
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Reading Comprehension - I Can Read Spanish! (Quiz 4 - All Spanish) (Questions)

At last you have reached the final quiz in this series of I Can Read Spanish! quizzes. Each one has stretched your brain to go back and forth between English and Spanish. It’s a game of training the brain to be able to comprehend, and eventually comprehend very quickly, between the two languages. Now in this quiz, which will probably be the hardest, your brain won’t be going back and forth between English and Spanish. Rather, this quiz is dedicated solely to being able to read and think in Spanish. What does that mean? It means that this Spanish Medium Review quiz you will test your reading comprehension because it will all be in Spanish!


The quiz, again, contains ten Spanish sentences. Each of those sentences has a blank space within it that will need to be filled in to complete the sentence. As always, there are four possible answers. Note that even the answers are in Spanish. The ping-pong game has just gone up a couple of notches!

If you would like to look back at the previous three I Can Read Spanish! quizzes in this series before moving on, please do so now. They will help the brain play that ping-pong game. This one will still help the brain play it – only the game should begin to speed up so that you are not even consciously aware that the game is going on. When you are ready for this quiz, roll up your sleeves, get in a good position and then GAME ON!

1. Ella planchó sus ____.
[ ] camisas
[ ] bolsas
[ ] nietos
[ ] trabajos
2. El secretario ____ los números.
[ ] castigó
[ ] lloró
[ ] añadió
[ ] aplazó
3. Raymond mata ____.
[ ] planetas
[ ] estómagos
[ ] mueble
[ ] arañas
4. La bandera americana es de color rojo, blanco y ____.
[ ] oro
[ ] azul
[ ] verde
[ ] granate
5. Cincuenta y treinta es ____.
[ ] veinte
[ ] noventa
[ ] cuarenta
[ ] ochenta
6. El baterista juega la ____.
[ ] flauta
[ ] arpa
[ ] batería
[ ] banjo
7. Pedro ganó el ____.
[ ] juego
[ ] tejón
[ ] servilleta
[ ] semilla
8. Ellos lavaron sus ____.
[ ] pollos
[ ] manos
[ ] palas
[ ] ciudad
9. Los niños rompieron la ____.
[ ] cuchara
[ ] saltamontes
[ ] cama
[ ] arco iris
10. Una hormiga es ____.
[ ] divertido
[ ] grande
[ ] amarillo
[ ] pequeña
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Reading Comprehension - I Can Read Spanish! (Quiz 4 - All Spanish) (Answers)
1. Ella planchó sus ____.
[x] camisas
[ ] bolsas
[ ] nietos
[ ] trabajos
This sentence reads: She ironed his ____. The first answer means shirts. The second answer means purses. The third answer means grandsons and the last answer means works. The word that fits into the blank is camisas (shirts).
2. El secretario ____ los números.
[ ] castigó
[ ] lloró
[x] añadió
[ ] aplazó
This sentence reads: The secretary ____ the numbers. The first answer means punished. The second answer means cried. The third answer means added and the last answer means procrastinated or postponed. Clearly, the answer that best fits into the sentence is añadió for added.
3. Raymond mata ____.
[ ] planetas
[ ] estómagos
[ ] mueble
[x] arañas
This sentence reads: Raymond kills ____. The first answer means planets. The second answer means stomachs. The third answer means furniture and the last answer means spiders. It is unlikely that Raymond with kill the items mentioned in the first, second or third answers but he would kill arañas (spiders).
4. La bandera americana es de color rojo, blanco y ____.
[ ] oro
[x] azul
[ ] verde
[ ] granate
This sentence literally reads as: The flag American is of the color red, white and ____. The first answer means gold. The second answer means blue. The third answer means green and the last answer means maroon. The flag of America is red, white and blue. This means that the second answer is the correct word. The more English way to translate this sentence is: The American flag is red, white and blue.
5. Cincuenta y treinta es ____.
[ ] veinte
[ ] noventa
[ ] cuarenta
[x] ochenta
This sentence reads: Fifty and thirty is ____. The first answer is 20. The second answer is 90. The third answer is 40 and the last answer is 80. The correct answer is 80.
6. El baterista juega la ____.
[ ] flauta
[ ] arpa
[x] batería
[ ] banjo
This sentence reads: The drummer plays the ____. The first answer means flute. The second answer means harp. The third answer means drum and the last answer means banjo. Clearly, a drummer plays the drum.
7. Pedro ganó el ____.
[x] juego
[ ] tejón
[ ] servilleta
[ ] semilla
This sentence reads: Peter won the ____. The first answer means game. The second answer means badger. The third answer means napkin and the last answer means seed. The answer that best fits into the sentence to complete it is: Pedro ganó el juego. In English that is: Peter won the game.
8. Ellos lavaron sus ____.
[ ] pollos
[x] manos
[ ] palas
[ ] ciudad
This sentence reads: They washed their ____. The first answer means chickens. The second answer means hands. The third answer means pails and the last answer means city. The only answer that fits into the sentence is the second answer so that the sentence reads: They washed their hands.
9. Los niños rompieron la ____.
[ ] cuchara
[ ] saltamontes
[x] cama
[ ] arco iris
This sentence reads: The children broke the ____. The first answer means spoon. The second answer means grasshopper. The third answer means bed and the last answer means rainbow. The best answer to complete the sentence is the third answer so that the sentence reads: The children broke the bed.
10. Una hormiga es ____.
[ ] divertido
[ ] grande
[ ] amarillo
[x] pequeña
This sentence reads: An ant is ____. The first answer means funny. The second answer means large. The third answer means yellow and the last answer means small. The best answer that fits into this sentence is the last answer so that the sentence reads: An ant is small. Notice that since the Spanish word for ant is a feminine word, so too must the adjective be feminine.