
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Vocabulary - My Body Parts (Questions)

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes, head, shoulders knees and toes – eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Have you ever sung that nursery rhyme? It is one of the all-time favorite songs to sing to young children to teach them all about the parts of their bodies. This Spanish Easy Review quiz is not going to sing to you (hmm, if it only could) but it will help you to learn the Spanish vocabulary words about your body parts.

Below this paragraph you will find a listing of many body parts. After each body part in Spanish you will see either the letter [m] or the letter [f].


The letter [m] indicates that the word is a masculine word while the letter [f] indicates that the word is a feminine word. Now let’s move on to the vocabulary listing of body parts.


head cabeza [f] că-bāy-ză
shoulder hombro [m] ŏm-brō (remember the H is silent and do not confuse this with hombre)
knee rodilla [f] rō-dē-yăh
toe dedo [m] dāy-dō (note that this is also used to say finger)
eye ojo [m] ō-hō (the J has an H sound)
ear oído [m] ō-ē-dō
ear oreja [f] ō-rā-hă
mouth boca [f] bō-că
nose nariz [f] năr-ēz
foot pie [m] pē-ā
hair pelo [m] pāy-lō
arm brazo [m] bră-zō
back espalda [f] ěs-păl-dă
hand mano [f] mă-nō (notice this is a feminine word that ends with the letter o)
finger dedo [m] dāy-dō (note that this is also used to say toe)

Note that there were two ways to say 'ear', i.e., oído and oreja. That is because Spanish distinguishes them in two ways. The first way, oído, is used when referring to hearing such as 'she has an ear for music'. The second way, oreja, refers to the actual, physical ear such as, 'she pierced her ear'. At the beginning of learning Spanish you will most likely improperly use these two versions for a while but as your experience grows, so too will your usage of these two ears.

Again, as with every quiz introduction, take the time to say each word several times. Listen to how they are pronounced and pay close attention to how they are spelled. When you feel comfortable with each body part, look at the ten quiz sentences. Each sentence has an English body part that is shown in all capitalized letters. See if you can find the correct Spanish word for the uppercased body part without looking back at this introduction or any other source. Rather, try doing it just through using your memory.

1. Will you lend me a HAND in moving the sofa?
[ ] dedo
[ ] mano
[ ] ojo
[ ] hombro
2. Matthew’s doctor told him that he would need KNEE surgery.
[ ] espalda
[ ] bravo
[ ] pelo
[ ] rodilla
3. Can you scratch my BACK for me?
[ ] nariz
[ ] cabeza
[ ] espalda
[ ] oreja
4. I’ve got my EYE on the situation.
[ ] ojo
[ ] boca
[ ] oído
[ ] pelo
5. Daddy cried out when he stubbed his TOE on the bedpost.
[ ] mano
[ ] pelo
[ ] cabeza
[ ] dedo
6. His head now came up to his mother’s SHOULDER.
[ ] brazo
[ ] hombro
[ ] boca
[ ] cabeza
7. I don’t think Sheila was using her HEAD when she made that decision.
[ ] nariz
[ ] pelo
[ ] cabeza
[ ] brazo
8. Jeffrey had his ARM in a sling when I last saw him.
[ ] brazo
[ ] oído
[ ] nariz
[ ] pelo
9. She was certain that she had a splinter in her FOOT.
[ ] dedo
[ ] pie
[ ] pelo
[ ] ojo
10. My NOSE is so sore from breathing in the pungent fumes.
[ ] pelo
[ ] boca
[ ] oreja
[ ] nariz
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Vocabulary - My Body Parts (Answers)
1. Will you lend me a HAND in moving the sofa?
[ ] dedo
[x] mano
[ ] ojo
[ ] hombro
The Spanish word for hand is mano.
2. Matthew’s doctor told him that he would need KNEE surgery.
[ ] espalda
[ ] bravo
[ ] pelo
[x] rodilla
The Spanish word for knee is rodilla.
3. Can you scratch my BACK for me?
[ ] nariz
[ ] cabeza
[x] espalda
[ ] oreja
The Spanish word for back is espalda.
4. I’ve got my EYE on the situation.
[x] ojo
[ ] boca
[ ] oído
[ ] pelo
The Spanish word for eye is ojo.
5. Daddy cried out when he stubbed his TOE on the bedpost.
[ ] mano
[ ] pelo
[ ] cabeza
[x] dedo
The Spanish word for toe is dedo.
6. His head now came up to his mother’s SHOULDER.
[ ] brazo
[x] hombro
[ ] boca
[ ] cabeza
The Spanish word for shoulder is hombro.
7. I don’t think Sheila was using her HEAD when she made that decision.
[ ] nariz
[ ] pelo
[x] cabeza
[ ] brazo
The Spanish word for head is cabeza.
8. Jeffrey had his ARM in a sling when I last saw him.
[x] brazo
[ ] oído
[ ] nariz
[ ] pelo
The Spanish word for arm is brazo.
9. She was certain that she had a splinter in her FOOT.
[ ] dedo
[x] pie
[ ] pelo
[ ] ojo
The Spanish word for foot is pie. Remember, it is pronounced as pē-ā and not like the pie in apple pie.
10. My NOSE is so sore from breathing in the pungent fumes.
[ ] pelo
[ ] boca
[ ] oreja
[x] nariz
The Spanish word for nose is nariz.