
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Deep Blue Sea (Questions)

In this Spanish Medium Review picture quiz you will be looking at items that can be found under the deep blue sea! Do you like to go swimming, diving, boating? Did you know that about 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water? That’s a lot of area to have fun in and to explore! Can you just imagine the number of living organisms and creatures that live in all of that water?

Well, now you can begin to imagine being able to name those creatures of the sea in Spanish? How about naming just a few along with some of the activities that involve water? That is what this quiz is all about. The deep blue sea and the wonders found there! So put your swimming caps on and dive into this really quick picture quiz. You are diving to find the Spanish translation to each of the capitalized words found in the sentences. Have fun!

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1. This DIVER is swimming near the corals!
[ ] cazador
[ ] buzo
[ ] panadero
[ ] carnicero
2. This CRAB wants to say, 'hello'!
[ ] camarón
[ ] langosta
[ ] cangrejo
[ ] vieira
3. What do you think she HEARS in that shell?
[ ] oye
[ ] significa
[ ] intenta
[ ] copia
4. Wow! A yellow SEAHORSE!
[ ] bagre
[ ] estrella de mar
[ ] caballito de mar
[ ] pez espada
5. Okay, what kind of a FISH is this?
[ ] raya
[ ] pulpo
[ ] anguila
[ ] pez
6. This JELLYFISH is upside down.
[ ] tiburón
[ ] trucha
[ ] medusa
[ ] atún
7. That is a tail of a WHALE!
[ ] tortuga
[ ] ballena
[ ] delfín
[ ] gaviota
8. I believe these are sea WORMS.
[ ] hormigas
[ ] arañas
[ ] escarabajos
[ ] gusanos
9. Two blue STARFISH waiting for the tide to come back in.
[ ] estrella de mar
[ ] patalear
[ ] caballa
[ ] caballito de mar
10. Man and whale love to SWIM!
[ ] sonreír
[ ] bucear
[ ] entregar
[ ] nadar
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Deep Blue Sea (Answers)
1. This DIVER is swimming near the corals!
[ ] cazador
[x] buzo
[ ] panadero
[ ] carnicero
The first answer means hunter. The third answer means baker and the last answer means butcher. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, buzo is Spanish for diver.
2. This CRAB wants to say, 'hello'!
[ ] camarón
[ ] langosta
[x] cangrejo
[ ] vieira
The first answer means shrimp. The second answer means lobster and the last answer means scallop. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, cangrejo does mean crab.
3. What do you think she HEARS in that shell?
[x] oye
[ ] significa
[ ] intenta
[ ] copia
The second answer means 'means'. The third answer means tries and the last answer means copies. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, oye does mean hears.
4. Wow! A yellow SEAHORSE!
[ ] bagre
[ ] estrella de mar
[x] caballito de mar
[ ] pez espada
The first answer means catfish. The second answer means starfish and the last answer means swordfish. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, caballito de mar does mean seahorse.
5. Okay, what kind of a FISH is this?
[ ] raya
[ ] pulpo
[ ] anguila
[x] pez
The first answer means stingray. The second answer means octopus and the third answer means eel. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, pez does mean fish.
6. This JELLYFISH is upside down.
[ ] tiburón
[ ] trucha
[x] medusa
[ ] atún
The first answer means shark. The second answer means trout and the last answer means tuna. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, medusa does mean jellyfish.
7. That is a tail of a WHALE!
[ ] tortuga
[x] ballena
[ ] delfín
[ ] gaviota
The first answer means turtle. The third answer means dolphin and the last answer means seagull. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, ballena does mean whale.
8. I believe these are sea WORMS.
[ ] hormigas
[ ] arañas
[ ] escarabajos
[x] gusanos
The first answer means ants. The second answer means spiders and the third answer means beetles. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, gusanos does mean worms.
9. Two blue STARFISH waiting for the tide to come back in.
[x] estrella de mar
[ ] patalear
[ ] caballa
[ ] caballito de mar
The second answer means flounder. The third answer means mackerel and the last answer means seahorse. Neither of these are the capitalized word. However, estrella de mar does mean starfish (or star of the sea).
10. Man and whale love to SWIM!
[ ] sonreír
[ ] bucear
[ ] entregar
[x] nadar
Notice that the base form of the verb is to be used here. The first answer means to smile. The second answer means to dive and the third answer means to deliver. Neither of these are the capitalized verb. On the other hand, nadar does mean to swim.