
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Science - The Solar System Vocabulary (Questions)

This Spanish Easy Review vocabulary quiz will continue the series of Spanish science quizzes. The science quizzes have been created to help you learn not only your regular science lessons, but to help you know the same information in Spanish. This quiz will not add anything to your normal science class so you do not need to worry about having to learn more scientific information but you do have to learn more Spanish words. That way when someone asks you a question about the Solar System, you can choose to answer them in either English or Spanish! It will make you look doubly smart!


So now let¡¯s look at some vocabulary words that are related to the solar system.

English Spanish Pronounced (Phonetically) As
solar solar sō-lăr (This is a neutral word.)
system (el) sistema sĭs-těm-ă (Notice this is a masculine word.)
galaxy (la) galaxia gă-lăx-ē-ă
sun (el) sol soul
planet (el) planeta plăn-ā-tă (Notice this is a masculine word.)
comet (el) cometa cō-mā-tă (Notice this is a masculine word.)
cosmic (el/la) c¨®smico/a cōs-mē-cō / cōs-mē-că
star (la) estrella ěs-trāy-yă
asteroid (el) asteroide ăs-tāy-rō-ē-dāy
moon (la) luna loo-nă
meteor (el) meteoro māy-tāy-ŏr-ō
meteorite (el) meteorito māy-tāy-ŏr-ē-tō
universe (el) universo oon-ē-věr-sō
crystal (el) cristal krē-stăl
dust (el) polvo pōl-vō
ray (el) rayo ră-yō
elliptical el¨ªptico/a ěl-ēp-tē-cō / ěl-ēp-tē-că
spiral (la) espiral ěs-pē-răl
Mercury (el) Mercurio měr-coo-rē-ō
Venus (el) Venus vāy-nŭs
Mars (el) Marte măr-tāy
Jupiter (el) J¨²piter Hoo-pē-těr (Notice the 'j' sounds like an 'h'.)
Saturn (el) Saturno Săt-ŭr-nō
Uranus (el) Urano Ŭr-ă-nō
Neptune (el) Neptuno Něp-too-nō
Pluto (el) Plut¨­n Ploo-t¨­n
axis (el) eje ā-hāy (Notice the 'j' has an 'h' sound.)

That may seem like quite a long vocabulary list but many of the Spanish words are very similar to their English counterpart so it shouldn¡¯t be too difficult to remember them. Take your time to read the word, say it out loud in the Spanish pronunciation and pay attention to the spelling. When you are ready, move on to the quiz section. Many of the items in the quiz were also given in the Grade 6 Science The Solar System 1 and The Solar System 2 quizzes. If you have not already taken those quizzes you might want to check them out now as they will help you with this quiz. When you are ready, begin the quiz!

1. The asteroid belt is located in the space between ____.
[ ] J¨²piter y Saturno
[ ] Marte y J¨²piter
[ ] Venus y Tierra
[ ] Saturno y Urano
2. This is the Earth's only natural satellite.
[ ] luna
[ ] sol
[ ] polvo
[ ] rayo
3. The planets travel around the sun in this kind of orbit.
[ ] sistema
[ ] cometa
[ ] el¨ªptica
[ ] polvo
4. These two planets are very similar in mass and size.
[ ] Tierra y Marte
[ ] Venus y Marte
[ ] Saturno y Urano
[ ] Tierra y Venus
5. These are frozen gases and dust with a bright burning tail.
[ ] meteoritos
[ ] estrellas
[ ] cometas
[ ] c¨®smicos
6. This planet has a large red spot on it.
[ ] Mercurio
[ ] J¨²piter
[ ] Urano
[ ] Martes
7. This planet is small and icy. It is a dwarf planet. Today, many scientists question whether it should even be classified as a planet. Which planet is it?
[ ] Plut¨­n
[ ] Urano
[ ] Marte
[ ] Mercurio
8. This planet is the closest planet to the Sun.
[ ] Tierra
[ ] Marte
[ ] Venus
[ ] Mercurio
9. A meteor that hits the Earth¡¯s surface is called a ____.
[ ] estrella
[ ] cometa
[ ] meteorito
[ ] asteroide
10. Small to large pieces of rocks moving through space that enter the Earth¡¯s atmosphere and burn up are called ____.
[ ] asteroides
[ ] meteoros
[ ] estrellas
[ ] meteoritos
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Science - The Solar System Vocabulary (Answers)
1. The asteroid belt is located in the space between ____.
[ ] J¨²piter y Saturno
[x] Marte y J¨²piter
[ ] Venus y Tierra
[ ] Saturno y Urano
The asteroid belt is located in the space between the fourth and fifth planets from the sun. In other words, between Mars and Jupiter. The Spanish words for Mars and Jupiter are Marte y J¨²piter.
2. This is the Earth's only natural satellite.
[x] luna
[ ] sol
[ ] polvo
[ ] rayo
The Earth¡¯s only natural satellite is the moon. The Spanish word for moon is luna.
3. The planets travel around the sun in this kind of orbit.
[ ] sistema
[ ] cometa
[x] el¨ªptica
[ ] polvo
The planets travel around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The Spanish word for elliptical is el¨ªptico. This might make you think that the third answer is misspelled. However, as elliptical is used as an adjective here it must take on the gender of the object that it is describing. The Spanish word for obit is orbita, a feminine word. Therefore, elipitco must become elipitica.
4. These two planets are very similar in mass and size.
[ ] Tierra y Marte
[ ] Venus y Marte
[ ] Saturno y Urano
[x] Tierra y Venus
The two planets that are very similar in mass and size are Earth and Venus. The Spanish words for Earth and Venus are Tierra y Venus.
5. These are frozen gases and dust with a bright burning tail.
[ ] meteoritos
[ ] estrellas
[x] cometas
[ ] c¨®smicos
Frozen gases and dust with a bright burning tail are known as comets. The Spanish word for comets is cometas.
6. This planet has a large red spot on it.
[ ] Mercurio
[x] J¨²piter
[ ] Urano
[ ] Martes
The planet that has a large red spot on it (a storm) is Jupiter. The Spanish word for Jupiter is J¨²piter.
7. This planet is small and icy. It is a dwarf planet. Today, many scientists question whether it should even be classified as a planet. Which planet is it?
[x] Plut¨­n
[ ] Urano
[ ] Marte
[ ] Mercurio
The small and icy planet that many today question whether it is really a planet is Pluto. The Spanish word for 'Pluto' is 'Plut¨®n'. Remember it contains an accent mark.
8. This planet is the closest planet to the Sun.
[ ] Tierra
[ ] Marte
[ ] Venus
[x] Mercurio
The planet that is closest to the Sun is Mercury. The Spanish word for Mercury is Mercurio.
9. A meteor that hits the Earth¡¯s surface is called a ____.
[ ] estrella
[ ] cometa
[x] meteorito
[ ] asteroide
A meteor that hits the Earth¡¯s surface is called a meteorite. The Spanish word for meteorite is meteorito.
10. Small to large pieces of rocks moving through space that enter the Earth¡¯s atmosphere and burn up are called ____.
[ ] asteroides
[x] meteoros
[ ] estrellas
[ ] meteoritos
The small to large pieces of rocks that move through space and then enter the Earth¡¯s atmosphere and burn up are called meteors. The Spanish word for meteors is meteoros.