón
The Spanish word for hat is sombrero.
7. A short step LADDER comes in handy when you are painting.
[x] escalera
[ ] tornillo
[ ] escoba
[ ] clavo
The Spanish word for ladder is escalera.
8. Come the fall, it is time to pull out the RAKE.
[ ] alicate
[ ] martillo
[ ] escoba
[x] rastrillo
The Spanish word for rake is rastrillo.
9. Make sure you use the right head on your SCREWDRIVER.
[ ] remache
[x] destornillador
[ ] nivel
[ ] ciruela
The Spanish word for screwdriver is destornillador.
10. Everyone needs a place TO PUT their tools.
[ ] tejer
[ ] romper
[x] meter
[ ] doler
Here you are looking for the base form of a verb, i.e., 'to put'. The Spanish verb for 'to put' is meter.