
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Spelling - Spelling Baseball - 3rd Base (Questions)

This Spanish Easy Review is the third quiz in the series of the Spelling Baseball quizzes. If you have not already done so, before taking this quiz, please check out the Spanish Easy Review quizzes titled Spelling Baseball - 1st Base and Spelling Baseball - 2nd Base. Each quiz includes words that are slightly more challenging than the quiz before it. Now that you are getting to 3rd base, the words will try to stretch your memory on more challenging Spanish words. As in the first two quizzes, always pay very close attention to the word, whether it may have any accent marks or tildes and whether the word is masculine, feminine or neutral.

There are ten words given in English. From the list of four answers, locate the Spanish word (with correct spelling) that will match the English word.

1. right
[ ] duerecha
[ ] derecha
[ ] deureche
[ ] dereche
2. dress
[ ] vestido
[ ] vestedo
[ ] vestído
[ ] vestida
3. desk
[ ] escratorio
[ ] escretorio
[ ] escritorio
[ ] escriturio
4. bunny
[ ] conajito
[ ] conagito
[ ] conegito
[ ] conejito
5. bedroom
[ ] recamara
[ ] recamára
[ ] recámara
[ ] récamara
6. Miss
[ ] senorita
[ ] señorita
[ ] senoritta
[ ] señoreta
7. lawyer
[ ] abogado
[ ] abógado
[ ] abogada
[ ] abógada
8. swimsuit
[ ] banador
[ ] banedor
[ ] banadór
[ ] bañador
9. hammer
[ ] martelo
[ ] martello
[ ] martillo
[ ] martilo
10. foyer
[ ] vestibula
[ ] vestíbulo
[ ] vestibulo
[ ] vestibúla
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Spelling - Spelling Baseball - 3rd Base (Answers)
1. right
[ ] duerecha
[x] derecha
[ ] deureche
[ ] dereche
The Spanish word for right is derecha. The first, third and last answers each show the word misspelled.
2. dress
[x] vestido
[ ] vestedo
[ ] vestído
[ ] vestida
The Spanish word for dress is vestido. It is a masculine word which means the last answer can be eliminated as it shows a feminine form. The word does not have an accent mark making the third answer incorrect as well. The second answer is simply misspelled.
3. desk
[ ] escratorio
[ ] escretorio
[x] escritorio
[ ] escriturio
The Spanish word for desk is escritorio. The first, second and last answers are each misspelled words.
4. bunny
[ ] conajito
[ ] conagito
[ ] conegito
[x] conejito
The Spanish word for bunny is conejito. The first, second and third answers are each incorrect spellings of the word.
5. bedroom
[ ] recamara
[ ] recamára
[x] recámara
[ ] récamara
The Spanish word for bedroom is recámara. It does contain an accent mark which means that the first answer can be eliminated. The second and last answers show the accent mark in the wrong location.
6. Miss
[ ] senorita
[x] señorita
[ ] senoritta
[ ] señoreta
The Spanish word for Miss is señorita. Note that it contains a tilde above the 'n'. The first and third answers do not have a tilde and are misspelled so they can be eliminated. The last answer has a tilde but is misspelled.
7. lawyer
[x] abogado
[ ] abógado
[ ] abogada
[ ] abógada
As the word here is lawyer, you do not know if the lawyer is male or female. When you do not know you always use the masculine form of the word. This means that the third and last answers can be eliminated as they show feminine forms. The Spanish word for lawyer is abogado. It does not have an accent mark which means that the second answer is not correct.
8. swimsuit
[ ] banador
[ ] banedor
[ ] banadór
[x] bañador
The Spanish word for swimsuit is bañador. Note that it contains a tilde above the 'n'. The first, second and third answers do not have a tilde and are misspelled so they can be eliminated.
9. hammer
[ ] martelo
[ ] martello
[x] martillo
[ ] martilo
The Spanish word for hammer is martillo. The first, second and last answers are each misspelled words.
10. foyer
[ ] vestibula
[x] vestíbulo
[ ] vestibulo
[ ] vestibúla
The Spanish word for foyer is vestíbulo. It is a masculine word which means the first and last answers can be eliminated. It also contains an accent mark which means that the third answer can also be eliminated.