
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Vocabulary - This Is My Family! (Questions)

In the Spanish Easy Review All About People quiz you learned some vocabulary words about people in general such as man, woman, child and friend. However, in this Spanish Easy Review vocabulary quiz you will be reviewing words for specific family members.

To begin with, please pay particular attention to the Spanish word for daddy which is papá. As you can see, the last 'a' has an accent mark. If you do not use the accent mark and write papa in Spanish you will be saying potato! This is just another example of why that little accent mark is so important to use and to remember where to use it. In addition, whereas papá is a masculine word, i.e., el papá, papa is a feminine word, i.e., la papa.


Let’s have a look at my family members.

English Spanish Pronounced (Phonetically) As
father (el) padre pă-drāy
daddy (el) papá pă-păă (There is a stronger emphasis placed on the second 'pa' because of the accent mark.)
mother (la) madre mă-drāy
mommy (la) mami mă-mē
son (el) hijo ē-hō (Notice the 'h' is silent and the 'j' sounds like an 'h'.)
daughter (la) hija ē-hă (Notice the 'h' is silent and the 'j' sounds like an 'h'.)
brother (el) hermano ěr-mă-nō (Notice the 'h' is silent.)
sister (la) hermana ěr-mă-nă (Notice the 'h' is silent.)
uncle (el) tío tē-ō
aunt (la) tía tē-ă
cousin (boy) (el) primo prē-mō
cousin (girl) (la) prima prē-mă
nephew (el) sobrino sō-brē-nō
niece (la) sobrina sō-brē-nă
grandfather (el) abuelo ă-bway-lō
grandmother (la) abuela ă-bway-lă
husband (el) esposo ā-spō-sō
wife (la) esposa ā-spō-să

Carefully review each member, the spelling of their name and their pronunciation. When you are ready, move on to the quiz section. There are ten sentences with a family member capitalized. From the answers provided, see if you can find the correct corresponding family member in either Spanish or in English.

1. Trish is Raymond’s COUSIN from Tennessee.
[ ] prima
[ ] sobrino
[ ] primo
[ ] sobrina
2. He was very proud of his SON for making the right decision!
[ ] abuela
[ ] hija
[ ] abuelo
[ ] hijo
3. For Valentine’s Day he bought his WIFE two dozen long-stemmed, red roses!
[ ] hermana
[ ] esposo
[ ] esposa
[ ] hermano
4. Daniel’s FATHER was hired as the new Mayor of the town.
[ ] papa
[ ] padre
[ ] madre
[ ] papá
5. Her NEPHEW dropped by to say good-bye before he left for the army.
[ ] hermano
[ ] hermana
[ ] sobrina
[ ] sobrino
6. Did you hear that Carl’s UNCLE got arrested?
[ ] abuela
[ ] tío
[ ] abuelo
[ ] tía
7. Natalie is Denise’s SISTER.
[ ] prima
[ ] primo
[ ] hermana
[ ] hermano
8. Taylor loves to go fishing with his GRANDFATHER.
[ ] abuelo
[ ] sobrino
[ ] sobrina
[ ] abuela
9. Marisa joined her DAUGHTER on stage.
[ ] esposo
[ ] esposa
[ ] hijo
[ ] hija
10. MOMMY, can I get a new doll?
[ ] madre
[ ] mami
[ ] prima
[ ] abuela
Spanish Easy Review Quiz - Vocabulary - This Is My Family! (Answers)
1. Trish is Raymond’s COUSIN from Tennessee.
[x] prima
[ ] sobrino
[ ] primo
[ ] sobrina
As Trish is a girl’s name you are looking for a feminine word. This means you can quickly eliminate the second and third answers as they are both masculine words. The Spanish word for a girl cousin is prima.
2. He was very proud of his SON for making the right decision!
[ ] abuela
[ ] hija
[ ] abuelo
[x] hijo
As a son is a boy you are looking for a masculine word. This means you can eliminate the first and second answers because they are both feminine words. The Spanish word for son is hijo.
3. For Valentine’s Day he bought his WIFE two dozen long-stemmed, red roses!
[ ] hermana
[ ] esposo
[x] esposa
[ ] hermano
Since a wife is a girl, you are looking for a feminine word. This means that you can quickly eliminate the second and last answers. The Spanish word for wife is esposa.
4. Daniel’s FATHER was hired as the new Mayor of the town.
[ ] papa
[x] padre
[ ] madre
[ ] papá
As a father is a male you can eliminate any feminine answers. The third answer is a feminine word so it can be eliminated and the first answer is the word for potato and it too is a feminine word so it can also be eliminated. Although both the second and last answers refer to father, the last answer is used mainly in place of daddy.
5. Her NEPHEW dropped by to say good-bye before he left for the army.
[ ] hermano
[ ] hermana
[ ] sobrina
[x] sobrino
As a nephew refers to a boy you can eliminate any feminine words. This means that the second and third answers are not what you are looking for. In Spanish, the word for nephew is sobrino.
6. Did you hear that Carl’s UNCLE got arrested?
[ ] abuela
[x] tío
[ ] abuelo
[ ] tía
As an uncle refers to a male, you can eliminate any feminine answers. The first and last answers are both feminine so they are not the correct family member. The Spanish word for uncle is tío.
7. Natalie is Denise’s SISTER.
[ ] prima
[ ] primo
[x] hermana
[ ] hermano
As Natalie is a girl you know that you can eliminate any masculine answers. The second and last answers are both masculine so they are not the correct family member. The Spanish word for sister is hermana.
8. Taylor loves to go fishing with his GRANDFATHER.
[x] abuelo
[ ] sobrino
[ ] sobrina
[ ] abuela
As a grandfather is male you can eliminate any feminine answers. The third and last answers are both feminine so they are not the correct family member. The Spanish word for grandfather is abuelo.
9. Marisa joined her DAUGHTER on stage.
[ ] esposo
[ ] esposa
[ ] hijo
[x] hija
As a daughter refers to a girl you can eliminate any masculine answers. Both the first and third answers are masculine and not the correct family member. The Spanish word for daughter is hija.
10. MOMMY, can I get a new doll?
[ ] madre
[x] mami
[ ] prima
[ ] abuela
As mommy is a girl you can eliminate any masculine answers. However, all answers given are feminine. The first answer means mother. The second answer means cousin and the last answer means grandmother.